
Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart


The heart is the head of the five viscera,

Although it is only the size of a fist, its strength is amazing,

Calculated on an average of 70 contractions per minute, the contraction can reach 100,000 times per day,

Then, the amount of blood it beats every day is enough to fill a tank of oil to maintain blood circulation in the body.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

It is precisely because the heart is constantly beating that life can continue, which shows the importance of heart health.

However, in life, whether it is smoking, drinking, or staying up late to sleep, overeating, etc., it will damage the health of the heart. So, how do you know if your own heart is healthy?

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Number 1: Look at the tongue

The heart, open to the tongue, is a place that reflects the quality of the heart.

People with a healthy heart have a ruddy, soft and flexible tongue, a good sense of taste, and a fluent language.

Once the tongue appears dark purple, or there are ecchymosis, tongue moss turning white, etc., it is necessary to be alert to heart problems.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Number 2: Look at the lips

The color of our lips can also reflect whether the heart is healthy or not.

For people with a healthy heart, the lips should be moist, soft and pink.

Once the heart health problem occurs, the lips are prone to cyan or purple.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Number 3: Look at the face

The heart is healthy, the qi and blood are running well, and the face is red, yellow, faint, bright and moist, and there is blood color.

Once the heart is damaged, affecting the pumping and circulation, it is easy to cause facial puffiness, and even lead to facial muscle contraction disorders, which will lead to sluggish facial expressions and present a "poker face".

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Number 4: Look at the bridge of the nose

Look at the base of the bridge of the nose, the middle of the two inner corners of the eye.

Whether this place has a horizontal stripe, or a green tendon will appear.

This condition is called "nasal fold heart sign", if it is an adult, it is usually a heart problem.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Care for the heart, eat more than one color and two things, often rub three places, and insist on four diligent

Eat more than one color and two things

1. Eat more "red" foods

Five colors into the five viscera, red into the heart.

The heart likes red food, and eating more every day is good for heart health.

In particular, red beans, known as the "Valley of the Heart", help to improve the function of heart activity.

In addition, red apples, tomatoes, grapefruit, dates, etc., are all good food choices for heart care.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

2, eat more Su Hemp vegetable oil

On the cooking oil, eat more SuMa vegetable oil to supplement α-linolenic acid, which helps heart health.

α-linolenic acid, which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that must be ingested from food and is good for heart health.

Chinese Nutrition Society 2013 edition, recommended α-linolenic acid, daily intake, 1600-1800 mg.

Appropriate supplementation of α-linolenic acid can soften blood vessels, protect vascular endothelial cells, reduce lipid deposition and improve fibrinolytic function, help reduce LDL and very LDL, increase serum HDL, and protect cardiovascular health.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

3. Eat more bananas

Among the fruits, eat more bananas, which is good for heart health.

Bananas are rich in magnesium and are called the "protector of the heart".

If the body is deficient in magnesium, it will lead to arrhythmia, and if it is severe, there will be myocardial necrosis.

Supplementing with magnesium can maintain the normal contraction of myocardial fibers and the elasticity of coronary arteries, thereby caring for the heart.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Rub three places often

1. Knead the Pole Spring Cave

The plucking of the Jiquan acupoint can transmit the stimulation to the heart, which is a simple and easy health care method for people who have insufficient blood supply to the heart, palpitations and heartache often.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Specific method:

Extend your left arm, use your right thumb into your left armpit, and vigorously flick the polar spring point at the apex of your armpit.

When plucking, there will be a cord feeling, at this time the fingers are pressed inwards, the speed is not too fast, there is a significant sour numbness, and it is better to diverge to the shoulders and upper limbs.

2. Rub the inner guan points

Frequently rubbing the Neiguan acupuncture points can stimulate the meridians and relieve heart discomfort.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Specific method:

When pressing, press the left hand with the thumb of the right hand, support the outer point with the index finger, press the two fingers against each other, pinch one loose 50 times, and repeat the other hand 50 times.

3. Rub the uterine acupoints

Insisting on rubbing the uterine acupoints with the fingers of the thumb will help to clear the heart and go to the fire, open up the mind and wake up the mind.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Specific method:

Massage is carried out by pressing or rubbing, crossing the left and right hands, and operating each point for 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day.

Stick to the four diligences

1. Replenish water frequently and drink some tea

Take care of your heart and be sure to replenish your water.

Dehydration can lead to increased blood viscosity, which in turn increases the burden on the heart.

Replenish water, in addition to boiled water, you can drink some tea every day, hydrate and care for the heart.

During the day, between meals, you can brew some plant tea, which is delicious and hydrating, simple and more convenient.

Puye holly tea, brewing water instead of tea, helps to eliminate fat and detoxification, clear the blood vessels, and protect the cardiovascular system.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Use dandelions, lotus leaves, and holly to make tea together.

Dandelion, can clear heat, but also can dissolve, reduce triglycerides.

Holly increases coronary flow and improves myocardial ischemia.

Lotus leaves help reduce arteriosclerosis.

The three are paired together, brewing water instead of tea, which is a good choice for daily care of heart health.

2. Make up for sleep and take a nap

Lack of sleep, the damage to the heart is also very serious.

In addition to not staying up late to sleep, in addition to ensuring sleep, you can also take an extra nap.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Take a nap during the midday break, which is good for heart health.

Napping can improve coronary blood supply, enhance physical strength, eliminate fatigue, and protect the heart.

People who take a nap 1 to 2 times a week greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

However, it should be noted that the nap time should not be too long, 15-30 minutes, so as not to affect the night's sleep.

3. Laugh diligently and avoid sadness

Manage your emotions, laugh more, and reduce your sad and depressed emotions.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

Negative emotions such as depression and anxiety will excite the sympathetic nervous system, aggravate the heartbeat, and increase the oxygen consumption of the heart muscle.

Maintaining a good mood and laughing often can improve myocardial endurance, thereby improving vascular function and caring for heart health.

4. Soak your feet frequently and promote sleep

Every night before going to bed, frequently soak your feet with hot water, which can nourish the mind, relieve fatigue, and promote sleep.

Every day before going to bed, soak your feet with hot water of about 38 ° C -40 ° C until your body sweats slightly.

Heart, good or bad, look at these 4 places, the more satisfied, the healthier the heart

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