
At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

author:History of the Brain Hole

The source of this article is the public number: brain hole history

On April 18, 1999, General Ye Fei, one of the founding generals, died of illness, and a bullet was found in his cremated ashes. The bullet shot into Ye Fei's body when he was 19 years old, 66 years after his death.

At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

Born in 1914 to an overseas Chinese family in the town of Awang, The Philippines, Ye Fei was sent back to his hometown in China at the age of 5 and raised by his mother, and has been in China ever since. Ye Fei's identity as an overseas Chinese gave him the title of "Overseas Chinese General".

Among the founding generals, in addition to General Ye Fei of the Philippines, there are also Lieutenant General Lu Sheng, Lieutenant General Tian Zhuang, Major General Wu Keyuan, major general Chen Qingshan, a returned overseas Chinese from Singapore, major general Tang Feng, a returned overseas Chinese in Russia, Major General Ye Songsheng from Indonesia, and Major General Zeng Sheng, a returned overseas Chinese from Australia, a total of 8 people.

However, General Ye Fei's love affair with China did not end because he was not born in China, and when Ye Fei was five years old, he was sent back to China by his father for education.

In 1928 he joined the Communist Youth League of China, and since then he has been doing secret work for our party.

In May 1930, the special task force of our party robbed the prison in Xiamen and successfully rescued a group of imprisoned comrades, which caused a large-scale search and arrest in Xiamen. After Ye Fei was arrested, he was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the court for "being young and ignorant and misguided." After his release from prison, Ye Fei was transferred to Fu'an County to engage in underground activities.

On May 28, 1933, Ye Fei led more than 50 people, including the Workers' and Peasants' Self-Defense Force in Banling Village, to launch the "Huotong Rebellion" recorded in the history of the Revolution in eastern Fujian, which made him famous.

However, the closest danger to Death during his combat career also occurred in the winter of that year. Because his name had been written down by the secret service of the Kuomintang.

There is a ferry port called Lion's Head in Fu'an County, eastern Fujian, which is about 30 kilometers away from the county seat, and is a necessary place for Saiqi to Fu'an. There is an inn at this port called "Lion's Head Guest House", which is an underground transportation station.

At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

In November 1933, the 19-year-old Ye Fei went to Fu'an County at the request of the organization and contacted the local comrades. Near noon, he arrived at the inn one step ahead, at this time the downstairs was already full of diners, Ye Fei came to a private room on the second floor, waiting for the arrival of the joint comrade.

He deliberately chose to sit in the place by the window, whether to look into the distance, hoping that the comrade would come sooner. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps came, and he guessed that comrade Joint had arrived, and his eyes glanced at the door.

Ye Fei was subdued by the enemy before he could react, and the opponent fired a shot at his head, the bullet came out of the side of his face, if it was a little, Ye Fei would have his head blossoming.

After the three agents headshot Ye Fei, they searched him, and finally took the important notebook he was carrying, and then planned to leave.

Probably out of the secret agent's unique vigilance, one of the three of them, the unsettled Ye Fei's life and death, deliberately stayed a little longer. Then, he saw Ye Fei move his head. Therefore, this person called out to his two accomplices loudly, saying that Ye Fei was not dead.

Therefore, the three of them went back and forth, and three shots were fired at Ye Fei's body. The three shots were fired at his head, chest and arms.

Originally, the three agents still wanted to continue to make up the gun against General Ye Fei, at this time, the shopkeeper and everyone panicked and scurried around, the three agents saw that the situation was not good, if they did not leave at this time, it would be difficult to get out, so they hurriedly withdrew.

Coincidentally, a nearby party organization found Ye Fei and moved him to a temporary safe place.

At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

Then a doctor was summoned from the town, and Ye Fei's gunshot wound was cured, but the bullets located in his head and chest could not be removed for a while.

Ye Fei was not safe to stay in the village, the enemy learned of his identity, turned back to plan to cut off his head, found that Ye Fei was missing, was searching for him everywhere, the Kuomintang agents controlled the intersection of dozens of miles, it was too difficult to send Ye Fei out.

At this time, a revolutionary woman said that there was a local custom of women returning to their mother's house in a palanquin, and if General Ye Fei was willing to dress up as a woman and then find a reliable comrade to carry Ye Fei out of the enemy-occupied area, he could let General Ye Fei receive timely medical assistance.

What should I do if General Ye Fei is unconscious? At this time, a local comrade directly said that it was important to save people, and suddenly everyone immediately took action and dressed Ye Fei as a woman, and in this way, Ye Fei would escape!

During the agrarian revolution, Ye Fei successively served as secretary of the CPC Mindong Special Committee, chairman of the Mindong Military and Political Committee, and political commissar of the Mindong Independent Division of the Red Army.

In October 1935, the "Provisional Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces" was temporarily formed, with Liu Ying as secretary, Su Yu as the director of organization, and Ye Fei as propaganda director.

