
Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

author:The road back is long
Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

"Difficult to engage" is the recognized evaluation of Duan Yihong in the circle. Because he often wrestled with the crew on a performance detail, and even "Mao" did not let go.

During the filming of the web drama "Double Detective", there was a big scene on the ice lake, usually the wind on the ice lake blew the eyes open, but the set was extremely cold that day, but there was no wind at all, after leaving the filming location Yanji, Duan Yihong looked back at this article and said that it must be remade, because the hair on dapeng hat was not blown by the wind, it looked unreal.

At that time, the budget was already very tight, just two or three frames of shots, everyone felt nothing, he and the producer said, "We insisted from beginning to end, what do we want?" "The producer struggled all day, or rented a greenhouse in Beijing, set the scene, spread the snow, blow the blower, and asked Dapeng to come and Duan Yihong to make up for a day of play.

Duan Yihong is indeed "difficult to engage", but anyone who has seen Duan Yihong's "difficulty" can understand his stubbornness - whether it is for drama or life, he will stumble on a "true" word.

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

In fact, his stubbornness has been traceable since childhood.

Duan Yihong, who was born in yining, a small city in the northwestern border of Xinjiang, was encouraged by "having performance potential" because of his self-written and self-directed sketches in high school, which made him think of becoming an actor. When he showed his heart to his father, he was poured cold water, "The life of a lumberjack, I still want to be an actor!" ”

Duan Yihong grew up with a hard bone that would not bend, and despite his family's opposition, he carried a few buns, sat on a hard seat for several days and nights, and ran to the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing to take the exam. The first art exam ended in failure. The judge teacher said of him: "Not tall enough, not handsome enough".

Duan Yihong, who was devastated, returned to Yining without the slightest intention of giving up: he seriously strengthened his cultural classes; in order to practice his body, he began to learn to split forks; in order to save money, he went to the preserved fruit factory to work and wash apples in the summer, earning 40 yuan a month...

The second art exam, or fell off the list.

The third time, in the summer of 1994, Duan Yihong was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with the first professional result in the northwest region. Since then, he has broken free from his father's "prophecy" for him.

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

Admission to the Chinese opera is the real testing ground. Duan Yihong stepped into the university door with full ambition, and was quickly confused by reality.

The students around him are too good, whether it is the amount of reading, the amount of reading or the knowledge, all make him feel shy since he grew up in the northwest town, Duan Yihong has a huge sense of crisis, and the greater crisis is that the students of the Chinese Opera Acting Department have to accept a one-year screening period, and the bottom of the grade may be eliminated from school.

He did not want to lose and did not accept defeat, so he practiced the basic skills hard, in order to play the blind man in the drama "Holy Well", he went to the blind school to experience life, was rejected by the principal, he stood at the school gate in the rain, etc., and finally got the opportunity to enter the blind school;

In order to perform the graduation drama "Horse", he asked the school leader to issue a letter of certification and was admitted to the psychiatric hospital to observe patients.

Getting into the role became a way for him to find a sense of security. But the excellent results did not bring corresponding opportunities: for four years of college, no one looked for Duan Yihong to shoot a drama.

Even the chances of staying in Beijing after graduation cannot be determined. This is Duan Yihong's most tormented past, which made him more and more unconfident at that time, but also more and more strong.

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

The twist of fate did not seem to come too late, and after graduation, Duan Yihong was specially approved to stay in Beijing and became a professional actor in the National Drama Theatre.

While acting in dramas, he slowly precipitated himself, and it was four years later, although he did not get any decent roles, but he played the most powerful actors at that time, such as Wang Zhiwen, Li Youbin, Kaili, and Jiang Shan.

Duan Yihong has a stubborn spirit, he cherishes the role he gets every time, and will seriously repeat it countless times, so no matter how small the role, he can catch the opponent's play, which makes the director see it in his eyes.

