
Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

Unusual young man – Mike Tyson

In 1980, legendary boxing coach Kus d'Amato discovered Mike Tyson, a juvenile delinquent.

Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

Six years later, at the age of 20, Tyson defeated Trevor Burbik (WBC heavyweight boxing champion) in two rounds to win the championship and start his heavyweight career.

Just 6 years is very insignificant for a professional boxer who aims to be a champion, but what sets Tyson apart from most other boxers is the intensity of his training, which means that the speed of his progress is a world away from most people.

Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

In short, although he has only received 6 years of training, his dedication and perseverance in training, as well as the addition of tailored high-quality training subjects, are enough to make up for the time gap with other boxers, and even the progress is far beyond it.

Tyson at D'Amato Training Camp (Training Program)

4:00AM – Get up! Tyson stretched for a long time before doing 10 sprints and 10 jump boxes (which should refer to jumping steps).

4:30AM — After a 3-4 mile run, walk 1 mile.

5:30AM — Take a shower and go back to sleep.

10:00AM — Wake up in the sun and eat oatmeal for breakfast with milk.

12:00 PM – Technical exercises in the boxing ring, usually with 10 rounds of technical combat with sparring, followed by 3 sets of freehand fitness (Calisthenics are mainly single-bar push-ups and the like, the old-school boxing system pays attention to these; Rocky, played by Stallone, likes to do horizontal bar pull-ups in every movie).

2:00PM – Technically followed by lunch, usually chicken and rice or steak and pasta, plus freshly squeezed juice (carbohydrates, protein, vegetables and water).

3:00PM-4-6 rounds of technical combat, heavy punch sandbag training, dodge + technical sandbag, jump rope, combination punch digital sandbag, hit hand target, speed ball (Da mato never likes speed ball) and 60 minutes of fixed bicycle, and then do 3 sets of freehand fitness.

5:00PM - Freehand Fitness: 2000 squats, 2500 sit-ups, 500-800 flexion braces, 500 push-ups, 500 30kg barbell shoulder lifts, 10 minutes neck training.

7:00 PM — Chicken and rice, or steak pasta, usually served with orange juice, usually prepared by Steve Lotte

(Until he fired Kevin Ronnie in 1988, his recipes contained only steaks, spaghetti, and juice.)

8:30PM - Ride another 30-minute stationary bike just to relax and recover, then watch TV (during preparation, the TV will play a video of the opponent's game in order to study the opponent).

9:30PM — Go to bed.

Some people ask how there is no large equipment training? Isn't Tyson very capable of picking up iron?

Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

At least during D'Amato's lifetime, Tyson supposedly wouldn't have touched the equipment training, because the old-school boxing philosophy was to refuse to lift iron, they believed: weights are evil, and iron training should be what Tyson did later.

Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

Similarly, in the old-school boxing system, some training names are also slightly different, these differences are reflected in the training concept and training purpose, the final result is that the training at that time and the current training, although it looks similar or the same, but the focus is slightly different.

Old-school boxers, you'll find that most of them are not very muscular, especially in the various levels below the heavyweight level, they are super good at fighting, 15 rounds of obedience, very aerobic, very good at running and so on.

Mike Tyson never lifted weights at his peak? What is the secret of his heavy punch?

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