
The so-called "diplomacy of values" is actually a politician's ambition

author:Bright Net

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The so-called "diplomacy of values" is actually a politician's ambition

Lithuanian intellectuals questioned the establishment of foreign policy

Guangming Daily correspondent in Helsinki Zhang Zhiyong

In the past two months, the support rate of the Lithuanian government has continued to be sluggish, hovering at a historical low of 12% to 13%. Although the Russian-Ukrainian conflict seems to have diverted the attention of the people in the country, the latest eurostat data show that Lithuania's annual inflation rate climbed to a record high of 15.6% in March 2022, more than twice the EU average and the first high in the EU.

Some economists and institutions have assessed that the violation of the one-China principle will affect Trade in Lizhong and cut off trade with Russia, which will reduce Lizhong's GDP by at least 1 and 2 percentage points respectively in 2022. Li President Nauceda said a few days ago that the Li economy is about to fall into stagflation, the situation is very unfavorable, and it is difficult to find "antidotes" and "prescriptions". Since the end of last year, many lithuanian people of insight have spoken out loudly, criticizing and exhorting the legislative government not to continue to blindly follow the United States as its pawn, and to implement a wrong, radical, and double-standard "value foreign" policy that will push the economy into the abyss of recession.

"Bad situation" "Shouldn't keep making mistakes"

"The Government of the Republic of Lithuania recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate Government of China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania undertakes not to establish official relations and conduct official exchanges with Taiwan", which is the content of the joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations signed by the governments of China and Lithuania in Vilnius on September 14, 1991, on the one-China principle.

Aegidius Bikoskas, a well-known lawyer and signatory of the Independence Act, told reporters a few days ago, "I have no doubt that the government has violated the one-China principle in the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between The two countries, the Lithuanian Constitution requires the government to abide by international agreements, and Lithuania's situation is very bad." Bikoskas believes that the act of the Legislative Government in running to the EU for help under the premise of violating the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is an absolute misunderstanding of geopolitics and irresponsible to the Lithuanian people.

Sarunas Riekis, dean of the School of Political Science and Diplomacy at Vytautas Magnus University, held that Foreign Minister Gabriel Landsbergis and Deputy Foreign Minister Mantas Adomenas either had not read the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Li and China, or they could not understand the meaning of the one-China principle in the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Sholius Skvernellis, former prime minister of Lithuania and chairman of the Third Party Democratic Union "for Lithuania," recently told the media that the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and China contains the one-China principle, and the actions of the legislative government have betrayed the political commitments in the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations. The Chinese government's position on the one-China principle is consistent and open, and the main ruling party, the Homeland Alliance, continues to promote ideological struggle with China today, as if forgetting that it was the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations signed with the same Homeland Alliance party. Skvernellis believes that if the issue of the name of the "Taiwan representative office" is due to a misunderstanding between the presidential office and the government, a solution should be sought instead of continuing to make mistakes.

Kintautas Palucas, vice chairman of the Economic Committee of the Legislative Assembly, told reporters that there is tension in the Taiwan region itself, and the Legislative Government is well aware of this, but it deliberately participates in and aggravates this tension, which is a phenomenon that is very alarming to Lithuanians. The founding politician Aturas Zukas also believes that although the president and foreign ministers stressed that they did not violate the one-China principle, they did do something that violated the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations, which is not a "value foreign" policy. Political scientist Mantas Masikas wrote that since 2021, several politicians in the Homeland Alliance have used the policy of "value diplomacy" to destroy Lithuania's relations with China and the world, withdrawing from China's cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries and approving the opening of a "Taiwan representative office" in Vilnius. The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair and is not something that the Legation Foreign Minister can interfere in his office.

The state pays for the ambitions of politicians

Many Lithuanians understand the truth about the nature and reality of the "foreign policy of values" advocated by the U.S. government and fully accepted and pursued by the Lithuanian government.

Dr. Andris Martincus, a lecturer at Vilnius University, recently wrote that the facts have proved that the Lithuanian neoliberal regime pursues a double standard of "values foreign" policy, which essentially exposes the hypocrisy and shamelessness of Western politics. This policy of double standards originated in the great powers, became a universal phenomenon deeply rooted in the soul of the West, and permeated all domestic and foreign policies of Western societies. Any political force concerned with the survival of the Lithuanian nation should renounce the "foreign policy of values" pursued by the current Lithuanian government.