As a result, Duan Yihong waited for some opportunities, and Yuan Lang, the cunning and iron-blooded rough man in "Soldier Assault", let the audience have a deep impression on him for the first time; and then to "Love Has an Afterlife" and "My Regiment Leader My Regiment"...

These opportunities did not make people lose, he always followed his own rhythm, dead to each role.

But the reality is not smooth, acting in several works, he still often wonders: "Everyone says that I am good at acting, why does no one look for me to shoot?" ”

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

Duan Yihong could only continue to hold his breath and grind patiently. He has traveled through countless lives, each of which has been devoted.

Filming "Love Has an Afterlife", he fell five times, fell to the left rib crack, and the doctor said that he never wanted to see him again; in "White Deer Plain", he took a sickle to cut wheat in the ground, and scratched his hands full of blood when he bundled straw;

Filming "The Burning Heart of the Sun", he went to the Xiamen police station to experience life, all the way to experience the New Year; filming "Detonator", in order to seek truth, he went down the mine to experience, after the straight ladder descended 100 meters, along the monkey ladder hands and feet and climbed a thousand meters, the oppressive darkness swept in;

Filming "The Blizzard Is Coming", he soaked in the rain for 60 days...

Regarding the example of Duan Yihong's truth-seeking, there are too many and too many, and I have seen a comment on the Internet that said it well: "Some dramas are watched for Duan Yihong, but when I watch it, I have forgotten Duan Yihong." ”

What does that mean? When you think he's playing a righteous cop this time, he's showing up as a perverted murderer; when you think he's a heinous drug lord, he's a trembling non-staff worker.

In every play, Duan Yihong has achieved soul possession, just for a "true".

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

Seeking truth in the play, once the play is out, Duan Yihong will be his true self, because there is no need to act in life.

Different from the "tough guy" image in the eyes of the audience, the real Duan Yihong is actually a little romantic.

This can be found in his blog: for example, he will drink coffee, listen to Lisa Ono, and flip through a book he likes;

For example, every time he enters the crew, he will decorate the room by himself, cigarettes, lilies, coffee, stereo, no less.

He told reporters: "I like flowers, especially lilies and daisies, bright colors can decorate the room with sunshine and make people feel happy." ”

When not filming, Duan Yihong will also cook his own soup, and his cooking skills have been "certified" by his friend Fu Dalong: "Duan Yihong's cooking is particularly delicious, and he is very good at health, often as soon as he finishes work, I can receive his news: come up and drink soup." ”

This is Duan Yihong: in the play, he has a thousand people, outside the play, he is just himself, a little romantic, a little mood, serious life, soft heart.

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

There is such a question on zhihu: in film and television works, which look/action tests an actor's acting skills the most?

Duan Yihong replied, "Acting skills are not measured by looks and actions, this is just a skill, and creators should not only pursue skills." Creators should put themselves in life and feel the people and things around you. This feeling seems to me to be more technical than skilled. The result should be to let others not see your movements, your demeanor, but use stronger vitality to support the characters. ”

This is probably also his understanding of "truth", seeking truth, which is something in Duan Yihong's bones.

He can fight for the character to drink water and the director to be red-faced, can be in order to enter the character state, in the environment of minus ten degrees Celsius to endure hunger and cold, and even every time he cooperates, he is prepared to cooperate with him next time.

Even Huang Bo once confessed that Duan Yihong is a more real actor than himself, "He is stubborn, I will spoil him." ”

So when Duan Yihong stood on the podium and said, "I am willing to be a slave to the play", everyone was moved, and they clearly knew the weight behind this sentence. It's not just talking, this is Duan Yihong's ideal.

Duan Yihong: I am willing to be a slave to the drama

Duan Yihong proved to everyone that a truly valuable life is the work of time.

With three years of admission to Chinese drama and the rest of his life honing his acting skills, he brewed himself into a veritable powerhouse.

The process is like winemaking, the longer it takes, the stronger the flavor and the more evocative it is.

Simple things are repeated, repeat things are done with heart, no matter the cost, time is not counted, transcend the self, return to the truth.

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