
With cancer, will the future life see the head at a glance? | Anti-cancer stories

author:Gynecologic Oncology Mutual Aid Circle

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I was diagnosed with ovarian clear cell carcinoma in November 2020, underwent surgery and 6 chemotherapy treatments, and in 2021 I had 4 chemotherapy treatments, one definitive assessment examination, half a year's monthly blood picture monitoring and upper and lower abdominal ultrasound, and half a year's re-examination.

For specific postoperative and chemotherapy side effects, my diet can be found in the previous article: Fight Cancer! Ushering in the rebirth of the 12-word anti-cancer experience, you and I together to encourage | Anti-cancer stories

Exercise has brought me great changes in body and mind

In terms of exercise, the most uncomfortable days during chemotherapy are basically not going out, but they rarely sit or lie down, just walk around the house, and other times are mostly walks. Baduanjin basically insisted on doing it every day, starting with once a day, and later it could be done twice a day. Yoga begins at two months of treatment, then forms a Tuesday and Thursday yoga practice, and other times practices the Eight Duan Jin. The walking time of the day is in the afternoon when it is cold and in the evening when it is hot.

Baduan Nishiki is a turning point in the mood

After the first chemotherapy, because the constipation situation had just eased, I did not dare to sit for a long time, but I could not do more intense exercise, so I began to try Yadan Nishiki. I usually only stop for a few days after chemotherapy when I can't stand up straight, and I usually insist on doing the rest of the time, including going to the hospital for examination, and also finding a place with fewer people to practice in the waiting gap, and practicing before the infusion on the day of chemotherapy. In this way, day by day, the slow movements are more similar than before, from being able to only follow the video to being able to keep up with the full set of movements, and even later without watching the video, you can train yourself twice.

When I started practicing Baduanjin, I didn't feel any special benefits, as a persistence, a task, one day I found that with the breathing in a certain action node of the more comfortable, when the mood is not good, with the depression is exhaled again and again, the fresh air is inhaled in a big mouth, even if the mood before the practice is indifferent, after practicing, you can generally be relaxed and happy.

The walk is to go to the park every morning after dinner, except for a walk before and after yoga and eight dan nishiki every day.

In addition, after my leg numbness and premature heart beats have improved, I plan to learn to swim, which is said to be a better sport for ovarian cancer patients.

Yoga brings me much more than beauty

This is the first time since practicing yoga that the teacher has taken a picture of me, and I don't know if it's because it's been a long time or if my asanas can fit into her lens. Looking at the pictures she sent me, paired with the beautiful wall of the yoga classroom, it was actually beautiful. In my personal experience, yoga has brought me much more beauty than that.

With cancer, will the future life see the head at a glance? | Anti-cancer stories

The following images are all records of Miyou

Since I started practicing yoga, I've basically maintained the rhythm of two classes a week.

Before practicing yoga, I didn't have any special feelings when I practiced eight dan jin, but after practicing yoga for a while, when I practiced eight dan jin again, I would unconsciously blend in. For example, when the hands are lifted, it is associated with the yoga instruction "sink the shoulders and fall back to the shoulder nest; the feet are flat, and the heels are not separated from the ground." For example, when bending down again, I basically used the strength of the waist to bring it before, the breathing and the abdomen did not cooperate well, sitting for a long time hurt the waist, and then I used yoga to rotate the pelvis, with the breathing, with the strength of the abdominal contraction to bring the upper body up, so that not only the movement is smooth, the strength and breathing also complement each other.

After practicing yoga, some of my bad habits improved. For example, when sitting in the past, I would habitually my legs, and the yoga teacher said that the action was not conducive to the stability of the pelvis, and it was easy to cause waist pain, and I really had the problem of waist pain, so I paid special attention to this, and when I wanted to, I would consciously stop this habitual action.

Another example is my hair washing habit bending down to wash, before every wash, the waist is old and sore, after washing up when standing up is particularly uncomfortable, it may not stand straight for a while or need to lean against the wall slowly, now according to the yoga teacher taught the flat feet, slightly bend the knees, start the strength of the legs muscles, reduce the waist force, feel the legs like tree roots stuck on the ground, and the waist is just to undertake the leg strength with the upper body to retract freely, and then the sore is the leg (only when the muscles are exercised), the waist is no longer uncomfortable.