At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

Ye Fei did not want to be under Liu Ying's command, he proposed to leave the Fujian-Zhejiang Border Provisional Provincial Committee, Liu Ying learned of it, gave su Yu an order, he in the name of the Fujian-Zhejiang Provisional Provincial Committee, asked Su Yu to meet with Ye Fei, ye Fei detained, sent to the provisional provincial party committee.

In the autumn of 1936, Su Yu received a written order sent by Liu Ying, clearly informing him that he must think of detaining Ye Fei and escorting him to the headquarters, and warning Su Yu that if he delayed or otherwise affected the execution of the order, it would be regarded as a confrontation and splitting of the provincial party committee, and he must bear all the consequences arising therefrom. At the same time, Liu Ying also sent a team of armed supervisors to carry out this order.

Su Yu was ordered to detain Ye Fei, who had come to discuss the war, but on the way to escort him to the provincial party committee, he was attacked by the "nationalist army", and Ye Fei took the opportunity to escape. Su Yu raised his hand and shot at Ye Fei's leg, but Ye Fei also escaped smoothly.

Ye Fei did not get out of danger at this time, because in front of him was a very high and deep cliff, at this time the enemy was surrounded, and the situation at that time only gave him two ways, one was to jump down, and the other was to become a prisoner.

Ye Fei chose the former, and he jumped down with another comrade-in-arms, this year, Ye Fei was 22 years old.

Perhaps it was really the care of the gods, Ye Fei jumped off the cliff and happened to hang on the tree, so he was not thrown to death, and after dark, the two of them walked for five days and five nights despite the pain, and finally returned to the base area of eastern Fujian.

In 1937, the Outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Red Army in eastern Fujian was reorganized into the New Fourth Army and put into the anti-Japanese battlefield, Ye Fei served as the commander of the sixth regiment of the third detachment, successively launched anti-Japanese fighting fronts in Wuxi, Jiangyin, Yangzhou, Taizhou and other places, and participated in the opening up of anti-Japanese base areas in northern Jiangsu.

At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

  After the Anhui Incident, Ye Fei was appointed brigade commander and political commissar of the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the New Fourth Army, participating in the command of the anti-"sweeping work in the central Soviet Region, and in 1945, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Ye Fei was promoted to commander of the Central Soviet Military Region.

In the winter of 1946, when most of the enemy's forces were thrown into the northern Jiangsu battlefield, the Shandong Field Army was preparing to take the opportunity to annihilate the enemy's 69th Division north of Suqian. When he led a column to divide the enemy's team, but also let himself also fall into the enemy's encirclement, the result was that the friendly troops actually withdrew. Ye Fei immediately came to a counter-charge unexpectedly. This time, General Ye Fei's counter-charge not only allowed the first column to escape from the enemy's heavy encirclement, but also took advantage of the situation to completely annihilate the enemy's 69th Division, setting a precedent for annihilating one division of the enemy in one battle since the Liberation War.

Later, he led his troops to participate in the Battle of Laiwu, the Battle of Menglianggu, the Battle of Eastern Henan, the Battle of Jinan, the Battle of Huaihai and other important battles.

On May 25, 1949, Ye Fei, who had just participated in the campaign to liberate Shanghai, was summoned by Chen Yi and conveyed to him the central government's mission to advance into Fujian.

However, in the Battle of Kinmen, although the People's Liberation Army was not afraid of danger and fought heroically, it was difficult to recover the situation because it was outnumbered and support was not followed, and the two groups of landing troops totaled more than 7,000 people, and finally the entire army was destroyed.

Ye Fei wrote in his memoirs:

"Although I was not punished for the defeat of kinmen, I had a heavy burden of thought, and I could only actively prepare to attack kinmen again and make meritorious atonement for my sins." However, in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the central authorities called and lifted the task of the Fujian front to attack Kinmen again... In this way, I lost the opportunity to attack the Golden Gate again, and the ideological baggage was heavier. When I again asked the Central Committee for punishment, Chairman Mao said that the defeat of Kinmen was not a matter of punishment, but a question of accepting lessons. ”
At the age of 19, he was shot four times and did not die, at the age of 22 he jumped off a cliff and was rescued, and at the age of 41, he became a founding general

After liberation, Ye Fei achieved outstanding military achievements, was awarded the founding lieutenant general, and successively held various important positions in the country. However, although he held an important position, he never used his position to seek ill-gotten gains.

In 1999, General Ye Fei died of illness in Beijing, and before his death, General Ye Fei left a will to his children, the original text of which is as follows:

First, to become talented on the basis of domestic talent, it is not necessary to study overseas; second, it is not allowed to use the relationship between parents to go to the sea to do business for profit; third, it is forbidden to have relations with overseas Chinese and foreign Chinese because of private interests.

This will shows General Ye Fei's stern family style and his noble quality of selflessness, and General Ye Fei's life is honest and honest, and he never forgets his official duties because of his private interests.

Time flies, the white colt passes through the gap, the hero will eventually leave us, but his spirit will always be sealed in our memory, and their deeds will also inspire every Chinese with unlimited patriotic feelings, and the past can still feel the general's style in the old paper pile.

Greetings, General Ye Fei!