
How to buy the "Eat Chicken" manual is cost-effective? Just one move to maximize the role of counting bonds

author:10x mirror

Pragmatic and not exaggerated! I'm a good friend of yours, smiling tenfold mirror. Eat chicken mobile game peace elite's most conscientious kryptonite military quartermaster is the manual, only 600 coupons can be unlimited refills, so the vast majority of krypton gold players will start at the first time, after all, this will not miss the points given every day!

As we all know, the manual is one of the most wanted things for players, and every season update there are players who ask for it from others! So how to buy a manual is cost-effective? It only takes one move to maximize the role of the coupon! Let's take a look!

  • Players who can purchase Rewards Cards
How to buy the "Eat Chicken" manual is cost-effective? Just one move to maximize the role of counting bonds

The Peace Elite's Joy Card is much more conscientious than other games, and it will also give 10 coupons every day when returning 980 bonds, but only if you accumulate Krypton gold to the heart of the gamer level 4 or above, this is still more demanding! Players who allow it will generally get kryptonian cards before starting the manual!

How to buy a manual after entering the Rewards Card is the most cost-effective?

First of all, the coupon returned by the Rewards Card should not be used to use the Krypton manual, first Kr an active package! After all, the Kryptonian manual, the active gift pack can also be bought! Here are 10 medals of glory for white prostitutes, and the role of bonds is maximized!

How to buy the "Eat Chicken" manual is cost-effective? Just one move to maximize the role of counting bonds

Secondly, it's a crazy upgrade! Since the Active Pack requires a manual to reach level 10 to return the voucher, it can only be purchased after level 10! Of course, the little friends can also continue to buy the active gift pack after level 10 without kryptonite, but the amount of manual points will be reduced, but more glory medals will be earned!

Individuals prefer to reach level 10 and directly use the return coupon to kryptonite into the manual, after all, this will make their upgrade more motivated! If you reach level 100 and then open the manual, it will greatly reduce the experience of the game!

  • Players who cannot enjoy Krypton cards
How to buy the "Eat Chicken" manual is cost-effective? Just one move to maximize the role of counting bonds

For players with unlimited refills, the most cost-effective thing is to continue to refill without doing any operations! Players who can't buy a Rewards card can only get more rewards, only Krypton a 128+30! Since the recharge will return a certain number of coupons, it adds up to exactly 1684 coupons, take out 600 coupons to kryptonite into the manual, and the remaining 1000 coupons are used to purchase active gift packs!

It is worth mentioning that as long as we have enough play time and the Season Manual can reach level 100, then the points purchased into the manual and the active package will be returned to us, so that we can achieve unlimited refills! Compared to the first method, this krypton gold will be more, but it can be refilled indefinitely!

How to buy the "Eat Chicken" manual is cost-effective? Just one move to maximize the role of counting bonds

All in all, first-time Kryptonian players want a more cost-effective Krypton manual, and the only way to buy an active gift pack is to maximize the role of the coupon! At least 100 Medals of Honor are awarded each season, and you can continue to refill the cup next season! But for the cup-refill party, the good deal is to continue to refill the cup, of course, you can also charge a 1000-point coupon renewal active gift package, but it will be a loss to do so!

The above is all the content of this issue, what kind of manual have the little friends into? What other cost-effective methods are there for the Kryptonian Manual? Welcome to leave a message to share! Thanks for reading, looking forward to the encouragement of the "thumbs up" and "little rockets" at the end of the article, our comment area is gone! #和平精英 #