
The cockscomb flesh is swollen, come and find out what the reasons are

author:Teacher Liang talks about aquaculture

The swelling of the chicken crown meat is not uncommon in breeding, and today Teacher Li gave you a summary. See which diseases can cause swelling in the crown of the chicken.

First, avian influenza: chicken crown and meat swollen, influenza accompanied by high fever so the crown is purple-red; the whole head, eyelid edema, tears. Autopsy on the scales of the legs bleeds, the mucous membrane of the serous membrane and internal organs of the whole body are severely and extensively bleeding, there is obvious swelling of the trachea and larynx, and there is blood secretion in the nostrils.

Prevention and control plan: vaccine prevention is the mainstay

Treatment: Pole Lick + Wan Hu Ning + Hu Du Kang, influenza special program

Second, poultry cholera: chicken crown hair, blue hair black hair purple, some diseased chicken hair on one side or both sides of the swelling is obvious, there is a feeling of heat and pain. This year's cholera incidence is relatively high, rainy, wet, everyone should pay attention. Most of the deaths are strong chickens and high-yield chickens, draining green thin dung; The autopsy changes to coronary fat bleeding, liver bleeding, diffuse bleeding from the duodenum, and chronically visible arthritis (joint swelling). Sick chickens can be injected with penicillin (50,000 units per kilogram).

Prevention programmes:

Sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, etc. can be done, and if possible, do susceptibility experiments to see which is more sensitive.

The cockscomb flesh is swollen, come and find out what the reasons are

Chicken crown meat hair is swollen, come and find out what the causes are

Third, chicken pox: skin-type chicken pox head, crown, meat drooping, mouth corners, eye rash; mucosal type chicken pox eyelid swelling, tearing, sticky secretions.

Skin-type chicken acne hairless skin and area, the inner wing of the acne rash, after death of necrosis there are scabs; mucosal type in the mouth and throat mucosa has white acne spots, protruding from the mucous membrane, fused with each other, the surface can form a yellow and white pseudofilm.

Prevention and control programme: high incidence areas, May-November, vaccination

Treatment: Monologue drinking water, 4 days + fighting mixture, 7 days

The cockscomb flesh is swollen, come and find out what the reasons are

Chicken crown meat hair is swollen, come and find out what the causes are

Iv. Coli: unilateral ophthalmia, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, with viscous discharge.

It can cause a variety of types of diseases, global ophthalmia is seen in chicks aged 30-60 days, causing blindness severely, as well as sepsis, air cystitis, chick umbilitis, arthritis and enteritis and other changes.

Prevention and control program: the conditions are difficult, so the feeding management should be in place

Treatment: Rod rick, a highly effective sensitive drug, used for 4 days.

V. Infectious rhinitis: unilateral eye swelling, swelling of the lower orbital and face, mycosteema. Adult chickens are most susceptible; Purulent foul-smelling secretions emanate from the nostrils, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal and infraorbital sinuses, accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the luminal sinuses, purulent secretions, sometimes cheese-like substances, opacification of the cornea, and atrophy of the eyeball.

Prevention and control program: vaccine immunization is the mainstay

Treatment: Hu Chang + Wan Hu Ning, rapid and effective control of rhinitis

The cockscomb flesh is swollen, come and find out what the reasons are

Chicken crown meat hair is swollen, come and find out what the causes are

Sixth, chicken septicae mycoplasma: face, eyes, sinuses swelling, tears, runny nose.

Nasal, suborbital acne and cleft palate accumulate large amounts of mucus and cheese-like substances; the air sacs are thickened, cloudy, and have foamy or yellow cheese-like substances; There are gray-red pneumonia lesions in the hilar part of the lungs.

Prevention and control plan: Wanhuning + pole rick, with chicken farm hygiene, ventilation, disinfection

The cockscomb flesh is swollen, come and find out what the reasons are

Chicken crown meat hair is swollen, come and find out what the causes are

Seven, swollen head syndrome: caused by avian pneumovirus, mainly causing respiratory symptoms, and influenza, laryngeal, E. coli, mycoplasma is not easy to distinguish. Edema around the head, face, and eyes,

Prevention and treatment plan: find the cause, symptomatic treatment.

VIII. VA deficiency: swelling of the eyes and face, lacrimation, nasal fluid. Swelling of the eyelids, softening or perforation of the cornea, depression of the eyeball, blindness, accumulation of cheese-like substances in the conjunctival sac, white millet-like nodules in the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus.

Prevention and control program: regular supplementation of cod liver oil, vitamin A

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