Palucas told reporters that the Lithuanian government's "values diplomacy" policy has nothing to do with values, and its classic double standards mask the inferiority complex, incompetence and low-level stupidity of these politicians. Labor PARTY mp Mindaugas Pudokas recently wrote in the Kaunas Daily that the legislative government has followed the example of the United States in pursuing the so-called "value foreign policy" and has clashed with China and Belarus and other countries, harming the interests of the Lithuanian people and seriously undermining the long-term stability and security of the Country's economy and society. Foreign Minister Landsbergis's liberal conservative policies are fomenting war and will destroy the foundations of the Lithuanian economy, pushing the country into recession. The whole country is paying for Landsbergis' self-operated "values foreign" policy business. The Standing Government is brainwashing its citizens by continuing to manipulate the concept of "values foreign policy", while Landsbergis is aiming to become an international political star and future EU foreign affairs commissioner.

To support the United States, become "the most miserable tool"

Zukas pointedly pointed out that while Prime Minister Jimonet denied that Lithuania was "the 51st state of the United States," the core principle of the "foreign policy of values" implemented by the government was "support for the United States."

In his series of articles, Martincus clearly pointed out that the current Lithuanian neoliberal conservative ruling coalition is one of the most pro-American regimes in the world, and its policy of "value foreignism" has become a tool of the American elite, and the two sides have sacrificed Lithuanian national interests in the name of "transatlantic integration", undermined the lithuanian national economic foundation, and endangered national security. The "masters" served by the Lithuanian authorities were the American "new upper class", which belonged to an almost closed circle of super-rich people, in which the political elite was trying to use all kinds of extreme means and tools to resist the birth of a multipolar world, and it was unfortunate that Lithuania became one of its most aggressive and tragic tools. Thought that his grandfather Vytautas Landsbergis had destroyed the Soviet Union with the help of the United States, Landsbergis, the mastermind of the Conflict of Independence, was inspired by the "Grandfather Success Story", and Landsbergis Jr. tried to once again "leave a name in history", in a vain attempt to challenge Russia and China at the same time with his back to the United States. This makes the mistake of confusing time and space, when the bipolar world entered the unipolar world, and now it is the period when the unipolar world enters the multipolar world.

Martincus pointed out that the Lithuanian regime is obsessed with the outdated political will of the UNITED States unipolar world, follows the US government, uncritically opposes Russia, undermines relations with China, erects a high wall against Belarus, grossly interferes in Ukraine's internal affairs, supports the unconstitutional coup d'état of The radical minority in Ukraine, and provides weapons to the Ukrainian regime, seriously undermining the historical balance between the East and the West. As a U.S. vassal and a member of NATO, the regime's policy of uncompromising, completely inflexible, and extreme "foreign relations of values" is horribly damaging.

In his 1918 book The Dividing of Two Worlds, The Lithuanian pioneer of pedagogy and philosophy, Sarkowskis wrote: "In order to survive and prosper, the Lithuanian nation must maintain a political and civilizational balance between East and West, and history shows that it has done so." Recalling the words of his forefathers, Martincus is sad that he believes that today is disappointing more than 100 years later, that the ruling lithuanian coalition, which has the lowest approval rating in history, is one of the most anti-ethnic "elite" groups in Central and Eastern European countries, and they are pursuing the most radical foreign policy of the past 30 years, subverting the "traditional values" advocated by most Lithuanians, and the neoliberal Lithuanian regime blindly follows the "values diplomacy" policy of the American political elite. Actively participate in the global neoliberal revolution led by the United States, unconditionally pledge allegiance to the neoliberal "new world order", fully support all destructive military operations of the West in the East, and put the vital interests of the Lithuanian nation on the "altar of madness". Lithuanians should note that the last two US presidential elections and the intensification of the "culture war" in the country show that the national interests of the political elites of different parties in the United States are not consistent, Eastern Europe does not always belong to the national interests of the United States, and behind the veil of "national interests" spoken of by politicians in the United States and The United States and Singapore, there are hidden various specific interest needs.

Martincus knew the real America very well, and he believed that there were hypocrites everywhere who praised freedom, and skillfully and sinisterly operated in a planned, cold, persistent, deceptive way, and many people had to speculate and deceive each other in the busy rush, acting recklessly and rushing to achieve results, and it was difficult to have the opportunity to think about the meaning of life. These American elites have associated all the goodness of humanity with money— public media, science, art, literature, culture, virtue, and religion— expanded weapons factories into the world's largest exporters of disasters, and for decades sent advanced weapons that destroyed everything to the world. The few exploiters and parasites who control the vast majority of American society's wealth are indulging in the pleasure of fooling the majority of enslaved ordinary people who have lost their guard or fallen into worship. Never in history has there been such a filthy national moral environment.

(Guangming Daily Helsinki, April 19)

Guangming Daily (2022.04.20. 12th edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily