
5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

author:Raising flowers in the world

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

In addition to being a magical painter, nature is also a powerful creator, many flowers and plants look very similar to animals, a gust of wind blows, vivid and vivid, really beautiful. Today we will look at these kinds of flowers that bloom like butterflies, which are really eye-catching and make people look good.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

The flowers of pansy resemble butterflies, so some people also call it butterfly flowers, cat face flowers, etc. Pansy is an herb that has three colors after flowering, so it is named Pansy. Pansies bloom from April to July and are very common landscaping plants. Pansies are relatively small and suitable for potted plants, as well as patches of land.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes
5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

Pansy is easier to maintain, it does not have high soil requirements, but it is better to loose and fertile loam soil with good drainage. It has relatively high requirements for light, and too weak light will make pansies bloom less or no flowers, so in landscaping, pansies are often planted in open areas with good light. 15 to 25 ° C is the ideal temperature for its growth. During the growth period, putrid liquid water fertilizer is applied every month, phosphorus fertilizer is applied during pregnancy buds, and fertilizer can be stopped after flowering.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

Magnolia flowers are generally perennial trees, growing relatively tall, the flowering is spectacular, and the magnolia flowers dance on the trees in March every year, which is very spectacular. Magnolia flowers are white, yellow, and pinkish purple. The flowers are only flowers and no leaves, so the wind blows, especially like butterflies flying.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

If you have a garden at home, it is especially suitable for planting a magnolia, and in the spring it blooms with flowers full of trees.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

Phalaenopsis orchid alias also known as Phalaenopsis orchid, belongs to the orchid family, Phalaenopsis orchid is the Annual Flower, the flowering period is just during the New Year, very popular with the public, many large places will place a lot of Phalaenopsis orchid flowers to welcome guests.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

Phalaenopsis orchids like a cool and ventilated environment, afraid of drought, not hardy, afraid of drying, so indoor breeding is a good choice. Phalaenopsis orchids are not very well maintained, so many people will throw away the flowering phalaenopsis orchids after each New Year.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

Phalaenopsis orchid watering should not be more, can not accumulate water, so as not to rot roots; usually pay attention to avoid direct light, maintain a ventilated environment. Some potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used before flowering to increase nutrients and promote flowering.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

The iris flowers are now blooming, and they are still blooming very well, and the purple flowers are flying in the air, which is very beautiful. The rhizomes of the iris are thick and adaptable, and are garden plants often seen in landscaping. Iris prefers a well-lit environment and prefers fertility and moderate humidity.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes
5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

When raising iris flowers, the soil should be loose, breathable and well-drained, containing calcareous and slightly alkaline soil. Drought tolerance is strong, when watering it should be carried out according to the season, the growing season can make the soil moist, and do not water if it is not dry in winter.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

The golden silk hanging butterfly is relatively rare for everyone, it is a vine shrub, the scientific name is Shaanxi Wei Spear. Commonly known as a cash cow. It can grow up to several meters high, belongs to the rare plant species unique to the mainland, and the wild resources are distributed in the gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hubei, and Guizhou areas of the mainland, and its fruit hangs downwards, much like a butterfly.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

The golden silk hanging butterfly likes light, and it must be placed in a place with good lighting during maintenance, and sufficient light can promote its vigorous growth and bloom as scheduled. Slightly shade tolerant, drought tolerant and watery.

5 kinds of butterfly flowers, each butterfly, raise one at home, and be happy with your eyes

These five kinds of plants, the front are familiar to everyone, only the last one that everyone may see is relatively small, are very similar to butterflies flower plants, flowering is very characteristic, very popular with everyone.

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