
The aunt nibbled off the roots of the cauliflower before buying vegetables, and netizens condemned her behavior: sent it to her children to see

author:Xiaoxiao social anecdotes

Diligence and thrift are the fine traditions of our Chinese nation, especially the elderly, because they suffered a lot when they were young, so they know more about the difficulty of life, so they will also double frugality in life.

It is a good thing to have this habit, but it is also a clear occasion, and you can't base your frugality on the loss of others, otherwise it will not be rude.

The aunt nibbled off the roots of the cauliflower before buying vegetables, and netizens condemned her behavior: sent it to her children to see

On April 19, in Hefei, Anhui Province, a big aunt did a stunning thing when shopping for vegetables in the mall, and she gave full play to her frugal habits, which embarrassed the customers present.

According to the netizens present at the time, he saw a big mother picking vegetables in the mall that day, and after some careful selection, she finally chose two broccoli flowers. Supposedly, picking vegetables was nothing special, but Big Mama did something different.

The aunt nibbled off the roots of the cauliflower before buying vegetables, and netizens condemned her behavior: sent it to her children to see

Only to see her pick up the cauliflower is a meal, and the roots of the cauliflower are all nibbled off. It was obvious that The aunt wanted to nibble off the excess roots to reduce the weight and pay a little less for herself.

From her skillful movements and unhurried state, it can be seen that she should not be the first time to do such a dirty thing, and I don't know if she will feel a trace of shame in her heart!

The aunt nibbled off the roots of the cauliflower before buying vegetables, and netizens condemned her behavior: sent it to her children to see

When netizens photographed her immoral behavior, it attracted heated discussion and comments from the majority of netizens.

A netizen said bluntly that this big mother will really live a life, and I don't know if her family should be proud or ashamed of her? If there is such an old man in the family, it is really difficult to say.

Another netizen suggested that she send such immoral behavior of her mother to her children, so that they can know what immoral things their mother has done outside, and go back to educate her.

The aunt nibbled off the roots of the cauliflower before buying vegetables, and netizens condemned her behavior: sent it to her children to see

Most netizens also said that they could not accept such behavior. If your parents are like this, you will definitely educate them well and let them not do these harmful things.

Through the comments of netizens, we can understand that in fact, most people's three views are still quite positive, and everyone is still very clear about which is right and wrong.

Xiaoxiao's point of view

We don't know what the living conditions in my mother's family are, but no matter how poor the family is, the basic principles of being a human being cannot be lost. Don't disregard your dignity because you are greedy and cheap.

The aunt nibbled off the roots of the cauliflower before buying vegetables, and netizens condemned her behavior: sent it to her children to see

Imagine that people's malls also need to make profits to maintain daily operations and protect the normal salaries of employees. If everyone is "careful" like Big Ma, then what does the mall rely on to make money?

Many times, as long as you know how to think in a different position, you will know whether your behavior is desirable or inappropriate. Don't think only about your own interests, always think about taking advantage of others, if you have such a greedy psychology, one day you will suffer a big loss.

Again, as an old man, you should pay attention to your words and deeds. Because your actions will have a direct impact on future generations, if you do something immoral, your children and grandchildren will be ashamed of you. If you are honest, they will be open and upright.

I hope that the elderly can reflect more, frugality itself is not wrong, but be sure to remember the occasion, pay attention to the boundaries, do not let future generations shame you. Is there anything you would like to say about this?