
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong

author:The clear spring will always flow

In the first year of Qianlong (1736), he held up the "Erudite Hongzi" section, did not go home, and made a living in Jianggan City, making a living by brewing wine, and enjoying himself with cloth clothes. In his later years, his family declined and he was impoverished, but he was still clean and self-sufficient. He is fond of jinshi characters, good at painting poems, especially fine seal carving, good at cutting knife methods, and is the founder of the "Zhejiang School" and the first of the "Eight Families of Xiling". He is Ding Jing. His printed score was enshrined in the sea, and Japanese celebrities also competed to buy it at a high price. His calligraphy is full of ancient charm, and there is also a golden stone interest between the strokes, which is unique.

Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong
Yayun Network --- the appreciation of Ding Jing's "Lishu Bang Bao Min'an Poetry Album" in the first year of Qianlong