
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da

author:Matilda's flowers

Fu Seoul, a sober being in the world

1, the rules of the jianghu is that people take tea cold, tacit understanding dispersal, do not ask, ask is not to understand the rules.
2, when the child has 100 candies, how can she care about sharing, but when she only has two sugars, why do you ask her to be generous.
3, every point of your understanding of human feelings, every open-mindedness of love and love, is exchanged for disappointment.
4, the real inferiority is better than the false self-confidence, the stone can also grow tenacious grass, but the soap bubble can not bloom in the flower of confidence.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
5, time never speaks, but answers all questions.
6, love is not I dare to like and dare to leave. I cherish everything when I get it, and I try to let go when I lose it. I didn't let go of the electric flint, and I didn't admit it.
7, some people are used to miss, the most worthy of retention is the affectionate and reckless self.
8, those men find boring little things, is the love of women.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
9, too many people say to themselves that I am worthy, too few people say that I am not worthy.
10, he said he is not worthy, we say yes, he said he is stupid, we say roll; the person who hurts you will only hurt you repeatedly, don't waste time to forgive them, don't waste time resenting them, be kind to yourself.
11, growth, is the end you will find that there are everyone in the world, when you can be open-minded to face them, have the power to control anger, no longer delusional to forcibly change who, it will be your own new life. Take care of yourself, but do good deeds and do not cross others.
12 Because innocence has a price, you do not allow yourself to be naïve; because your affection is betrayed, you will never invest again; this sounds more sad than being slagged.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
13, life in addition to themselves, are all supporting roles.
14, there is no need to see through the red dust, because the red dust is originally broken.
15, in all relationships, know how to serve each other, take turns to bow their heads, and will not be scattered.
16, like is can't help but contact, not much contact is not like.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
17, the sixth sense is the eternal truth, trust intuition, you inexplicably feel that something is wrong, that must be wrong.
18) All "uneasiness" has a reason, not that you are sensitive, do not believe any depreciation of you, such as you are "jealous", "unreasonable", "emotional".
19, money can not explain all the problems, but can definitely explain some of the problems, all empty sweet words without any actual pay of likes are taking advantage!
20, Li Shi said that the human world is not worth it, but where can we go he did not say.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
21, people who can frequently guess your thoughts, may not be mentally sharp, women in love are stupid, it is easy to guess.
22 Gentleness is sometimes just his weapon.
23, some people just can't say break up, they don't have the consciousness of "aftercare", it is difficult to face their own thin feelings and hypocrisy, they drag on, push the fault on you, make you blame yourself, sad, toss and turn, and feel that you owe him... But it's okay, don't doubt yourself, you deserve a sincere and decent goodbye!
24, do not use "there will be better" to comfort yourself, whether there is better or not is not important, leaving him is a blessing.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
25, lost love, do not be sad alone, more with friends.
26, do not work hard to establish any contact, with you to be friends in order to continue to be friends, otherwise the old and dead do not interact with each other.
27, a relationship is over, we need to seek "autonomy", how he thinks is not important at all, what you think is important.
28, pain is inevitable, more is the anger of the overturning of the ship in their own gutter, over time, peace of mind, will pass.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
29 Seeing your true heart and what he means or teaches you is more valuable than suffering itself.
30, do not miss the heartless and unjust people, that is contempt for themselves.
31, no matter how strong people are, they have tasted the pain of love, and you are not alone.
32, rumors stop at the wise, do not stop at the mental retardation.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da
33, the child does not need you to tell him that the fairy tale is fake, he does not tell you that living is an illusion is not bad.
34, don't look down the crown will fall, don't collapse friends will laugh.
35, I look stable, hard personality, two eyes and one stare, grass and trees are soldiers, who dare to slag me, fish will not die but the net must be broken.
Fu Seoul – A native of Jingu Da

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