
"Dear Child" Douban open score 8.1 Nie Yuan: Impress the audience with sincerity 丨 Cover living room

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Xun Chao

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"Dear Child" Douban open score 8.1 Nie Yuan: Impress the audience with sincerity 丨 Cover living room

Stills from "Dear Little Kids"

Nie Yuan, actor. Representative works: TV series "Marrying the Wrong Flower Car", "The Granary of the World", "Sweat and Blood BMW", "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", "Yanxi Raiders", etc., the film "Guan Yunchang", "Embroidered Spring Knife", etc., has won the 5th "Popular TV Double Ten" and "Top 10 Actor Award", the "Most Popular Actor" of the University Tv Festival, the nomination of "Best Supporting Actor" of the 3rd Macao International Film Festival, the outstanding actor of "Chinese TV Good Actor" and the best actor of online drama.

At present, the reality drama "Dear Child" starring Nie Yuan's partner Qin Hao and Ren Suxi is being broadcast, and Douban has a score of 8.1. The drama is based on the movie "Left and Right", which tells the entanglement and choice of a divorced parent in order to save their daughter with leukemia.

In the play, Xie Tianhua, played by Nie Yuan, is calm and steady, affectionate and single-minded, and is well received by the audience. On April 20, Nie Yuan gave an exclusive interview to Cover News to share his understanding of the role.

True love

Let the audience immerse themselves in the drama

With bold themes, a focus on real problems, and the superb acting skills of powerful actors, the TV series "Dear Child" quickly triggered social discussions as soon as it was launched. The drama takes reality as the background, takes the family marriage relationship and parent-child relationship as the main axis, and through the bondage of one child and two families, it truly shows the audience a number of topics closely related to the current society, such as pregnancy and childbirth, novice parents, and differences in parenting concepts. The mixed emotions of anxiety, hardship, happiness and warmth presented in the play break the "filter" in the creation of the TV series and let everyone face the truth of life.

"Xie Tianhua", played by Nie Yuan, has a calm personality, although he lacks humor, he is particularly reliable and reassuring. He loves Fang Yinuo (Ren Suxi), not only is he extra considerate, but also loves Wu and Wu, and treats Fang Yinuo and the daughter of her ex-husband Xiao Lu (Qin Hao) as his own daughter, which is a model of a good man in people's mouths. With the precise positioning of the role and solid acting skills, Nie Yuan expressed the deep affection of the role to the fullest, and was praised for "a strong sense of immersion, making people immersed in the scene". Some netizens said: "Nie Yuan's performance is always credible, his performance is very real and natural, making people feel that 'Xie Tianhua' is like our relatives." ”

"Dear Child" Douban open score 8.1 Nie Yuan: Impress the audience with sincerity 丨 Cover living room

Stills from "Dear Little Kids"

In the interview, Nie Yuan attributed all this to the "good plot setting", but also in the sincere expression of the actors. "The reason why everyone thinks this play is tearful is because we act more sincerely." Nie Yuan admitted that it was quite tiring to shoot such a life flow scene. "If you don't do it accurately, everyone can see it at a glance." Pixel Tide is particularly hard, because she has too many entanglements, too many sad, sad scenes in this play, and she will act very hard. Only when you use your heart and feel the characters well, will there be so many emotional expressions. Otherwise, you only play a surface, and everyone will not look at it again. ”

Working with a good team and good actors, Nie Yuan is tired but very happy: "There are not so many scenes in this role, but working with people who are serious about filming, although it is very tired, but speaking of conscience, this is a very happy role, and the process of filming is also very happy." Ren Suxi previously praised Nie Yuan in an interview as a very hard worker, saying that everyone would get a script about two centimeters thick when they entered the group, and the script in Nie Yuan's hand could be as thick as four or five centimeters when shooting. The reason is that he reads the script and writes it and then labels it, such as his understanding of the plot, the perception of the characters, and the way and method of performance. After a scene was filmed, the script in Nie Yuan's hand was twice as thick.