For example, I used to wash my hands and like to lean to the right side, a long time led to pelvic unevenness, but also a factor that is easy to cause waist pain, now I know to consciously try to stand straight, as far as possible to make the shoulders flat, feet flat, slowly the pelvis may come straight...

With cancer, will the future life see the head at a glance? | Anti-cancer stories

The following images are all records of Miyou

After practicing yoga, I was no longer without tricks when I couldn't sleep. When I couldn't sleep before, I started to turn over and over, turned over more and began to be irritable, and then the more irritable I became, the more I couldn't sleep, so glued and unsolvable...

Later, after learning the abdominal breathing method with the yoga teacher, with the way of relaxation, the body lies straight, evenly rhythmically, inhales deeply, exhales slowly, from head to toe, consciously relaxing part by part... After that, it is not necessary to sleep or not, but basically you can calm down, no longer irritable, hot flashes and night sweats will not visit.

After yoga was integrated into my life, it not only corrected some of my bad habits, alleviated some physical discomfort, adjusted the state of my body better, but also opened a window for me when my donkey skills were poor. Gratitude Yoga!

Use learning to heal the heart

My surgery was a "total resection", i.e. the removal of the ovaries, uterus, appendages, pelvic omentum and abdominal omentum. After the operation, there is no estrogen, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability and other problems are more obvious. Hot flashes, night sweats I eat Liv sensitive tablets to regulate, the effect is good, but emotional irritability or depression and other issues, or rely on their own hobbies to regulate.

When I'm in a bad mood, if it's not convenient to talk to friends or have the kind of depression that I can't say, I usually write it out, write a diary in a book, or write a microblog on the computer. If you still feel depressed, just sing k on your phone, or drive to a place that you can overlook a little higher, look into the distance, or even yell loudly, usually feel much more comfortable.

In order to maintain a peaceful state of mind, I read books, practice words, or whatever, every afternoon or other fragmentary time. Books can be selected according to their own interests and hobbies, but it is recommended to read paper books as much as possible, which is not only better for the eyes, but also more conducive to spiritual satisfaction and soul communication.

With cancer, will the future life see the head at a glance? | Anti-cancer stories

The following images are all records of Miyou

In the past year, I have read several books, including "The Gift of Time", "Everyone's War", and some books on Bi Shumin's psychological healing, and some children's literature recommended by my son, such as "Darwin Girl" and so on. I listened to some MOOCs in learning about powerful countries, including psychology, and others such as a brief history of the universe, paleontology, mythology research, and nutrition around me, learned some emotional management methods, and understood some common sense of life and psychology. In addition, bits and pieces read some ancient poetry endowments...

In 2022, the things I plan to do are to learn to swim, learn the guqin, and also consider learning guitar and reading books such as "The Instinct for Self-Healing".

With cancer, will the future life see the head at a glance? | Anti-cancer stories

The following images are all records of Miyou

The future of life is not an eye-to-eye

In terms of the current state, there are sometimes confusions, because there are still some things that can't be done, such as going hiking with friends; there are still some things that can't be eaten, such as hot pot. The rhythm of life is also similar to that of the elderly, and carrying a water cup and visiting the park have become the main ways to pass the time.

Is it that the future life is foreseen at a glance?

not necessarily. In terms of how it feels to look back and look at the hardships of the past and today, it is really possible! Who knows what gifts time will bring us in the future? After all, we've seen the magic of time, right? If we can seriously continue to do what we can do little by little, maybe time will amaze us at some stage! So, take action, and then just look forward to it...

Along the way, I summarized the 12-word experience: study diligently, grasp exercise, adjust diet, and protect mentality. Let's cheer together! Let's take action!

Disclaimer: The source of the article is Miyou Experience, and Mijian is published with permission. The content of the article is only the personal opinion of the friend, different patients choose different treatment methods, and the treatment experience is only for learning and communication.

Editor-in-Charge: Gynecologic Oncology Mutual Aid

Picture to play: Photo Network

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