
Directory of Presidents of Guangxi Universities (Outside the District)

author:Outside the Guangxi

Directory of the Republic of China:

01: Yu Shimei (1853-1916): A native of Hezhou, one of the founders of Beijing Normal University (Peking University).

02: Long Zehou (1860-1946): Lingui of Guilin, supervisor of Chaoshan University

03: Cen Chunxuan (1861-1933): A native of Baise Xilin, one of the founders of Shanxi University Hall (Shanxi University).

04: Ma Junwu (1881-1940): A native of Gongcheng, Guilin, president of Beijing University of Technology and president of Daxia University

05: Li Jishen (1885-1959): Cangwuren, Wuzhou, vice principal and acting principal of the Whampoa Military Academy

06: Su Jiarong (1895-1945): A native of Fujian County, Wuzhou, the principal of Shanghai Geological School

07: Lei Yin (1886-1972): A native of Nanning, president of Harbin University of Political Science and Law and president of Republic of China University

08: Bai Pengfei (1889-1948): A native of Guilin, president of Jinan University

09: Chen Zhuzun (1890-1944): Yulin Beiliu, President of Anhui University

10: Gao Xianjian (1893-1961): A native of Guilin, dean of Sichuan Provincial Institute of Education (Southwest University).

11: Feng Zhen (1897-1983): Yulin Beiliuren, Acting President of Wuxi National College (Soochow University).

12: Huang Puxin (1899-1988): A native of Hezhou, president of Fujian University

13: Zhu Yuanmou (1913—): Lingui, Guilin, dean of Chongqing Longshan Agricultural Business School

985, 211 Key Universities Directory:

01: Chen Manyuan (1911-1986): A native of Mengshan, Wuzhou, president of China Agricultural University

02: Zhong Fuxiang (1911-1992): Yulin Beiliuren, President of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

03: Nong Kang (1912-1982): Chongzuo Newcomer, President of Nanchang University

04: Gao Shike (1916—): A native of Yulin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning University

05: Zou Yu (1920-): Yulin Bobai, President of China University of Political Science and Law

06: Luo Bingzheng (1929-2009): WuMingren, Nanning, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central University for Nationalities

07: Huang Bingjing: Baise Debaoren, Party Secretary of Xinjiang University

08: Wei Yu (1940-): A native of Guilin, president of Southeast University

09: Su Zhiwu (1955-): A native of Guilin, Party Secretary and President of Communication University of China

10: Jiang Shuzhuo (1955-): A native of Guanyang, Guilin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinan University

11: Rong Shixing (1956—): Baise Jingxi, President of minzu University of China and Secretary of the Party Committee of Ningxia University

12: Tan Shigui (1962-): A native of Mengshan, Wuzhou, president of Hainan University

13: Pu Jinglong (1912-1997): A native of Qinzhou, Vice President of Sun Yat-sen University

14: Ma Yuyi (1917-2007): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

15: Li Jiabao (1932—): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Hunan University

16: Liang Tingwang (1937-): A native of Mashan, Nanning, Vice President of minzu University of China

17: Mo Xuanxue (1938-): Liuzhou Rongshuiren, Vice President of China University of Geosciences

18: Han Dajian (1940-): Beihai Hepuren, Vice President of South China University of Technology

19: Qin Youtu (1945—): Baise Tian Dongren, Vice President of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

20: Wei Sui (1946-): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Anhui University

21: Li Naifu (1953-): A native of Nanning, Vice President of Hohai University

22: Huang Fengxian (1960—): A native of Mashan, Nanning, Vice President of minzu University of China

23: Wang Weicai (1960-): Beihai Hepu, Vice President of Tibet University and Vice President of University of Science and Technology Beijing

24: Zhang Zhengang (1963-): Born in Liuzhou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of South China University of Technology

List of Undergraduate Universities:

01: Shi Chaoyong (1899-1968): A native of Teng County, Wuzhou, he was the president of Soochow University in Taiwan

02: Lei Jingtian (1904-1959): A native of Nanning, president of East China University of Political Science and Law

03: Zhu Guang (1906-1969): Yulin Bobai, President of Guangzhou Medical University

04: Chen Yibai (1909-1993): Yulin Beiliuren, President of Guangzhou Normal University

05: Zhang Ying (1914-1984): A native of Lingchuan, Guilin, dean of Nanjing Institute of Foreign Languages

