
Bi Feiyu: What is learning to write?

author:Nan Yuqian
Bi Feiyu: What is learning to write?

Talk about learning to write

1, some people say that writing a novel should be natural, do not use too much thought, otherwise there will be traces of man-made.

I never believed such nonsense.

My view is just the opposite, you write with care, the novel is natural, you write when you are sloppy, the novel will lose its naturalness.

2, we all like the ideological nature of literary works, I would like to say that the ideological thing is often unreliable.

The transmission of ideas requires the writer's thoughts, in fact, it needs the writer's artistic talent. Without artistic talent, everything is empty talk.

3. Novels are public instruments. Reading novels and studying novels is never intended to confirm the author, on the contrary, the value of good works inspires imagination and motivational cognition. In this sense alone, outstanding texts are greater than writers.

4. What is the key to the preparation of the novel? succinct. The author must use the least amount of words to make each strange thing establish itself,

Otherwise, the foreshadowing part will become a huge tumor inside the novel, and the novel will die of pain. Simplicity is the soul of the short story and the secret of the short story.

5. What is learning to write? At the end of the day, it's about learning to read. You get it, you write it out naturally. The stronger the ability to read, the stronger the ability to write.

6, the unit of measurement of the novel is the chapter, you read the novel to read the meaning, at least one chapter, otherwise you do not know what the novel is written.

The unit of measurement of prose is the sentence, and most of the aphorisms or golden sentences we read come from prose. The unit of measurement of poetry is extremely harsh, it is a word.

As a writer, I often say that the best way to truly understand language is to read poetry, which can help you activate every word.

7, a person's so-called spiritual experience, must be inextricably linked to the difficulty of reading. A person who has not experienced difficult reading has a hard time getting "other" happiness.

I would even like to say that people who avoid difficult reading, you can hardly count on, although difficult reading really can't give us anything.

Talk about writers' works

1. The grandeur, magnificence and depth of "Dream of the Red Chamber" almost reached the extreme of the novel, and in terms of the capacity of the novel, it really cannot be bigger.

It began to be written from the Great Desolate Mountain' Nonsense Cliff, and its novel logic is emptiness-color-emptiness. According to this logic, the true opening of the "Dream of the Red Chamber" depicting "color", that is, the "world phase", should be counted from the sixth time.

2. In "Water Margin", Lin Chong and Li Kui are two extremes, Li Kui embodies naturalness, and Lin Chong reflects sociality, these two characters are the most difficult to write.

Writing About Li Kui tests the simplicity, innocence, openness, and libido of a writer, and it tests the release; what writes About Lin Chong is the accumulation, social cognition, inner depth and complexity of a writer, and what it tests is the harvest.

Shi Nai'an can complete two characters at the same time in a novel, if not great, at least first-class.

3) In my opinion, the best writer to describe the party is probably Tolstoy, who is the holy hand of the party.

In War and Peace, in Anna Karenina, if we delete all those parties, we will soon find that the charm of the novel will be curtailed.

As a writer, I would like to say that the party is actually very difficult to write, the larger the scene, the more difficult it is to write, there are many ideas, many relationships, easy to drift, easy to fragment.

However, if you write well, the space inside the novel is suddenly expanded and the novel tends to be full.

4, a good collection of short stories must be like "Scream", a variety of forms, but between the single article and the single article, there is its inherent, almost dead-eyed logic.

5) Just as everyone has his or her own basal body temperature, so every writer has his own basal body temperature. In modern Chinese literature, the writer with the highest basic body temperature is Ba Jin.

This writer is piping hot, has the heart of a child, has the love of a child.

Who has the lowest basal body temperature? Of course, zhang Ailing, she is too smart, too clear, ice and snow smart, so she is as cold as ice and snow. Her coldness was in her bones. Another of the coldest writers was Lu Xun.

6, Lu Xun and Kafka are very similar, but the two are very different, the biggest difference is here: Kafka cares about human nature, Lu Xun cares about nationality.

There is no distinction between high and low. To consider a novelist, we must consider its effectiveness and degree of completion, not the size of the proposition.

7. Privately, I have always named Lu Xun's philosophy "the philosophy of the calf"—whether you are kneeling or standing. Lu Xun's life is actually a life of working hard for the standing of "calves".

8. Modern Chinese literature as a whole is naïve, and this naivety is embodied in a literary logic: as long as you are insulted and damaged, what you do has a natural sense of justice and truth.

This is a huge tumor hidden inside modern Chinese literature, and it is a great pity that this huge tumor has not been removed in Contemporary Chinese literature.

9, A Q's effective behavior is minimal, too little. As a fictional character, everything about Ah Q begins with the mind machine, and everything stops at the heart machine, he is a black hole, empty.

In short, his life is actually in vain, and it is no different from not living. So, Ah Q had to draw that circle before he died.

It's a bottomless well, and it's a huge metaphor.

10, Hemingway's novel has a characteristic, like dialogue, there is another feature, concise, can save the province.

This is Hemingway's trick, reading his short stories you can't look at ten lines, he wants to drag you down. If you read too quickly, you won't be able to figure out which sentence was said by whom.

11, Wang Zengqi's language has a special kind of pulp, this pulp is the scholar's qi, that is, the popularity of literature. It is long, calm, elegant, ambiguous. Wang Zengqi is a literati who is deeply rooted in the essence of Chinese culture.

There is a difference between such a literati and an intellectual in the strict sense, and he pays attention to tone and taste, rather than the other side, revolution and truth.

12, let me solve the aesthetic mystery of "Ordination".

When Wang Zengqi described "Shi", that is, a disciple of the Buddhist family, he pulled it down, he wrote it according to the world, seven meats and eight vegetarians;

However, when Wang Zengqi really went to depict the worldly life, he mentioned it again, he made the worldly life full of immortality, fluttering, and his spirit and taste were in the "Tao".

13. The biggest charm of the poem "Night Rain Sends North" is that it compresses time.

Whether Cao Xueqin likes Li Shangyin or not, I have to say that Li Shangyin is cao Xueqin's previous life, and Cao Xueqin is Li Shangyin's future life. One walks in poetry, and the other borrows novels to rain.