
Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

author:Surgeon Ger said

With the gradual warming of the weather, many vegetables, wild vegetables are also gradually budding, spring is the best time to eat vegetables, vegetables in the nutrients, as well as nutrients are very rich, eating some can improve the body's immunity and resistance.

As the saying goes: "often eat vegetables, less disease" but the disease from the mouth, healthy eating habits and the incidence of cancer has a certain relationship, cancer has become the main killer of healthy life, cancer has the characteristics of rapid spread and reproduction, such as not early detection, early cure, fatality rate and will continue to grow.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

Although vegetables are rich in nutrients and dietary fiber vitamin content, many green vegetables contain ingredients that are not good for the human body, and if they are often eaten, they will cause a certain impact and burden on the stomach and intestines, increasing the risk of cancer in the future.

"Why are there more and more people suffering from cancer in the mainland"?

The first reason: the overall life expectancy of mainlanders has increased significantly compared with before, the occurrence and age of cancer are also closely related, and the gradual intensification of the aging of the mainland population has made the incidence of cancer higher and higher.

The second reason: the information age has arrived, more and more people, through information channels, understand the probability of cancer, so the number of cancers is increasing.

The third reason: the number of early cancer patients is gradually increasing, as we all know, early cases reach a good cure rate, patients can return to normal life and work, so we will feel more and more cancer patients around us.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

The fourth reason: related to bad daily living habits, such as: external factors, eating habits, living habits, long-term exposure to radiation and X-ray exposure, all have a certain relationship.

The fifth reason: excessive mental stress, long-term nervous and anxious mood, excessive depression will also affect physical health, exacerbate the burden of internal organs.

The sixth reason: environmental pollution problems are serious, nowadays, car exhaust and industrial emissions are increasing, long-term inhalation of gases that are more harmful to the body will cause the probability of cancer.

Why are there more and more people suffering from cancer in the mainland? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

1) Cauliflower

Cauliflower is delicious and nutritious, which is rich in dietary fiber, trace elements and vitamin content, promotes fiber content, and timely supplementation can provide nutrients and ingredients for the human body.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

However, there is a kind of cauliflower that cannot be eaten, "that is, fresh cauliflower", fresh cauliflower contains a certain amount of "colchicine", which will affect its own liver and kidneys to paralyze the nerves.

If you accidentally eat fresh broccoli, it will induce a rapid drop in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, muscle atrophy, weakness and other diseases.

2: Lotus root

Presumably everyone has also eaten lotus root in daily life, which is a common vegetable grown in water, lotus root is rich in nutrients, through the intake of lotus root can supplement the nutritional elements lacking in the body, enhance their own metabolic capacity.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

Many people will choose to peel and wash the lotus root when eating lotus root, but everyone knows that the lotus root grows in water, and while growing, it will breed the attention of ginger slice insects (parasites), and parasitize in the lotus root when growing.

If you eat lotus root raw, it is easy to promote parasites to enter our body and affect our own health, so for the sake of physical health and safety, we try not to choose raw lotus roots.

3: Husband Root

This wild vegetable will be called "wild carrot" one is that after it matures, the shape is similar to that of carrots, so it is also called wild carrots.

Lao Gong Root: It has rich nutritional elements and nutrients, and after ingestion into the human body, it has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis, detoxification, and has a certain auxiliary inhibitory effect on liver disease, jaundice, and hypertension diseases.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

However, there are certain toxin components on the leaves of the old root, which is not suitable for large-scale ingestion at one time, if too much is ingested at one time, it will cause food poisoning, nausea and vomiting symptoms.

4) Baby cabbage

When we eat hot pot, we will buy baby cabbage, which will present a unique delicacy after cooking and shabu-shabu, and people who are on a diet will be the first choice when eating hot pot.

However, most of the baby cabbage sold on the market is not clean, precisely because the surface contains a large number of organic compounds, if not cleaned properly, these substances into the human body, will cause different degrees of damage to the human intestines and liver.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

At the same time, in order to extend the storage time of baby cabbage, merchants will choose to soak baby cabbage with formaldehyde, and the sale of baby cabbage after soaking will be better and more attractive to consumers to buy.

5) Toon

At present, it is the season when toon is on the market, and "toon with eggs" is a typical combination, not only the taste is fragrant, but also the smell of food is good, which can improve people's appetite.

However, in the process of growth, the body will bring a nitrite and nitros salt components, these ingredients are also a carcinogen, the older the toon contains the higher the ingredients, if you eat such toon, it will cause food poisoning.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

So remember, must not consume a large amount of toon at one time, do not eat raw toon, when choosing toon, it is best to choose fresh buds of toon, so that the content of nitrate in the body of toon will be less.

A little trick to "wash vegetables"

1, light brine soaking: the vegetables bought back are washed with water at least 2 to 3 times, I put it in light salt water to soak, and then rinse with water, similar to cabbage vegetables should be cut open, soaked in water.

2, alkali powder water soaking: first put some alkali powder in the water, stir well, and then put the vegetables into the soak for 4 to 5 minutes, and then wash it with water.

Why is the number of cancers increasing year by year? Doctors recommend: Eat less of these 5 vegetables

3, boiling water: when washing vegetables, it is best to boil with boiling water, and then fish it up and clean it again, which can effectively remove 90% of the residues in the food pesticides.

4, sunlight disinfection: sunlight exposure, will make the residue pesticides in vegetables destroyed, and there are relevant tests, saying that vegetables and fruits put in the sun for a few minutes, can effectively reduce the residue of pesticides by half.

5, Tao rice water cleaning: why say so? Because Taomi water is acidic, and pesticides will lose their toxicity when they encounter acidity, so when cleaning vegetables, soak them in Taomi water for 5 to 8 minutes to reduce pesticide residues. #爱乐养生指南 #