
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

In the spring flowers in full bloom in April

The most special thing is the weeping begonia

Dotted pink

Adds a touch of color to spring

Today, let's go

Let's enjoy the weeping begonias

Begonia, is the traditional famous flower of the mainland, the Ming Dynasty "Qunfang Spectrum" recorded: begonia has four products, all woody. These four products refer to: Xifu begonia, weeping begonia, papaya begonia and sticky begonia.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

Among them, the weeping begonia is named because the flowers bloom in bunches and the peduncle is thin and droopy and silky. It is also called weeping begonia because of the slight drooping of flowering branches.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

Weeping begonias are also called intestinal flowers and homesick grasses, which mean "wandering children are homesick". The main products are In Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Yunnan in China.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

The flowers are bright red when they are not blooming, and gradually turn pink after opening, usually 5-7 flower clusters grow at the ends of the branches, umbrella-shaped inflorescences, and enter the full blooming period around April.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

When the weeping begonias are in full bloom, the filaments are hanging downwards and blooming, which makes the flowers look bright and moving, and they are very beautiful. The breeze blows, the flowers flutter, the filigree sways, like a beautiful person dancing, Yuan Na Lou Ting.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

Because of its graceful style, it has been loved and admired by generations of literati and inkers. The famous literary scholar Su Dongpo has written poems many times with the expression of weeping begonias.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli also created a number of works about weeping begonias, such as "Weeping silk has a beautiful scenery, who loses all Shu begonias" "No wave can be seen at the bottom, and Liu Zhengjiao also learns to hang", admiring the beautiful posture of weeping begonias.

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

Weeping begonias

Hanging without being humble

Dress up the romance of spring

Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom
Cloud viewing flowers 丨 Here the weeping begonias are in full bloom

Source: Yangpu, Shanghai

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