
Qingwei | Dou Xianjun: Talk about the mirror

Talk about mirrors

Qingwei | Dou Xianjun: Talk about the mirror

Author: Pod

When you are a child, you look in the mirror and talk to the people in the mirror, you don't know who is inside, and you may be frightened. My puppy used to yell at himself in the mirror when he was a baby, and soon he stopped barking and didn't take pictures, and he may find it not terrible or fun.

Children in early childhood are like grown puppies, with more fun things, they do not care about the existence of mirrors. Sometimes when I saw him, a face of muddy water, more than that, two dirty hands may still have paw prints on it, angrily shouting for him to look in the mirror, and he went straight to the basin, and then a clean little face was revealed, and then he went to paint the cat's face. The same is to say, look in the mirror to do something, dirty wash is finished.

When the child reaches adolescence, a few small acne that should occur from time to time appear in the mirror, at this time, you know that the mirror is what others see, if it is a girl, you may have some inferiority, afraid that if you let yourself secretly like the person see. Therefore, every day I look in the mirror and stare at whether there are fewer obstacles on my face.

Of course, at this time, not only look at the pimples, scraping also look at the eyes, nose, mouth, gradually, the understanding of the five senses on the agenda, gradually, know some idioms, like "unique", like "natural beauty", these qualities Some people have nothing to say, no people can only feel the gap in more and more mirror time, and begin to look for things that can make up for the innate deficiency.

Fortunately, these things can be found, the wisdom hidden under the face, this is not like a beautiful face can be directly praised, but it exists for a long time, the years are getting deeper, but it can achieve a cup of wine, the longer it is fragrant. These people don't have to look in the mirror, their words and deeds are mirrors, reflected from the eyes of others' approval.

This kind of reflective behavior is interactive, while the person who only looks in the mirror is self-congratulatory, the difference between playing together and playing by himself is very large, the only common place, no matter how you look in the mirror, at least can reflect the real things, like wisdom and pimples, can be seen through the visible and invisible mirrors.

Of course, there is also a kind of mirror, this kind of mirror is called a concave and convex mirror, which is commonly known as a haha mirror, which is not real to the character. The reason for the birth of this kind of mirror needs to be considered, based on the principle that existence is reasonable, and it is a good thing to look at it for the sake of making people laugh.

Later, the mirror had an extended function, and it appeared in fairy tales. After the phrase "mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful person in the world" spread widely, the image of a vicious woman vividly existed. After this woman is defeated by a mirror, the world becomes unstable, and the fate of a girl is rewritten.

It is a mirror, it has become the topic of the book, it has changed a fixed phrase, it has become a mirror of the demon, and it is different. This mirror magic is boundless, no matter how beautiful the appearance, the mirror in front of the station, is the person is a demon instantly known. Although this result is contrary to the original intention of the mirror, it is good to be able to recognize good and evil in the end, and the people who write it like this also hope that the world will be simpler, a mirror, can show the face, but also the soul.

Then again, people, sometimes, when you look long, you don't like to look in the mirror, or, in other words, you don't want to face the truth. What is the truth, not only the face that is no longer youthful, but even sadness will appear in the mirror. The expression of sadness is only available to humans, and the sadness of animals is also there, and the expression of people will match sadness. This is more contradictory.

This emotion did not exist as a child. When I was a child, I compared myself, who I loved everything, who I loved even myself, who I ate when I was hungry, who I slept, what is the mirror. This also means that mirrors are not produced because of children, but because of the product of the adult world. Think of it this way, the mirror is also dispensable relative to the existence of adults, the human character is not supported to write out, and the mirror image of each other is not the end. If I repeatedly exaggerate the role of the mirror, I would like to say, is it not, the person who invented this thing just wants to play with himself.

In any case, the mirror is there, and in terms of its quality of not lying, it can still be a friend, and it will be okay. There is also a haha mirror, which can make people laugh, which is worthy of gratitude. Because of the mirror, I know that I have used a sad face for a long time to show people, because of the mirror, I know, some moods need to be hidden.

Now, a new mirror has appeared, which has reversed the mirror in the fairy tale from function, and it is no longer called a mirror, but has changed its name to a nice name. Just rest assured, how unwilling to look in the mirror, after seeing it, has begun to hold the mirror every day and do not let go, the mirror in this mobile phone has the function of self-forgetfulness.

The function of the mirror has been upgraded, and a parallel world has been born in the mirror, and you can see the long-lost self from the mirror, and the current self, who cares, is like returning to the flower cat face of the childhood, back to the happy time when you are not looking in the mirror. In this mirror, you can never find a wrinkled grandmother, and this mirror of the new world unexpectedly makes people younger.

And that mirror that reflects the real thing, is it still to be illuminated, the answer is in people's hearts, if you don't want to, be careful, maybe one day, accidentally collide with yourself, you may stupidly ask, hey, who is this person?

Qingwei | Dou Xianjun: Talk about the mirror

About the Author:

Qingwei | Dou Xianjun: Talk about the mirror

Dou Xianjun (Dou Pod), female, currently living in Heilongjiang, engaged in prose and poetry creation, since the 1990s began to publish poetry and prose works. His works have appeared in many publications such as Shilin, Novel Forest, Petroleum Literature, Years, Guangxi Literature, Tokyo Literature, Taihang Literature, Juvenile Literature, Chinese Prose, and Presence. Some works have been selected for multiple prose anthologies. The masterpiece "No Heart Grass" won the "PresenceIst Prose Award" of the 2012 Chinese Folk First Prose Award. The collection of essays on "No Heart Grass" won the Harbin Swan Literary and Art Award in 2016.

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