
The police dog "Wang Wang Team" is coming! After passing the assessment, you will enter the actual combat training

author:Harbin New Media

Du Yang ZAKER Harbin reporter Wang Xiao

Spring blossom day, training is just in time, recently in the Heilongjiang entry-exit border inspection station Harbin police dog training base, there is such a group of "little guys" to conduct an important examination, to test the results of training, they are the base from Germany to introduce breeding dogs, after breeding "foreign second generation", there are "German Shepherd", "Marinois dog" "Springer dog", "Springer dog", at present these three dog breeds are the three most commonly used in the domestic police dog industry, mostly used in search, drug control, tracking, identification, hunting and other practical subjects.

The police dog "Wang Wang Team" is coming! After passing the assessment, you will enter the actual combat training
The police dog "Wang Wang Team" is coming! After passing the assessment, you will enter the actual combat training

The assessment team will investigate the dog's guts, body shape, physique, and dog development, focusing on the dog's police quality and ability, and conducting a number of assessments for environmental adaptation, attachment, obedience, possessiveness, etc., to determine whether they have the quality to become a police dog.

The police dog "Wang Wang Team" is coming! After passing the assessment, you will enter the actual combat training
The police dog "Wang Wang Team" is coming! After passing the assessment, you will enter the actual combat training

After passing the examination in many aspects, these "Wang Wang teams" will officially enter the actual combat training, become a qualified police dog, rush to the frontier, and jointly guard the peace of the people.