
Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think


People living in both the north and the south especially like to eat noodles, and his practices are diverse, and no matter what kind of eating method is sought after.

Noodles are made in the northwest region, which is the most powerful and flavorful, and if you travel to the northwest region, you must try the local noodles, which will make you taste endlessly.

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

The benefits of eating noodles often for the human body

Noodles can promote digestion

Putting small noodles contains a lot of fiber, and the presence of fiber can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and speed up digestion.

Much like some people with indigestion can eat noodles to help digestion and absorption, improving the gastrointestinal environment.

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

Noodles can lose weight

Noodles also have a certain weight loss effect, although eating noodles can not play a direct role in weight loss, but can play a certain auxiliary effect.

Therefore, noodles can play a role in weight loss, because the calories contained in it are not very high, and after eating low-heat food into the body, it can help the human body lose weight quickly.

However, eating some high-oil, high-salt and high-fat foods every day will lead to excessive accumulation of fat in the body, resulting in obesity.

Like people who want to lose weight, they can eat some noodles appropriately in normal times, which helps to play a role in losing weight and allowing themselves to have a perfect body before the summer comes.

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

Noodles can boost metabolism

Just eating noodles can promote the body's metabolism, because it requires a lot of carbohydrates in the metabolic process.

There is also a relatively high carbohydrate content in the chain, which can promote the metabolism in the body, so that toxins and garbage in the body can be quickly excreted from the body, so that the body becomes healthier.

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

Problems in the cultivation and processing of wheat

Nowadays, agriculture is more and more developed, in order to make wheat grow well, a large number of drugs will be used during the growth period, which will make the wheat contain a lot of pesticides.

When the wheat is ripe and processed, its flour appears relatively dull, and the yellowing merchants will add something to change the color of the flour in order to make the color of the noodles white and transparent.

For example, adding some formaldehyde hanging white blocks and other chemical components in it, in addition to the addition of these two substances, the noodles will not stick together, and make them look the color of the noodles more fresh.

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

"Hands-on" when processing noodles

There is a certain gap between the noodles sold on the market and the noodles we make ourselves, like the noodles sold by small traders, who will make the humidity of the noodles even wetter during the production process.

They knead the dough repeatedly during the production process, which makes the noodles more flexible, more colorful, and does not stick to the noodles.

There are many small traders for their own meaning, he will "hand and foot" in the noodles to add some glue, the substance is the toughness of noodles to improve, and it is not easy to stick.

Why don't the wet noodles sold by merchants stick together? The answer is, maybe it's different from what you think

Add a small amount of table salt when making the noodles

Many traders make the noodles more robust, they will add a small amount of table salt when making it, and it will add a small amount of edible alkali to make the noodles look more dry.

In addition to the addition of these two substances, it is not easy for noodles to produce adhesions, so we can also use this method to reduce the occurrence of adhesions between noodles when making noodles.