
The Warriors started the firing, and Curry continued to bench! My response: Not important, the playing time will increase

On April 22, Beijing time, the Golden State Warriors announced the starting lineup against the Nuggets Series G3, Curry continued to substitute, and Poole continued to start. It is worth mentioning that the Warriors' starting five are: Poole, Thompson, Wiggins, Chasing Dreams, and Looney.

The Warriors started the firing, and Curry continued to bench! My response: Not important, the playing time will increase

In response, Curry said: "Hopefully I proved at the end of today's game that it really doesn't matter. Poole deserves praise as he has moved in and out of the starting line-up all season. ”

The Warriors started the firing, and Curry continued to bench! My response: Not important, the playing time will increase

At the same time, Curry also talked about his recent state, saying: "Every game I feel more and more like myself, trying to maintain the intensity of the game I need, ready to take a step in increasing the playing time in today's game." ”

Speaking about Curry, Kerr said: "Today, his playing time will increase a little bit, and he felt good in the first two games. There have been no games in the last few days and his injuries are recovering in full, so his playing time will increase. ”

The Warriors started the firing, and Curry continued to bench! My response: Not important, the playing time will increase

In today's training, Curry felt hot, throwing all the way from the free throw line to the center circle, hitting all six shots. In the first two games of the playoffs this season, Curry played off the bench, averaging 22.5 minutes per game, 25 points, 3 rebounds, 4 assists and 1 steal, shooting 50% from three-point range.

The Warriors started the firing, and Curry continued to bench! My response: Not important, the playing time will increase

Currently, the Warriors are leading their opponents 2-0 by a big score, and in today's game, the two sides will play at the home of the Nuggets.

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