06: He Fuzhao (1917-2006): A native of Guanyang, Guilin, president of Changsha Jiaotong University

07: Zhu Lanqing (1917—): A native of Pubei, Qinzhou, president of Lingnan Normal University

08: Huang Ping (1918-1997): A native of Pubei, Qinzhou, president of Kunming Medical University

09: Li Hongmo (1918-2003): Yulin Ren, President of Anhui Labor University (Vice President of Anhui Agricultural College)

10: Li Huiming (1922—): Yulin Bobai, Dean of Nanjing Institute of Geology

11: Chen Shubai (1929-2013): Fangchenggang people, president of the International University of Science and Technology

12: Mo Zinan: Hezhou Zhaoping, dean of Hubei Institute of Technology

13: Wu Jicai (1930-2011): Fangchenggang Dongxingren, President of Yunnan Normal University

14: Ou Jinhan (1933-): A native of Longzhou, Chongzuo, the president of Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation College

15: Yang Zhenzong (1936—): A native of Rong County, Yulin, the president of Guizhou Institute of Technology

16: Li Tianping (1937-2011): Yulin Bobai, President of Shaoguan University (Vice President of Guangdong University for Nationalities)

17: Ouyang Pingkai (1945-): Born in Guilin, President of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology

18: Ho Si Qian (1947-2009): A native of Teng County, Wuzhou, president of the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies

19: Wang Zhifeng (1948—): A native of Guilin, dean of Nanchang Institute of Technology and dean of Jiangxi Institute of Science and Technology

20: Ye Guoxiong (1951—): A native of Guilin, president of Shandong University of Physical Education and president of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education

21: Dawn (1957—): Lu Chuanren of Yulin, President of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

22: Yang Zhijian (1959-): Cangwuren of Wuzhou, President of the Open University of China

23: Chen Xiaogang (1962-): A native of Hengxian County, Nanning, president of Anshan Normal University

24: Fan Luo (1916-2012): A native of Pubei, Qinzhou, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Medical University

25: Lin Langtian (1916-1995): Beihai, Party Secretary and Dean of Zhengzhou Grain College

26: Lu Fan (1916-2003): Liuzhou Rongshuiren, Party Secretary and Dean of Wuhan Iron and Steel Institute

27: Chen Yanjian (1917-2000): A native of Liuzhou, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hangzhou University

28: Luo Wenhong (1920-1993): Beihai Hepu people, Party Secretary of South China Agricultural University

29: Liu Hengzhi (1920—): Cangwuren, Wuzhou, Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Xi'an Conservatory of Music

30: Li Qingjing (1929—): A native of Yulin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

31: Zhong Dufei (1930—): A native of Luchuan, Yulin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Normal University

32: Jiang Chaowen: A native of Cen Xi, Wuzhou, secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Normal University

33: Qin Jiaru: Baise Pingguoren, Party Secretary of Wuhan Institute of Geology

34: Su Shushan (1932-): Beihai Hepu people, Party Secretary and Dean of Guangdong Mechanical College

35: Zhang Shizhen (1933-): Yulin Bobai, Party Secretary of South China Tropical Crops College

36: Wei Shaocheng (1934—): A native of Xiangzhou, the Party Secretary of Hainan Medical College

37: Wei Siyan (1935-2002): A native of Shanglin, Nanning, Secretary of the Party Committee of South Central University for Nationalities

38: Feng Fuhai (1936-): A native of Rong County, Yulin, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of International Business

39: Deng Sijin (1939—): Yulin Bobai, Party Secretary of Baoding College

40: Yan Jiyi (1939-): a native of Nanning, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

41: Que Guanghuai (1941—): Yulin Bobai, Party Secretary of Beijing Wuzi University

42: Zhang Yang (1946-): A native of Qinzhou, Secretary of the Party Committee of Changsha University of Science and Technology

43: Liang Guanghua (1955-): A native of Luchuan, Yulin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities

44: Su Yifan (1957-): A native of Hengxian County, Nanning, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong University of Technology and Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Ocean University

45: Huang Tongqiu (1900-): Pingleren of Guilin, Vice President of The United Nations University College

46: Li Peiwen (1906-1985): Cangwuren, Wuzhou, Vice President of South China Agricultural University

47: Yang Qiuren (1907-1983): A native of Guilin, vice president of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

