
Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

author:Chinese Herald
Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

Chinese Herald News In order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, sponsored by the China Culture and Arts Center, the 16th exhibition of Wang Xiaomei's works of "Song Yun And Fragrant Ancient Capital" sponsored by the China Culture and Arts Center, the Chinese Consulate General in Osaka, the Shirasa Tsubashi Hashimoto Sekiyuki Memorial Hall, and the Japan-China Friendship Association Hyogo Ryo Ryo, was launched at the Shirasaki Shirasaki Memorial Hall in Shirasa Village, Kyoto, on April 19.

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

Born in beijing, Wang Xiaomei, a Chinese painter in Japan, has been influenced by art since childhood and has a special love for ink painting. At the age of 17, he was instructed by the famous Chinese painter Xu Zhan, and later studied under Gao Guanhua, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In the process of carefully studying ink painting techniques, a distinct painting style was gradually formed. In 1986, he held his first solo exhibition in Singapore, which attracted the attention of the international art scene and the collecting community. In 1990, he studied in Japan, and in the same year, his works won the grand prize at the Osaka Prefecture Minomi City Citizens' Exhibition. Subsequently, Wang Xiaomei held many painting exhibitions in Japan that were well received by all walks of life in China and Japan, opened eight ink painting classrooms in Osaka and Kobe area, and also created the "Xiaomo Painting Society" and the "Chinese Culture and Art Center".

Wang Xiaomei's paintings not only inherit the blood of Chinese culture and history, but also integrate the essence of Japanese culture and art. Her unique insight and full understanding of things are fully expressed in the paintings, which can be called art with personality.

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

During the epidemic period, Wang Xiaomei returned to her original intention, meditated every day, calmed down, tried different kinds of paintings, oil paintings, acrylic paintings, and rock colors also purchased more than 100 kinds, absorbing the essence of them. In order to understand the color from different angles, she also learned "food space design". Every day, I enjoy the experience process of "failure, repetition, failure, and repetition", from which I realize that it is more suitable for expressing my inner painting language, and my creative experience is clear in my chest.

Under the epidemic situation, Wang Xiaomei, like many people, has suffered the pain of separation from her relatives and the pain of losing her father, and it is this precious family, friendship and strong belief in herself that has prompted her to successfully complete the creation of the exhibits of "Song Yun Hua Xiang Ancient Capital".

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

Holding a solo exhibition in Kyoto this time can be described as Wang Xiaomei's long-cherished wish for many years.

Wang Xiaomei, who travels mainly between Osaka Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture, went to Kyoto for a short time in the early autumn of 2020. One day, she walked into the Village of Baisha, where the trees and stones in the courtyard reflect the painter Hashimoto Seiki's love for life and his persistent pursuit of natural beauty. The pond with autumnal feelings is allegorical to the scenery, which is the beautiful scenery that Wang Xiaomei has loved to enjoy since she was young. Looking at the vision, she suddenly had a strong idea of holding a personal exhibition here.

Wang Xiaomei told the Chinese Herald: "This time I chose to hold an exhibition in Kyoto, in a passage from the Chinese Song Dynasty poet Xin Shuyi, that is, 'the crowd looked for him for a thousand hundred degrees, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the middle of the lights'. ”

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

In the past, the number of works exhibited by Wang Xiaomei in her solo exhibitions was about 40, which had the feeling of flowers competing for glory and flying flowers everywhere. There are not many works this time, but each work is a manifestation of her inner emotions.

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

It is reported that the "Song Yun Hua Xiang Ancient Capital Love" painting exhibition exhibited a total of 24 masterpieces by Wang Xiaomei. One of the lotus paintings, 0.9 meters wide and 1.2 meters long, is dominated by pale brown and pale blue-green, depicting a withered lotus canopy that has entered the end of its life, giving itself all its strength. The back of the lotus canopy is treated with an imaginary distance, symbolizing the hope that "the coming year will remain beautiful". At the top of the picture, the sense of rhythm of the picture is enhanced by strong interspersed and interlaced brushwork, as if you can hear the story of the life experience of the remnant.

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

It is also worth mentioning in the exhibition that two large-scale pine works with a width of 2.1 meters and a height of 1.4 meters, one is a delicate and delicate red pine, and the other is a vigorous and powerful black pine, which is in stark contrast to softness.

Jinsong is inspirational, determined and strong. Pine trees have been praised by the Chinese and Japanese people since ancient times. Chinese literati of all generations have had a unique sense of praise for pine trees, such as the Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shan's "Feelings" in "Jun's Not Seeing the Clouds And Hundred Zhangs Qing Song Ke, Even If the Autumn Wind Is Helpless", Li Bai's "Nan Xuan Song" "He Dang Ling Yunxiao, Straight Up Thousands of Feet", Song Dynasty Wang Anshi's "Lone Tong" in "The Old Roots are Strong, the Yang Proud Leaves Are More Yin", Marshal Chen Yi's "Yong Song" in "The Snow Presses the Green Pine, the Green Pine Is Straight and Straight" and so on.

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

Like the ancient Chinese literati inkers, Wang Xiaomei also loved pine trees, its generous gesture and its eternal heart that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Wang Xiaomei also loves the Huangshan Qisong, she feels that even if it is only a small body, it will not succumb to nature, standing tall between the rocks, silently sticking to the cliff. Therefore, the works in this solo exhibition include both the Chinese Huangshan Qisong, the Red Pine of Hokkaido, and the tenacious Jinsong in Wang Xiaomei's heart.

Sino-Japanese relations are eternal. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, pine rhymes and flowers stand and bloom at the Shirasa Village Hashimoto Sekiyuki Memorial Hall in the ancient capital of Kyoto.

Song Yun Flowers Fragrant Ancient Capital Love: Wang Xiaomei's Sixteenth Works Exhibition Dreams of Kyoto

As a disseminator and communicator of Chinese and Japanese folk culture, Wang Xiaomei is well aware of the essence of fraternity between Chinese and Japanese cultures. She hoped that through this exhibition, she sincerely wished that the friendly relations between China and Japan would bloom forever like flowers and be as eternal as pine trees.

The exhibition will run until April 24.

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