
Uncle Science popularization | 3000w to 0, and see how China eliminates malaria

author:Uncle Sun's UNCLESUN brand

This summer, the uncle's little grandchildren stay at home during the summer vacation, every day is what dead vines and old trees are crows, air conditioning watermelon WiFi, so comfortable.

However, these two days the grandchildren were strong and listless, and when asked, they could not sleep after being bitten by mosquitoes a few days ago, and then diarrhea for several days. Now there are still some dark knots and scratches on the body, but the uncle is distressed.

Some children may ask, why are they bitten by mosquitoes, diarrhea and even vomiting?

The uncle is going to tell you today about the secret that has to be said between "swinging" and mosquitoes.

The murderer behind the "pendulum" - the malaria parasite

"Pendulum" scientific name "malaria", is a disease-borne infectious disease caused by the bite of Anopheles mosquitoes infected with malaria parasites, which is widely circulated worldwide, with a history of at least 3,000 years on the mainland.

Plasmodium, a spore worm transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, is a pathogen of malaria. There are four species of Plasmodium parasitoids that parasitize the human body, namely Plasmodium Vivax, Plasmodium trinadis, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium ovale, and plasmodium Vivax and Plasmodium falciparum that once ravaged on the mainland.

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Three common species of mosquitoes

The vector of malaria is Anopheles mosquitoes, which bite the skin as the main route of transmission, mainly between dusk and dawn, and the degree of infection depends on the number of species, the physical fitness of the host and the external environment. Very few will be infected by transfusion of blood from plasmodium-bearings.

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Malaria parasite transmission route

Malaria almost cost the Kangxi Emperor his life

In 112 BC, when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty conquered Minyue, it was recorded that "miasma was many works, and the soldiers did not have blood blades and died of illness and death";

In 42 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty Led an Army of 8,000 Han Dynasties and marched south to cross the toes, but "the military officials passed the fourteenth five-year plan of the miasma and died";

In addition, several attacks on Burma during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty were frustrated by malaria, and sometimes they were "even before the battle, and the soldiers and soldiers died seven or eight times."

What these three things are said is that before the war has begun, people will die of malaria.

Uncle Science popularization | 3000w to 0, and see how China eliminates malaria

The Kangxi Emperor

  The Kangxi Emperor was about 39 years old when he contracted malaria, and he was in his prime, but malaria tortured him to death.

  On a scorching summer day in the summer of 1693, Kangxi lay in bed covered with two thick quilts and shivered. But at night, I had a high fever and sweating, and my whole body was scalding. Hot and cold all day, one moment like going down the ice cellar, the next like going to the oven.

  The imperial doctor found that this was not smallpox, but a rare disease, with a very high mortality rate, which caused a lot of panic in the palace. The imperial doctor went through the medical books and searched for ancient recipes and secret books, but none of them worked.

  It is said that the imperial doctors also tried to use artemisia annua at that time, but unfortunately, artemisinin was not extracted at that time. Finally, it was the French missionary Hong Ruohan who offered cinchona cream (quinine), which cured the Kangxi Emperor of malaria.

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John Hong, a Frenchman, was a Catholic missionary who came to China in the early Qing Dynasty

Until the founding of new China, malaria was still widely prevalent on the mainland, and 3,000 people endured the harm of malaria, and in August 1956, the Ministry of Health formulated the "Malaria Prevention and Control Program", and since then, the reporting of malaria epidemics has gradually been on the right track. However, in the early 1960s and early 1970s, there were two outbreaks of intermittent malaria pandemics in the Huang-Huai Plain, Jianghan Plain and other areas.

During this period, Tu Youyou was inspired by ancient Chinese medicine recipes and extracted the effective antimalarial ingredient - artemisinin from Artemisia annua, making outstanding contributions to global antimalarials, and won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Artemisinin has saved the lives of tens of millions of malaria patients and is a landmark in the history of antimalarial warfare in the world, and to this day artemisinin remains the best medicine against falciparum malaria.

Now, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that China has officially received WHO certification for malaria elimination. WHO believes that China's elimination of malaria is a remarkable feat.

Uncle Science popularization | 3000w to 0, and see how China eliminates malaria

"Malaria Free" certification news

How can malaria be prevented?

Although malaria has been controlled, prevention has always been something we cannot ignore.

My uncle sorted out the following important knowledge points for malaria prevention.

1, malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, anti-mosquito bites are the most important, check picnics and sleep outside, and advocate the use of mosquito nets for everyone.

2. During the peak period of Anopheles activities (shortly after dusk), do a good job of personal protection, wear long sleeves and trousers, and apply insect spray and ointment to the exposed skin.

3. Do a good job of family mosquito protection, use mosquito nets, screen doors, screen windows, and spray anti-mosquito drugs in the bedroom before going to bed. (Secretly tell you that it is better to soak the mosquito net with anti-mosquito medicine).

4. Do a good job in the sanitation around the house, remove garbage, weeds, fill in the sewage pits in time, and do a good job in eliminating mosquitoes.

5, there is a situation of heat and cold, be sure to seek medical treatment as soon as possible!

As long as you listen to your uncle's words and keep the above five points in mind, malaria will take us no way, don't say it, uncle will go back to light mosquito coils, bye bye bye ~ ~

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