
A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

author:Xiyingmen Commercial Retail

"Eating the Time"

Eat flowers in spring, leaves in summer, fruit in autumn, and roots in winter

Eat and drink according to the season

But it's a beautiful thing from the past

It's the annual "flower eating" season again

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

Xiaobian This is for the foodie owners

Present the Foodie Handbook

When I was a child, there were always many tall locust trees in front of and behind the house, and every year in this season, the locust flowers bloomed, which was also a time for us to feast.

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

1. Steamed locust flowers

The most common way to eat is steamed acacia flowers, the method is similar to steamed elm money rice, the locust flowers are cleaned with water, add some dry flour, mix well and put into the steamer basket, steamed until the aroma is overflowing.

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

2. Locust cauliflower

Put the locust flowers in boiling water again, then fry them in oil, add a little salt and vinegar, and pour them into a plate, like a plate of crushed jade, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has a good color and fragrance, which makes people appreciate it.

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

3. Locust flower cake

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

4. Locust flower dumplings

Pick when the locust flowers are not yet fully blooming, wash the sand with clean water, cook a little in the pot, and break the raw; fish out the locust flowers from the pot, put them in clean water to brew, and then squeeze the water dry by hand, spread it on the bamboo curtain, put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry, collect, and set aside.

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood

When making dumpling filling, take out a number of dried locust flowers, soak them fully in hot water, squeeze the water dry by hand; fresh leeks or garlic yellow to taste, choose clean and wash and chop; Powder skin or vermicelli to an appropriate amount, boil soft in boiling water, chop; several fresh eggs, fry, chopped. The sum of the above three ingredients should be equal to the amount of locust flowers, that is, 1/2 of the total amount each, add refined salt, sesame oil and a little pepper powder, mix well and serve.

A gift from nature to explore the delicious memories of childhood