
Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Life is like a box of chocolates

You never know what the next one will taste like

It's like a man's "fart"

You never know

It's the same when it's going to pop up

Tap to turn on the Stinky Farts Not Ringing skill

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Death to a personal rainbow fart

Not often

(*Rainbow Fart: A mysterious word technique characterized by fancy touting)

It's a variety of boyfriends/husbands

Loud farts, farts, stinky farts

Symphony in P major is played in the ears

Click continuously to turn on the Serial Fart skill

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

With the deepening of communication

He even learned to confess with farts

Tap to open the Underwater Fountain Fart skill

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Although endure this all day

An attack that is almost a biological weapon

However, please don't talk about breaking up lightly

Because men who love to fart

Really excellent

Farting is a physiological behavior of human exhaust

It is normal for adults to "purr" 10 to 22 times a day[1]

The number of times measured in a small population study[2] was approximately:

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

The type of fart is closely related to food

Contains more sulfides

Foods such as high protein and cruciferous vegetables

It will make the fart stink

And difficult to digest fiber, starchy food

This will cause a lot of farts and loud[3]

What this type of food has in common is that

The feeling of fullness is relatively strong

It is an indispensable feed for the resurrection of workers full of blood

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Also, eat too fast and talk while eating

Loves chewing gum and smoking, etc

Swallow too much air

It will also turn into an extra fart

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

So, a guy farts a lot

It shows that he loves to work hard and is self-motivated

Inside the fart, most of the gas components have no taste

(such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.)

But less than 1% of the ingredients remain

But it is the main force in releasing pungent odors[1]

(The main source of malodor is sulfur-containing gases.)

And indole and fecal stink smell like mothballs

Not much contribution to stinky farts)

Especially men, this carnivorous animal

Best at releasing farts when careless

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

In the face of such a huge lethal force

He was like wearing a gas mask

In order not to "suck back" their own farts

He can hold his breath for up to 10 seconds

At the same time, he quickly fled the scene of the crime

Challenge your lung capacity anytime, anywhere

Can you say that he is excellent?

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!
Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

In public, farts are rampant

To avoid embarrassment

Most people will choose to hold their farts

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Or a fart on one side

While controlling the speed of the fart, slowly release it

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

But the probability of farting in this way is higher

After the fart appears, continue to hold and continue to release

It's easier to have serial farts!

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!
Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Those who are determined not to hold their farts

People who can say something and let go of farts

Psychological quality is also real excellent!

And, don't hold your farts in addition to making you "happy"

It can also avoid secondary damage to the body

Short-term fart holding can cause bloating

Affects the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract

Long-term fart holding may also be related to diverticulitis[7]

However, there are few relevant studies and the conclusions are not clear enough

Just hold back

These sealed farts will not disappear in a vacuum

The suffocating fart will be reabsorbed by the intestinal wall

Travels through blood circulation to the lungs

Finally released from the mouth[6]!

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Fortunately, stinky farts also have a solution!

No need to quit meat and vegetarianism

Just go with more meat

Bananas, potatoes, legumes, grains (with resistant starch)

Wheat pasta, asparagus, etc. (containing fructosans)

These substances are not easily digested and absorbed by the small intestine

After reaching the large intestine, it can be broken down before the protein

Although there are more farts, it can reduce hydrogen sulfide by 75%

Achieve the effect of "fart does not stink"! [4-5]

On the contrary, don't be afraid of farts

Deliberately eat less fiber foods

Otherwise the protein you eat can only "rot alone"

Farts, though not much, are the stinkiest

The so-called "fart does not stink, stinky fart does not sound"

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

If the boyfriend farts more than ordinary people

It is accompanied by stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and blood in the stool

It is better to change a boyfriend and take him to the doctor

May be constipation, indigestion

May also be irritable bowel syndrome,

Lactose/fructose intolerance

or diseases such as ulcerative colitis[8]

Boys love to fart, indicating that 3 points are excellent, but many girls can't stand it!

Finally, @men

Cherish the one next to you

Embrace your N-ass fairy

You and your significant other

What are some of the "happy farts"?

Welcome to the comments section to share duck ~


[1] Suarez F L, Levitt M D. An understanding of excessive intestinal gas[J]. Current gastroenterology reports, 2000, 2(5): 413-419.

[2] Bolin T D, Stanton R A. Flatus emission patterns and fibre intake[J]. European Journal of Surgery, 1998, 164(S12): 115-118.

[3] Yao C K, Muir J G, Gibson P R. Insights into colonic protein fermentation, its modulation and potential health implications[J]. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2016, 43(2): 181-196.


[5] Yao C K, Rotbart A, Ou J Z, et al. Modulation of colonic hydrogen sulfide production by diet and mesalazine utilizing a novel gas-profiling technology[J]. Gut Microbes, 2018, 9(6): 510-522.

[6] Sahakian A B, Jee S R, Pimentel M. Methane and the gastrointestinal tract[J]. Digestive diseases and sciences, 2010, 55(8): 2135-2143.

[7] Wynne-Jones G. Flatus retention is the major factor in diverticular disease[J]. The Lancet, 1975, 306(7927): 211-212.


*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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