
CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

Guangsha's 2 main players are reimbursed for the season

Yesterday, the Guangsha team announced an important news, the team's main striker Zhao Yanhao season reimbursement, which made the Guangsha team lose another main player before the CBA finals. According to the content released by the Guangsha team, in the third round of the match between the Guangsha team and the Shanghai team, Zhao Yanhao fell to the floor many times due to being violated by the opponent, and at the end of the middle game, Zhao Yanhao appeared to be unstable or even unconscious. Subsequently, Zhao Yanhao was sent to the hospital for treatment. The initial examination result of the hospital is a concussion and needs to be hospitalized for observation.

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

On April 18, after a brief awakening, Zhao Yanhao appeared in a coma, for which the doctor conducted a more detailed examination of him and found a spider-arachnoid cyst on his left temporal pole, which the attending physician finally determined as focal cerebral contusion with intracranial hemorrhage and cerebral trauma syndrome. For Zhao Yanhao's situation, the result given by the attending physician is that if he cannot recover within 2 weeks, then his recovery time may take 3 months, or half a year. This means that Zhao Yanhao will completely miss the next CBA Finals.

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

This season, the Guangsha team has a great opportunity to impact the CBA Finals, but before the CBA Finals, the team suddenly lost two main players, Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao, which made the overall strength of the Guangsha team decline by more than half, which will make the team's dream of winning the championship once again fail. Next, how Wang Bo will adjust in the CBA Finals will make everyone pay great attention.

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up the game

Liaoning team's main center Han Dejun, when talking about the CBA finals opponent Guangsha team, he believes that Guangsha team is a very good team, although Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao are injured, but it has no impact on the entire Guangsha team, they will still insist on winning the game, and Sun Minghui's performance is very prominent. Obviously, Han Dejun did not relax a little because the Guangsha team lost two main players.

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

Han Dejun said, "The Guangsha team is a very good team, and it will definitely be very difficult to play with them. We also watched the CBA semifinals, they played very hard, Daqiu was injured, Zhao Yanhao was injured, but the entire Guangsha team was not affected, or insisted on completing the game and getting the victory. In particular, Sun Minghui's performance is very prominent, and it is also a tribute to the Guangsha team. ”

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

At the same time, Han Dejun also said, "As the opponent of the finals, we will definitely go all out on the field and will not give the opponent any chance." Competitive sports are like that, anything can happen, it's cruel, but as a professional player, we just try to play well, try to win the championship, don't think too much. From what Daehan said, his only goal now is to win the CBA championship, for other factors, it will not have much impact on him, and then the Liaoning team is to go all out to play the CBA Finals game." Of course, Han Dejun also expressed the hope that Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao can recover as soon as possible, the Guangsha team needs him, and the Chinese men's basketball team also needs him.

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

Jiao Jian: It is difficult for the Guangsha team to create miracles

Yesterday, the CBA's main method was also arranged on the field, and on the floor we can see that the CBA "Finals" is very eye-catching, so what kind of content will Guangsha and Liaoning team present in the CBA Finals? For this problem, the Chinese men's basketball team star Jiao Jian said that it will show a one-sided situation, he believes that the Guangsha team has lost two main players Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao, and the situation has become very bad.

CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance
CBA Finals floor debut! Han Dejun: The Guangsha team will not give up, but it will not give the opponent a chance

On the other hand, the Liaoning team is now strong and strong, especially Zhang Zhenlin's birth, making up for the weakest link of the Liaoning team, therefore, Jiao Jian believes that the winning rate of the two teams is one and nine, the Guangsha team accounts for 10%, and the Liaoning team accounts for 90%, and the possibility of a miracle in the game is very small. Obviously, Jiao Jian believes that it is only a matter of time before the Liaoning team wins, and the Guangsha team without Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao has almost no possibility of winning.

So, what will be the outcome of the two sides? The answer was revealed at night. The first game of the CBA Finals officially begins at 19:35 on April 20. According to the CCTV Sports Channel program preview, CCTV5 Sports Channel will broadcast the match between Liaoning Team and Guangsha Team live. Fans who like the CBA can watch it and cheer on their favorite teams.

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