
My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

author:Small castor

14-1 Bauhinia

My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

Bauhinia, also known as "full red" and "purple bead", is a deciduous or solitary shrub of the legume family Bauhinia, native to China. The height of the plant is 2~5m, and the flowers are densely grown on a branch, so that the branches appear in a purple-red clustered state, and the color is bright purple-red or pink, which is the origin of "full red". It blooms in early spring, and the flowers generally open before the leaves. From afar, it is pink and very beautiful.

As an excellent garden ornamental tree, Bauhinia not only has a beautiful tree shape, but also can resist harmful gases and has a good dust retention effect, which is a good tree species for greening in cities and industrial and mining areas.

Bauhinia wood has a straight grain, fine structure, and mature plants that can be used as furniture, etc.

The bark, wood, flowers, etc. of Bauhinia can also be used in medicine, and have the effects of invigorating blood and qi, reducing swelling and detoxification.

14-2 Sakura Oshima

My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

Oshima cherry is a deciduous tree of the genus Prunus in the rose family that reaches a height of 15 meters, and is a representative of wild cherry blossoms, native to Japan.

Unlike other cherry blossoms, Oshima cherry blossoms bloom with the same leaves, the flowers are white, single-petaled, and open in an umbrella-like shape, with serrated edges. Among the large, rich green leaves, the large white cherry blossoms bloom, which are not delicate, bring you a refreshing and clean feeling. The tall Oshima cherry blossom trees give people the feeling of a jade tree facing the wind, elegant, quiet and fresh.

The leaves of Oshima cherry blossoms are processed and edible, and they are a traditional Japanese food.

14-3 pear blossoms

My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

Pear blossom is a deciduous tree of the rose family, native to China, there are about 25 species in the world, 14 species in the mainland, pear blossom in the mainland for about 2,000 years of cultivation history, since ancient times loved by people. Pears are produced in the mainland, second only to apples in terms of time.

Pear blossoms bloom in spring, white snowflakes, with a light fragrance. The flowers are 5-petaled and the anthers are usually dark red or purple.

Pear blossom has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, dissolving phlegm, suppressing cough and relieving alcohol, as well as the effect of whitening the skin, Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded: "Pear blossom can remove black flour".

Its fruit pear, not only can be eaten raw, but also can be used to make wine, make pear paste, dried pear and medicinal use.

Zhao County, Hebei is the "hometown of China's snowflake pears", and Dangshan in Anhui is the "pear capital of China".

14-4 Safflower wood

My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

Safflower sandalwood, also known as "red stepwood", "red sandalwood", etc., is a variety of sandalwood in the family Hamamelis family, evergreen shrub or small tree. Produced in the Luoxiao Mountains area on the border between Hunan and Jiangxi, Liuyang City is the "hometown of China's red flowers".

The safflower tree is a precious ornamental plant with lush leaves, beautiful posture, and clusters of flowers, and when it blooms, the trees are full of purple red, and no other colors can be seen, which is very spectacular. Looking closer, the flowers are thin lines, neat and dense, like carefully cut with scissors, it turns out that the red flowers still have green leaves, which is very magical.

Safflower wood has strong adaptability, easy to shape, and is widely used in hedges, stump bonsai and other urban greening beautification. Its flowers, roots and leaves can also be used medicinally.

14-5 Begonias

My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

In ancient China, weeping begonia, Xifu begonia, begonia and papaya begonia were collectively known as the "four products of begonia". Begonia weeping is an apple tree in the family Rosaceae, up to 5 meters tall, native to China. Shen Li's "Begonia Hundred Songs" writes: "Minshu land is thousands of miles, begonia flowers are alone; Ten thousand beautiful countries, sunny days in February", which shows the wide distribution in Sichuan. In the miscellaneous works of the Song Dynasty, there are also records such as "between Jiangsu and Zhejiang there is a soft branch with long stems, light red color, and downward weeping English, called weeping silk begonia". In the "Records of Yunzhong", it is recorded that "weeping silk begonia is several feet high, and every spring, it is fresh and extraordinary, and it is a real stunner." From Dali to Yongchang, along the mountain stream, often instead."

The branches of Begonia weeping are scattered and generally grow downwards at will. The peduncles are purplish-red, slender and drooping, hence the name "weeping begonia".

Weeping begonia flowers are pink, colorful flowers, large flowers, especially when the buds are to be placed, the layers are distinct, the top is rich rose red, the roots are fresh pale pink, really delicate, extremely gorgeous and enchanting, is a famous garden ornamental tree species. Widely used in gardens, roads, residential areas and other greening, it is a well-loved garden woody flower.

Begonia flowers can be used in medicine, non-toxic, with the effect of regulating menstruation and blood, and curing blood collapse.

Begonia fruit is pear-shaped, slightly purple, ripening more slowly; Non-toxic, sweet and sour, can also be made into preserves or fruit juice drinks.

14-6 Butterfly flowers

My Flower Notes Wave 14 – Bauhinia, Oshima Sakura, Pear Blossom, Safflower Sassafras, Butterfly Flower

Butterfly flower, also known as duck plant, Japanese iris, orchid grass, flat stretch leaf, etc., is a perennial herbaceous plant of the warbler tail family Warblertail family, 40-60 cm tall, native to China.

The leaves of the butterfly flower are like swords, the stem is much higher than the leaf, the flowers are lilac or blue-purple, and the middle is mixed with a variety of colors and spots, which can be described as colorful.

The shape of the butterfly flower is extremely beautiful, the edges of the petals are wrinkled and stretched outward at will, which is very dynamic, giving people the feeling of spreading their wings, like butterflies flying between flowers.

Butterfly flowers are vigorous and often grow on hillsides and grassy edges. It can grow in spring, summer and autumn, and only dormant in winter. It has obvious roles in water and soil conservation, pollution prevention and dust reduction, maintenance of ecological balance, and improvement of urban and rural ecological environment.

Butterfly flowers are edible and are used by folk to make soups, stir-fry or dried vegetables. Butterfly flowers can also be used in medicine, with the effect of reducing swelling, detoxification and pain.

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