48: Cai Daozhang (1909-1989): A native of Luchuan, Yulin, vice president of Zhanjiang Branch of South China Agricultural College

49: Yang Sun (1909-2009): A native of Guilin, vice president of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

50: Li Zhiming (1913-2004): Baise Tian Dongren, Vice President of Zhejiang University of Technology

51: Yu Zhiding (1913-2007): A native of Hezhou, vice president of Hualian College

52: Xie Tongguan (1919-2008): Beihai Hepuren, Vice President of Ma'anshan Iron and Steel Institute

53: Mo Deguang (1920-1999): Yongfu of Guilin, Vice President of Shuren University

54: Ye Shouze (1920-2002): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Wuhan University of Water Resources and Electric Power

55: Chen Dai (1921-2006): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Shandong Radio and Television University

56: Zhong Xu: (1921—) Nanning Yongning people, vice principal of Baotou Normal College in Inner Mongolia

57: Wang Xulin (1923-1974): A native of Qinzhou, vice president of Guangdong University for Nationalities

58: Zhong Wenzong (1923—): A native of Mengshan, Wuzhou, vice president of Suzhou Silk Institute of Technology

59: Cai Rusen: Yulin Bobairen, Vice President of Guangzhou Medical University

60: Jiang Maoyan: Yulin Bobai, vice president of Beijing Anti-Chemical College

61: Huang Shiyong (1926-): A native of Hezhou, president of the Northern Jiaotong University

62: Wu Manxia (1935—): Zhaoping, Hezhou, Vice President of Guangzhou Normal University

63: Jiang Jiaqi (1935—): Lu Chuanren of Yulin, Vice President of Guangzhou Normal University

64: Tang Shangyi (1936—): Chongzuo ren, vice president of Guangdong University for Nationalities

65: Huang Chaokun: Guest Wu Xuanren, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong University for Nationalities

66: Lei Shizu (1937—): A native of Nanning, vice president of Xiangfan University

67: Xie Chengfa (1937—): Yulin ren, vice president of South China University of Tropical Agriculture

68: Liu Quansheng (1938-): A native of Jeonju, Guilin, vice president of the University of Maryland

69: Tang Qitian (1941-): A native of Hechi Du'an, Vice President of South Central University for Nationalities

70: Li Zelin (1942—): A native of Liucheng, Liuzhou, vice president of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts

71: Chen Jingdong (1943-): Beihai Hepu people, vice principal of Hainan Shitong Normal College

72: Huang Dong (1946—): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Henan Radio and Television University

73: Ma Jihua (1954-): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Wuhan University of Science and Technology

74: Yang Guolu (1955-): Zhaoping, Hezhou, Vice President of Wuhan University of Water Resources and Electric Power

75: Liu Jiangnan (1955-): Lu Chuanren of Yulin, Vice President of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education

76: Huang Min (1955—): A native of Hengxian County, Nanning, Vice President of Dalian Medical University

77: Huang Qiming (1961-): A native of Guilin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

78: Du Yimin (1962—): Wu Mingren, Nanning, Vice President of West Yunnan University of Applied Technology

79: Li Jiang (1962-): Shanglinren, Nanning, Vice President of Guangdong Open University

80: Tong Guangzheng (1964-): A native of Guanyang, Guilin, vice president of Hainan Normal University

81: Tao Zhihong (1965—): A native of Nanning, Vice President of Beijing Information Science and Technology University

82: Luo Peng (1969-): A native of Guilin, Vice President of Guizhou Medical University

Directory of Party, Government, and Military Colleges and Universities:

01: Mo Wenhua (1910-2000): A native of Nanning, president of the Political College of the People's Liberation Army

02: Deng Sizhi (1915—): Fangchenggang native, dean of Zhengzhou Information Engineering College of the People's Liberation Army

03: Guo Qihui (1915-): A native of Liucheng, Liuzhou, he is the president of the Taiwan Engineer College

04: Yan Dejun (1928—): A native of Yulin, vice president of Hubei Police College

05: Huang Yaoyu (1931-): A native of Hepu, Beihai, he is the principal of the Taiwan Army Officer School (Whampoa Military Academy).

