
Yan Shi's loving mother, Zhang Kaiying

author:Haian Tong Town RIwa

#Haian Headlines ##南通头条 #

Yan Shi's loving mother, Zhang Kaiying

I remember that I enrolled in Qutang Middle School in August 1967 to attend junior high school. According to the current academic system, the three junior high school students should graduate from junior high school in July 1970. But that year suddenly changed our class of students to Layue Graduation, and it was January 1971 when we came home with our junior high school diplomas.

I went to junior high school for three and a half years as a class leader for three and a half years, and I have been The class teacher of our class for three and a half years.

Teacher Zhang Kaiying is a short man, with a pair of dark and slippery eyes, a shriveled mouth, two small wine swirls on a smiling face, and a Mandarin with a Sichuan accent.

Teacher Zhang Kaiying taught us political literature lessons. I slowly learned that Teacher Zhang Kaiying is a high-achieving student at Chongqing Southwest Normal University. In the year after graduating from college, he became an enviable transfer student, was selected to be sent to the army, and soon married Zhang Yun, the commander of the artillery regiment. At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Zhang Yun was shocked, and his family was transferred from Nanjing Tangshan Artillery School to Qutang Middle School.

Zhang Yun is the vice principal in Quzhong, in fact, he only attends a few physical education classes every week. Somehow the Red Guards suddenly copied something from his dormitory that he thought was inappropriate and should not be preserved, and Zhang Yun was shocked and stood aside, and was arranged to work in the canteen to carry water for the school canteen. Every day, he carried an empty wooden barrel out of the west gate of the school, and then arrived at the West Bridge of Qutang Town, grabbed two buckets of water on the jump yard by the Shangguanyun Salt River, and trotted all the way back to the school canteen.

There was a big well in the school kitchen, and the water was not used. Not far south of the canteen there is also a water tower. After passing the water tower and further south, there is another large well at the east end of the teacher's dormitory. Water is not used. Asking Zhang Yun to carry water, in fact, I don't know which person who fought him came up with a bad idea to punish him. But Zhang Yun did not take the punishment to heart, but instead regarded carrying water as a pleasure. Every time he carried water, he used a nice Sichuan trumpet and carried two buckets of water to walk like a fly, which became a special landscape on the campus at that time.

At that time, we went to school in Quzhong, which was called opening the door to run a school, and learning engineering and agriculture. On the eve of the Ninth National Congress, the school organized teachers and students to march on the street, requiring every student to have a treasure statue. Teacher Zhang Kaiying assigned the task the day before, and we went home to make preparations. I found a piece of cardinal paper, then I found a small wooden stick, nailed the cardinal paper to it with small round nails, and a brand was made. But I couldn't find a ready-made portrait of Chairman Mao at home, so I found an eight-folio color portrait of Lin Biao wearing a military coat. I poured half a bowl of barley grits porridge on the bone paper, scraped it evenly with my hands, and then pasted the portrait of Lin Biao, held it up in the room, felt pretty good, and took it to school the next morning.

After the first class in the morning, the whole school teachers, students and staff lined up on the playground. When I held up The Portrait of Lin Biao, the problem came. Since it was a cloudy day, my family's grits porridge was too thin, and the moisture wet the bone paper, and the portrait of Lin Biao was held up in his hand, and the upper half of the face was pulled down. In full view of everyone, the situation is naturally not good. Fortunately, at this time, Teacher Zhang Kaiying came over and said in Sichuan dialect: "What did you do?" Why are you on the streets? Take it and go with it! I obediently followed her to her dormitory, and she put the "rotten" portrait of Lin Biao on the table and said, "Leave it here, leave it alone!" Then she handed me a white-iron colorful portrait of Chairman Mao and said, "Pick it up and go!" After the parade, Teacher Zhang Kaiying never mentioned Lin Biao's portrait again, and I did not dare to ask. Teacher Zhang Kaiying broke the siege for me at a critical moment.

