
Tarot Divination: A card to see what he really thinks!

Tarot Divination: A card to see what he really thinks!

In the face of different people, there may be different ways to get along, especially in the relationship, two people want to be together for a long time, naturally need to be sincere. At the beginning, there is still passion and freshness between each other, the longer the time, the more contact, there will be a lot of small contradictions and small problems, coupled with the inability to communicate in depth in time, the misunderstanding will be deeper, so you want to know the other party's true thoughts, then come to choose a card to see it.

Tarot divination: Keep your heart calm, meditate on the question you want to ask, and then intuitively choose a card from the following tarot cards to see the result, remember not to repeat or not to choose.

Tarot Divination: A card to see what he really thinks!
Tarot Divination: A card to see what he really thinks!

Have you chosen a card, let's start parsing it

Tarot A

This card shows that he has high requirements for feelings.

For feelings, he not only has requirements for others, but also for himself, always introspecting himself in what he wants in his feelings, what is the life he yearns for, better understanding what he wants, and starting again. Now give him a little more time, let him think clearly and it will be fine.

Tarot B

This card shows that he is relatively naïve at heart and does not have enough responsibility.

Although his appearance may be outstanding, he is not responsible enough to shield you from the wind and rain. You are a face value control, do not need anything else, as long as his looks are good enough, if the other party is not strong enough, then you will become stronger, for love to hold up a piece of the sky, of which cold and warm only you know.

Tarot C

This card indicates that he is not a trustworthy person and is likely to deceive you.

This card represents cheating and false feelings, maybe sometimes you can feel the other person's affection, but more often, your intuition will tell you that he is not so real, he will hide something from you, or cheat on you in some things, whether intentional or not, it will make people uncomfortable, so you still have to think clearly.

Tarot D

This card shows that he is a very strong executioner and a very courageous person.

His sense of enterprise is very strong, he is more cheerful, he is also very moralistic to his friends, and he has a strong fighting spirit at work, but such a disadvantage is that he does not spend enough time and energy on feelings, sometimes it will make you feel insecure, always feel that you have not gotten all his sincerity, in fact, you are more worried, he just takes the work too seriously, don't guess.

Note: This is just a popular quiz and cannot fit everyone's specific situation. More detailed and accurate requires one-on-one divination!

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