
It is precisely because I treat you as my own person that I have a few intimate words with you

author:This wolf uncle is not too cold

1 - No matter how comfortable your life is now, you must develop the habit of thinking of danger in peace now.

Don't be silly in this year and still have the idea of starting a business, this is purely burning your own remaining wealth.

To start a business, you only have two ways to choose, or you already have a very mature business process, as long as you participate in it to help you make a small amount of money; Or either there is almost no need for any investment, as long as it is responsible for matchmaking, a light entrepreneurship that can see profits quickly.

In addition, any business that requires you to take out your savings and give up your career is not sent, and you should not pay attention to it.

Especially all kinds of high-risk investments, don't envy those lucky ones, the ghost knows whether it is a deliberate pig killing bureau or a survivor of a thousand miles?

Uncle Wolf's own circle of friends can be regarded as having three religions and nine streams, each of which is a kind of human essence and oily oil painting. Guess what the requirements for your children in these two years are? All of them are people with their tails clipped, and it doesn't matter if they usually eat and wear pocket money, but they are absolutely not allowed to rush out to do business.

So what should we do ourselves?

Temperance consumption, living within the limit, actively saving, and making a fortune in a muffled voice.

2 - For the next three years, steady word

This sentence is also a sentence that I have frequently talked about with my wolf friend and my brothers and sisters recently.

If you now have a stable and middle-class job, you can really burn high incense, don't toss and turn, and don't mess around.

In the next three years, you can get a good salary, and every day as long as you focus on your work, although it is a bit of a jerk, but now it is really a blessing.

If you can't feel how lucky you are, you can go to any online platform and search for the topic of "middle-aged departure".

Don't be too lucky, because you may be next, so don't slack off at work, usually walk with your direct boss, no harm.

Sometimes when there is such a thing as layoffs, it is really a good thing that the boss decides which to leave and leave himself a space and opportunity.

In addition, it is moderate to develop the habit of being in Cao Yingxin in Han, nothing to fly a few resumes to a better enterprise to ask for directions, their own industry has headhunters and friends also communicate more, multiple friends and multiple roads.

If you are still young, listen to your brother's advice, and sincerely consider the road of investing in the public sector, although civil servants and public institutions cannot guarantee your lifelong soaring, at least you have a decent and can retreat from the bottom line.

The future does not like, look at the outside of the red and prosperous, and then change, this is always a very good deck of cards.

3 - Be complete in both culture and martial arts, do not be partial, be sure to learn to master a variety of rich life skills during this time, and do not degenerate into a weak flesh that does not have the ability to survive independently.

It was also during this time that I realized how much more important a skill that I usually despised to learn in more extreme cases could play a huge role in life.

Take the most important medical technology, you know how to treat myocardial infarction, it is possible to save your parents' lives at a critical moment. Similarly, you know how to deal with various wounds, burns, scratches, etc., and you can save yourself a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Then there are all kinds of trivial but practical life skills, such as water and electricity and at least home appliance maintenance, etc., which are usually indifferent but critical moments will greatly affect your quality of life.

My next door neighbor, is also a young and middle-aged couple, but even Wi-Fi and the grid heavy chain do not know, the isolation period has now endured a lot of inconvenience, I listened to the past ten minutes of effort to get it done.

In the past, I often wondered why many foreigners in American films, even if they were rich middle-class, could do such a masterful operation of machinery and home, and now I think about it, it is really worth learning the advantages.

More skills do not pressure the body, more life skills, will definitely play a huge role in helping the life.

4 - When the water comes, it is better to take a basin with both hands

A few days ago, I just talked about the release of water, and the next day the news announced the reduction of the standard, which caused a lot of brothers and sisters to admire.

But this is actually nothing to admire, because no matter how fierce the water is released, you are not prepared, and even the biggest wave of wealth will pass you by.

In my personal opinion, I think that this time the reduction of water will definitely not be the real main force, how can it be, Shanghai for a month plus many other cities are also constantly in the seal, the impact caused by this, but not a little drizzle can be done.

Wait until the epidemic comes out, or there is a stage of results, look at it, the Dragon King must descend Ganlin.

At that time, you go to the rain with your hands, which is tantamount to a cup of water, even if you receive it, it is tired and terrible, but if you have a large bathtub at home at this time, you will find that as long as you put them there, they can still be filled with pots.

If you don't understand it here, it means that you really should go to work and receive a basic financial enlightenment education.

But if you get it, I'm here to give you a piece of advice that I've also been making in wolf friends lately:

If you want to replace the property, then hurry up and make a sale and purchase transaction, don't drag it, and then try to make your own basin Oh no property in a rainy place.

When you do this, you will sincerely sigh why there is a saying called drought and flood protection.

5 - Sheep and beasts can never go together.

In addition to the career and capital level, I have mainly done two things in the past three years to benefit my brothers and sisters.

One was that when it had not officially erupted three years ago, it was recommended that everyone stock up on masks and alcohol as much as possible, and then at the end of last year, in the wolf circle, it was clearly recommended that brothers and sisters prepare emergency reserves and prepare more daily and medical supplies.

Now it seems that it was the right decision.

So do I have the power of an uncertain prophet?

Of course not, it is nothing more than trying to "read the news" better than ordinary people.

But it is these opinions that were ridiculed not long ago, "Hahaha, how can this era still lack this and that?".

It wasn't long before everyone saw the actual situation.

To tell you the truth, I firmly believe that our motherland will be able to prosper and be able to ride the wind and waves, and I have no doubt about it. But I also believe that in this process we will definitely experience a lot of open and dark challenges and tests, so at this time, in order to love you and the people you love, to make more preparations is really a very necessary layout.

It is precisely because I treat you as my own person that I have a few intimate words with you

Don't look at the above content has been written very realistically, if you really take it to discuss with the people around you, it is estimated that not many people will take it seriously.

No way, this is the characteristic of the flock.

Summer worms can't speak of ice, and if it doesn't happen to them, they will never know their weight and value.

They are also destined to be the last to react under all the upheavals, and with their general knowledge, you are in danger.

What you should do is to be friends or even brothers and sisters with a group of people who are equally sharp and alert.

And discuss with them how to seize the next chance to make a fortune and learn from their previous successes.