
A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

author:Four minutes and thirty-three seconds

Earlier, after several rounds of high-level meetings between China and the United States, the US government authorities represented by Biden made a commitment to China of "four noes and one intention", stressing that they would not support "Taiwan independence" under any circumstances. Listening to his words, it is all the more important to judge his deeds, and the attitude of the US top brass in person has seriously undermined the overall situation of Sino-US relations. Especially since the beginning of this year, the US decision-making level has realized that the traditional threat methods have not worked against the Beijing authorities, so the White House has timely adjusted its China strategy and begun to play with fire on the Taiwan issue.

In the more than a year since President Biden took office, the White House has approved arms sales to Taiwan three times, successively providing weapons and equipment such as the Patriot missile system, the M1 main battle tank, and the upgraded F-16 fighter to the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island, and strengthening the DPP authorities' capital of "resisting reunification by force."

A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

On April 18, Beijing time, the island media reported that a certain "Taiwan independence" group held a meeting last weekend with the theme of "Safeguarding Taiwan's Sovereignty and Uniting the Indo-Pacific Alliance." At this anti-China conference full of bulls, ghosts, snakes, snakes, and glamorous people, extreme anti-China politicians who have not appeared for a long time, Bolton, who was the national security adviser during the Trump era, delivered a speech in the form of video footage, in which he stressed that after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the world situation has undergone structural changes, and the most urgent goal of the US Indo-Pacific strategy is to prevent Chinese mainland continue to expand its influence.

A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

To achieve this goal, the US government must comprehensively use a variety of flexible means to take tough measures against Chinese mainland at different times and in different environments, especially to strengthen cooperation with allies in the Indo-Pacific region, actively win over Japan, Australia and even Taiwan, and cooperate with the US Indo-Pacific strategy to launch a diversified offensive.

Bolton spoke highly of Biden's nearly one-and-a-half-year containment policy toward China, believing that the "Augustus" organization jointly established by the United States, Britain, and Australia, the provision of nuclear submarine equipment to Australia, and the "U.S.-Japan nuclear sharing" policy proposed by former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are all conducive to strengthening the overall promotion of the US Indo-Pacific strategy.

A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

In his speech, the notorious Cold War activist made a surprising remark, he advocated: If it wants to effectively deter the "coercion of force" by the Chinese mainland, the US Government should strengthen its cooperation with the Taiwan region politically and economically, and even restore it to the "state of US-Taiwan relations" before 1979.

The withdrawal of the US military from Taiwan and the "severance of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan" are the most core issues in the Sino-US joint communique, and the older generation of politicians on both sides have carried out a lot of communication, dialogue and game on the above-mentioned sensitive issues in order to promote the ice-breaking of Sino-US relations, and finally come up with a result that satisfies each other.

A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

After the comprehensive game between China and the United States at the end of Trump, the relationship between the two major powers has long been unable to return to the state of "hello and hello to everyone" in the early 21st century, and in various important fields such as economy and trade, high-tech, diplomacy, and military, the structural contradictions between China and the United States will continue to escalate, and there will even be a danger of going haywire, but as Bolton said, "returning to the state before 1979" is even more nonsense.

Some scholars on the island pointed out that at present, the United States is not even allowed to let Taiwan join the joint military exercises led by it, and it is even more impossible to talk about sending troops to "station" on the island of Taiwan. In addition, if the US military hastily colludes with the "Taiwan independence" forces and "dispatches" combat troops to the Taiwan region, both the Taiwan authorities and the US Government will violate the "Anti-Secession Law" Chinese mainland. This programmatic document on opposing separatism and safeguarding national reunification clearly points out that "the entry of foreign troops into The island of Taiwan" is an inevitable condition for triggering the mainland to adopt non-peaceful means to start the reunification process. In this way, the PLA will complete the great cause of reunification of the hearts and minds of 1.4 billion people with unprecedented thunder, and the US military will suffer the worst setback in the 21st century.

A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

With regard to the current situation in the Taiwan Strait, Hu Xijin, former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, said that "the situation in the Taiwan Strait is deteriorating in a spiraling form, and the mainland must be prepared for armed struggle." He speculated that the current situation in the Taiwan Strait is close to reaching a tipping point, and at any time there will be a big move to break the situation, and all parties must be prepared for this, especially for the tens of millions of sons and daughters of China and the descendants of Yanhuang, they must jointly face all possible uncertainties and challenges.

A complete showdown? US politicians encouraged the US military to "station in Taiwan," and Hu Xijin said: The explosion point in the Taiwan Strait is not far away

The road is tortuous and the future is bright. Cross-strait reunification is an inevitable requirement for the development of the trend of the times, and no country, force, or individual can stop it. More crucially, we have a people's army that is ready to fight when called upon, just as Colonel Wu Qian gave a little answer when answering the Taiwan question, "We can always believe in the Chinese People's Liberation Army."