06: Huang Binglin: Nanning Wu Mingren, president of the Taiwan Army War College

07: Jiang Yuanke (1932-): A native of Hezhou, vice president of the Hefei Command College of the Armed Police

08: Lu Xinggu (1944-): A native of Lingshan, Qinzhou, vice president of the PLA Information Engineering University

09: Huang Zhicheng (1952-): A native of Hengxian County, Nanning, vice president of the 12th Flight Academy of the Air Force

10: Liu Yuejin (1959-): Born in Guilin, Vice President of the Armed Police Academy of China

11: Tang Xuanzhong: Yulin Xingyeren, vice principal of the Cultural School of the Political Department of the Guangzhou Military Region

12: Gong Weilang: Guest Wu Xuanren, President of the Taiwan Military Police Academy

13: Xu Fengxiang (1908-1991): Pingleren of Guilin, President of Sichuan Party School and Secretary of the Party Committee

14: Li Liandong (1920-): Beihai Hepu people, vice president of Guangdong Economic Management Cadre College

15: Chen Chaobao (1928—): a native of Beihai, vice president of Guangdong Economic Management Cadre College

16: Huang Chengbo: Baise Debaoren, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan Geological Management Cadre College of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources

17: Bei Yang: Hezhou Zhaoping people, Party Secretary of Guangdong Agricultural Management Cadre College

18: Liang Yonggeng: Beihai Hepu people, dean of Beijing Water Conservancy and Hydropower Management Cadre College

19: Lü Bing: A native of Yulin Luchuan, vice principal of Guangzhou Industrial And Trade Infrastructure Cadre School

20: Yang Zurun: Hechi people, vice president of the Central Cultural Management Cadre College

21: Xie Qihuang (1941—): Guest, Dean of the Central Academy of Ethnic Management Cadres and Secretary of the Party Committee

22: Tang Zeen (1951-): Beihai Hepu people, vice president of Anhui Socialist College

23: Yang Chaoren (1952—): A native of Yulin, Vice President of Shenzhen Institute of Administration

24: Deng Wei (1955—): A native of Guilin, vice president of Hunan Administrative College

25: Zhao Jie (1961—): A native of Yulin, executive vice president of the Party School of China Southern Power Grid

26: Zhang Zhengbao (1963—): A native of Hengxian County, Nanning, vice president of Guiyang Administrative College

27: Lu Jianjun (1964—): A native of Xiangzhou, Vice President of Hainan University of Political Science and Law

28: Jiang Bo (1968-): A native of Nanning, Vice President of the Party School of China Agricultural University

List of Colleges and Universities Outside the Region:

01: Liang Jian: Liuzhou Rongshuiren, President of Hubei Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, Secretary of the Party Committee

02: Liang Zhaocheng: A native of Pubei, Qinzhou, he is the president of Guangzhou Amateur University

03: HangUlluo: Beihairen, principal of Beijing Chemical Industry School

04: Mo Guohua: Hezhou Zhaoping, Party Secretary of Changsha Radio and Television University

05: Zhai Zhanxuan (1920-2001): Guest, Vice President of Xinhua Institute of Technology of Shanxi Xinhua Chemical Company

06: Chen Guowu (1930-): a native of Liuzhou, Vice President of Tianjin Vocational College of Foreign Trade

07: Yi Zhun (1931-2006): Beihai ren, vice president of South China Amateur University of Literature and Art

08: He Xianzhong (1933—): A native of Guilin, Vice President of China University of Science and Technology Management

09: Huang Lunsheng (1955-): A native of Qinzhou, he is the president of Guangdong Vocational College of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce

10: Huang Dan (1956-): A native of Guangxi, the president of a branch school directly under Hunan Radio and Television University

11: Tang Xiaoming (1958-): A native of Guilin, vice president of Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College

12: Chen Qiaobai (1959—): Beiliu, Yulin, Vice President of Nanchang Vocational College

13: Geng Jingchao (1961-): a native of Beihai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Technology And Trade

14: Wei Mingti (1962-): Guest Wu Xuanren, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice President of Yunnan Tourism University

15: Liang Deping (1964-): A native of Lingshan, Qinzhou, vice president of Maoming Vocational and Technical College

16: Wei Rong (1964-): A native of Liuzhou, Secretary of the Party Committee of Heyuan Vocational and Technical College

17: Liang Guiyan (1968-): A native of Wuzhou, vice president of the College of Staff Engineering of the China Academy of Engineering Physics

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