
Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

author:I'm king in the game

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Isn't Hara Shin Inako T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering! In fact, it is too specialized, even if the effect is good, it is only suitable for one character, and such a weapon must not be t0 level! There are three weapons at the T0 level, namely the Gomo Mist Cut and the Green Sword, which are mainly suitable for many characters, and they are all graduation weapons, so it is worth smoking!

Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

In fact, in terms of special martial arts, the demon supermodel to grandma's house can make the walnut become the first output machine of Tivat, but in terms of versatility, it is still easy to use the knife, and the nine articles of the Xiangling Thor can be used. Gomo passively wants to write the e of the walnut directly. And the applicability of the protective motorcycle is also very lacking, but all those who take the gun want to grab the protective motorcycle.

Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

There is also the fact that 88% of the red horns have no time to play when they are out of the fight, is this true? However, the attack power white value is low, and the special effects plus defense are not very popular except for a bucket and a maid. I don't know why the damage doesn't go, usually the general attack can only cut about 14,000 damage!

Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

The five-star weapon is the only one, and the fog cut is not that it is strong enough but that other one-handed swords are too pulled... Nothing else is brilliant. However, some people say that the passive in addition to the walnut other characters added not many attacks, but also the panel is good-looking, fog cut stacked with 40% elemental damage.

Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

Some people also say that the damage of the Thor of the Full Essence Blade is more than that of the Gomor, so the ranking of the Squirrel is stronger than the Goma, what is the logic of this? For Walnut Bell to be far stronger than the sword, except for the role of the Thor gomor, which is not stronger than the knife, the knife is far inferior to the gomor in both versatility and strength.

Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

In fact, among the five-star weapons, the Wolf End, the Goma, the Iris, the Rock Formation, and the Four Winds Original, these are all weapons with strong versatility and no weak damage. Especially wolf end, there is no other good big sword in the Tivat continent, then wolf end!

Hara: Inako is not T0? The reason for the special martial arts in the Thor's special martial arts is worth pondering

However, it is not recommended to smoke new weapons, the average person has played for two months, four-star weapons are not as many as four-star characters, five-star does not dare to think at all! Draw weapons. All five stars were drawn to the left. Not one on the right. 50% chance? I'm afraid it's 20%. Now there is no special martial arts, walnut and pu kite, the sky in the gods, are all sub-options!

In fact, the best five-star weapons should be the goma and fog cut bar, the auxiliary terminal is also good, other weapons are either too specialized or too la attributes!

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