Take control of the scales

"Crazy Devil" because of the character

In order to interpret the role well, Nie Yuan not only drilled deep into the script, but also went to see the movie "Left and Right". "I used to be reluctant to look at the previous works, but this time I watched 'Left and Right'. Director Wang Xiaoshuai found this theme and filmed this scene very well, and that wave of actors is also very good. Coupled with the limited space of the movie, the expression and interpretation of the TV series will be more detailed, and there will be more space for expression, so I went to see the movie. ”

The more he learned about the characters, the more Nie Yuan had to "control". "When filming this scene, I have been controlling myself and not expressing too much, especially when I was working with Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu to find a bone marrow match for Hehe, I always had a mentality to remind myself: 'You are not the biological father of the child, don't make a fuss'." This is a test of Nie Yuan's grasp of the performance measure, "This person is not good at where to act, he can't express it as bluntly as Xiao Lu, he can't 'pass', it is a bit fake, less and lacks warmth." ”

As a result, Nie Yuan paid a lot of attention to Fang Yinuo. "Whether it is loving Wu and Wu, or hurting this woman, my focus and attention remain on her." He won't say anything more, just be a down-to-earth person. In Nie Yuan's view, the role he plays is a "practical" character, "He impresses others either by mouth, or by paying and doing." "Xie Tianhua", who loves "Fang Yinuo" with his life, has touched countless audiences, "I just think that I may have been a little 'crazy demon' during that time of filming, immersed in the role all day long." ”

Filming "Dear Child" also made Nie Yuan harvest full. "When you treat others sincerely, the chemistry that others have with you is different. For example, the communication between me and Qin Hao and Su Xi and when we shoot the scenes is very sincere and direct, and I can feel their sincere expression of the characters and the acting, so we will explore many issues. Nie Yuan said that this kind of thing is not something that only relies on seriousness, it is only with your heart, and everyone really puts their whole body into it, so it will have the current effect.

"Dear Child" Douban open score 8.1 Nie Yuan: Impress the audience with sincerity 丨 Cover living room

Stills from "Dear Little Kids"


Nie Yuan: "This sense of realism is what many film and television dramas lack now"

Cover News: There are many powerful actors in the play, is it very enjoyable to play with them?

Nie Yuan: First of all, I think our producers, directors, and crew are very careful and have found a wave of very serious good actors, which is one of the reasons why I wanted to take this scene in the first place, I wanted to work with good actors.

In the process of filming, we think about how to perform the most life-like and real, a scene is not dependent on others to impress people, but on the truth, this sense of reality is now lacking in many film and television dramas. I also learned a lot from making "Dear Kid", and I also learned a lot from my rival actors and my partners that I felt like I had to make up.

Cover News: Every actor is particularly serious.

Nie Yuan: Not only seriously, everyone is really very engaged, really put themselves in it wholeheartedly, so it will have the current effect. You look at every detail in our play, look at the props, our scenes are very lifelike, very grounded. So no matter what the result will be, this drama is a play worth watching.

Cover News: Some netizens said that no one can refuse Xie Tianhua's gentleness, have you designed some eyes, actions and the like for this character?

Nie Yuan: To be honest, there is really no design, all of them are delicate and come out naturally. In fact, why do I learn it, I also hope to shoot more of this kind of good drama, even if it is hard, I am very happy. Especially when I see netizens commenting on this play, to feel this role, to feel every relationship, I feel particularly good.

The sense of substitution is particularly important, not to say how handsome and good-looking you are, but the appeal of the character, so that the audience believes in all this, it is very important, I hope the audience can read what each character sincerely wants to express.

Cover News: What do you want to convey to the audience through this character?

Nie Yuan: You see Xie Tianhua's sister Xie Dan, her kind of sharp teeth, sharp mouth, ordinary people seem to think that she is an unreasonable person, in fact, what she hides is her sister's love for her brother. Although she may be a little narrow-minded and a little egotistical, if you jump out and see, she is really an expression of affection, she just wants to be good for her brother, she just wants to protect him. Therefore, in this play, we should not only look at the surface, but also look at the content it wants to express, and the emotions hidden inside are not the same.

Cover News: Some people commented that the play was too real, and some people thought it would cause anxiety. What do you think?

Nie Yuan: When watching this play, the mentality is very important, and it is said that the drama comes from life, and these do exist in our lives, but we must use a correct and healthy mentality to understand it and dissolve it. I don't think this show is selling anxiety, but it just distills some of the more sensitive topics and problems in life.

We are not expanding the problems in life, but showing the real problems to everyone, and we must have a good attitude to deal with them. In fact, Xie Tianhua's anxiety, troubles, and pressure are not less than Xiao Lu's, but the tenacity in his body is what we want to express and praise.

(The picture of this article is based on the film side)

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