When I was in school, Mr. Zhang Kaiying led our class to build a stove on the hill of the southwest side of the school to shoot the shooting range classroom. Because my father was a bricklayer, the task of masonry was naturally entrusted to me. I brought tools such as clay knives, mud trowels, ash buckets, etc. from home. More than 10 students were busy doing small work, and mud, transporting bricks. It took us an afternoon and finally got the stove in place. There was a classmate's parents working at the Bin Qu Hotel on Qutang Street, and this classmate and other students living on the street found many large bones from raw pork from various restaurants, transported them to the big stove, and put them in a pot to boil bone glue to make soap. Burned a lot of firewood and weeds made from old school desks and old benches, and not a single piece of soap was made. Now that decades have passed, look back and know that it was nonsense. However, at that time, we were very serious and found it very interesting. When the stove was burning vigorously, I don't know how many people were attracted to watch.

Yan Shi's loving mother, Zhang Kaiying

Teacher Zhang Kaiying took us to the north of Qutang Old Station to collect cotton and dry straw, took us to dig an air raid shelter in the playground west of the school, and took us to quya river to learn to swim.

I remember once in the afternoon and a half, our class was arranged to work in the vegetable field near the wall on the west side of the playground. Teacher Zhang Kaiying went to the principal's office for a meeting, because I was the squad leader, and according to the militarized organization, I was also the platoon leader of the 5th platoon of the second company of the Red Guards, and I was responsible for leading the team. After working for a while, I took a leave of absence from the deputy squad leader, slipped out of the west gate of the school, and ran to the barber shop on the east side of the Qutang Erhe Hotel to cut my hair for a dime. It doesn't take more than half an hour before and after, which can be described as unconscious. The deputy squad leader saw me coming back, made eye contact with me, and quietly slipped out to get a haircut. Originally, if the two of us didn't say a word, Teacher Zhang wouldn't have known or pretended not to know. Who knew that after the deputy squad leader returned, I looked at his haircut and always felt that it was not very neat. A classmate also ran over and said, what kind of head do you cut? Cut unevenly, cut off. I echoed the words, yes, cut off. This kind of talk, listen to it fiercely, don't mind. If you analyze it carefully and chew on the words, you will feel that it is a curse. The deputy squad leader was a man with a very smart head, and as soon as he heard it, he got angry and went up to me. He said, you only cut your head, you cut it off, you cut it off. No coincidence, just coincidence. Teacher Zhang Kaiying came to the labor site and said, "What are you two arguing about?" Tell the two of you to lead by example, a squad leader, a deputy squad leader, not good at leading the labor, but secretly throw down the line to desert the school gate to get a haircut. If you think about it, what is the nature of the question if it is a time of war. There is no organizational discipline at all. Really. "I stood there with the deputy class leader and didn't dare to come out, and I was fiercely trained by Teacher Zhang Kaiying in front of the whole class.

Teacher Zhang Kaiying demanded me strictly in thinking and studying, and cared for me like a loving mother in life. I went to school under her for three and a half years, and because my family was poor, she didn't ask me to pay a penny for the tuition fee, but she helped me to pay for me, and even the paper, pencil and other stationery she sent. At that time, her family was not rich, there were three children, and the eldest daughter seemed to remember her name zhang Yaling. There is also an old woman with a heavy Sichuan accent at home. My father sometimes went to Quzhong to do scattered tile work, and after the work, he helped his family pick up well water and chop wood, and did not want a penny from her family.

Later, Zhang Yun was transferred to Hu Centralized School as the vice principal, and the family also followed. Vice President Zhang Yun also took some bricklayer work in Huzhong to do for my father. When I was in high school, the school was busy in the autumn, and I followed my father to Huzhong during the holidays to do small work. Later, Zhang Yun was transferred to the county sports committee as a deputy director, and the family moved to Hai'an. The family lived in turmoil.

Later, due to the lack of communication at that time, I did not know where Zhang Kaiying's family had been transferred. Since then, I have lost contact with Zhang Kaiying's family. It was not until 2018, when the junior high school students wanted to gather, that they learned that Teacher Zhang Kaiying had been transferred to the Hai'an County Cultural and Labor Troupe for a period of time as the secretary of the party branch after working in Hu Concentrated School for a period of time, and then transferred to Nanjing with Zhang Yun.

Source, Aster