
When you are happy, you are rich

author:Non-emotional FM

Non-Let Emotion Special Author /Ning Jingning

Fa Xiao was in Shanghai, and the pace of life that suddenly slowed down after working from home made her reflect on her previous lifestyle and look for a new value standard to define happiness.

As a result, we all agreed that:

When you are happy, you are rich.

When you are happy, you are rich

01, have a healthy physical and psychological epidemic, is rich

The global spread has been more than two years, how many people's health and lives have been taken, life is priceless, and the valuation of healthy bodies is not more than three million.

An old friend's child is the first batch of doctors who rushed to Wuhan and has been engaged in vaccine research and development, he said that the more he has seen life and death, the more he will cherish life, and every day of life must be grateful, to create value, not to waste.

If you want to pursue a meaningful life, health is the "1" at the front, and without this "1", all the perfect "0s" in the back are meaningless.

Life is so precious that it is worth our best efforts to make it thick, and the premise of holding it all up is to have a healthy body.

When you are happy, you are rich

02, there are loved people, there is a heart that can love, is rich

Wealth has a variety of manifestations, there is love in the heart, and the happiness brought about by love is stronger than the happiness brought about by the wealth that can be seen and touched in the world.

When her daughter was a child, she liked to go to the villa in the suburbs of her girlfriend's house to play, and her girlfriend teased her, "Auntie's family is so big, there is a yard, there are fruit trees, is it okay to stay and be a child for your aunt?" I'll buy you a lot of nice clothes. ”

When you are happy, you are rich

The daughter didn't even think about answering, "I love my mother the most!" I'm going to follow her. "At that moment, I felt like the whole world was mine.

Living affectionately is a cultivation of being born as a human being, believing in love and having the courage to love is a priceless ability.

There is often more than one loved one, parents, lovers, children, friends and relatives, and so on. In this vast universe, there are a group of people who love you and you love, and this wealth is also valued at three million.

When you are happy, you are rich

03, living in a safe country, is rich

The world is not at peace, and there are always places where people are suffering from war, displacement, homelessness and constant threat of death.

We are glad that we live in a peaceful country, although not perfect, but very solid in our hearts.

When we saw the war in Ukraine through the Internet, many Chinese who worked abroad were picked up by our charter flight back to China, and the safe and down-to-earth value of a Chinese passport was priceless.

When you are happy, you are rich

04, have a skill, is rich

In life, there must be a foundation for settling down, that is, a skill.

If at the moment you are engaged in exactly what you are good at, congratulations; if not, do it first, and then use your leisure time to build a skill, when you put in enough effort, a better life will naturally beckon you.

Put away your anxieties, sighs, tangles, worries, and stride forward with confidence, the good days ahead.