
Political work is integrated into the frontline of garrison tasks

author:Defense Times

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution..." On April 18, during the Patrol of the Korla Brigade of the Bazhou Forest Fire Brigade, it organized all party members to relive the oath of joining the party, and the bright red party flag and sonorous voice further strengthened the confidence and determination of all fire rescue personnel to faithfully perform their duties and guard the poplar forest area, and stimulated the poplar spirit of all personnel to continue to fight and overcome difficulties.

Political work is integrated into the frontline of garrison tasks

"There are poplars in the world, and Luntai is the hometown." In Luntai County, Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, there is the world's oldest, largest, most complete and most primitive poplar forest, 436,000 mu of primitive poplar forest, one after another poplar old roots entrenched, new leaves vigorous, with extremely tenacious vitality and strong fighting spirit proudly standing in the vast sand sea, defending the life "oasis" on which human beings depend for survival. Since the garrison was stationed in the front, the garrison detachment has always firmly grasped political work with the "Hu Yang spirit," so that political work and the process of the contingent can resonate at the same frequency, and wherever the contingent is carried out, the banner will fly wherever it goes, so that the contingent will always maintain a high mental state and carry out strong ideological and political work throughout the entire process.

Political work is integrated into the frontline of garrison tasks

Protective helmets, wind extinguishers, water guns... Yang Pei, a veteran squad leader who has been engaged in forest fire fighting for 17 years, said that the patrol into the mountains is to inspect and survey the poplar forest area and conduct statistics on the terrain, vegetation and water sources in the forest area.

Political work is integrated into the frontline of garrison tasks

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, how loud the victory song is; singing our dear motherland, from now on to prosperity and strength..." A well-known red song kept reverberating in the march of the procession. Throughout the patrol, cultural activities such as red singing, dancing, flag waving, oath shouting, and poplar spirit learning were carried out, so that the political work "multi-method into, random infiltration, and deep integration" patrol tasks, and constantly stimulated the enthusiasm of all personnel for patrolling.

Political work is integrated into the frontline of garrison tasks

Political work is connected with cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness, and through the strong promotion of various activities, it has greatly stimulated the tenacious "poplar spirit" of fire rescue personnel, who practice the Zhengzheng oath with their own actions. In the next step, the garrison detachment will integrate political work into the whole process of tasks, realize the randomization of ideological work, the timeliness of education and incentives, and let political work become a light source and shine in the front garrison.

Political work is integrated into the frontline of garrison tasks

(Noisy Rifu Kafu)

Source: Defense Times

Edit: Qiu Bing

Editor: Xu Xiaojuan

Defense Times News Center [email protected]


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