
WeChat sends such files, violating the law!

author:Ping An Qiannan

April 15 is National Security Education Day for All

Today, a collection of publicity cases for national security education day was released

Remind everyone to jointly safeguard national security!

Case 1| the crime of insulting the national flag

Wu ripped off a flag of the People's Republic of China hanging at the door of a merchant in public and threw it on the ground to insult the national flag by stepping on it, and then a video of Wu insulting the national flag was circulated on the Internet, involving tens of thousands of comments and browsing. After a quick investigation and quick handling, the public security organs comprehensively and promptly ascertained the facts of the criminal suspect's crime of insulting the national flag, collected and fixed criminal evidence in accordance with law, and transferred the case to the people's procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with law.

According to Article 23 of the National Flag Law of the People's Republic of China, whoever deliberately insults the national flag of the People's Republic of China by burning, destroying, defacing, defiling, trampling on the national flag in a public place shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law; Whoever, in accordance with Article 299 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, deliberately insults the national flag or national emblem of the People's Republic of China by burning, destroying, graffiti, defiling or trampling on it in a public place shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights. Defendant Wu was sentenced to 10 months in prison for insulting the national flag.

Police tips

The masses of the people should enhance their awareness of the national flag and the concept of the country, fully understand that the five-star red flag is the symbol of the Chinese nation, and every citizen should love our country and our national flag, have a sense of awe for the national flag, consciously safeguard the dignity of the national flag, and form a good atmosphere of respect and love for the national flag. It is necessary to fully understand the illegality and harmfulness of the society that insults the national flag, have the courage to fight against the insult to the national flag, and safeguard the sacredness and dignity of the national flag.

Case 2 | case of forging the identity of a "living Buddha" to amass wealth and deceive color

Wang Mou tried his best to worship an old monk as a teacher, and with the help of his brother Lu Mou, a fellow disciple, he forged his identity and transformed into "Lobsang Danzhen", known as "Lobsang Danzhen Living Buddha". After becoming a "living Buddha", Wang began to amass wealth, establishing 8 core "dojos" throughout the country, with sub-"dojos" at all levels, developing more than 3,000 disciples in more than 20 provinces and cities across the country, requiring each disciple to hand over offerings to him every year. At the same time, they constantly fabricate a variety of money collection projects, taking refuge in the "living Buddha" to collect money, "naming the Dharma name" to collect money, and the cost of "empowerment and transmission" from low to high is divided into four levels, and the fee is more than 50,000 yuan. In addition, ordinary vases purchased online are sold to disciples at prices tens or hundreds of times higher than the blessing of "doing things" and other methods. For more than 10 years, Wang illegally amassed nearly 200 million yuan. In addition, Wang mou required each disciple to take a poisonous oath when taking refuge and cultivating, to obey orders for life and not to betray them. He also fabricated false reasoning and heresies to exercise mental control over his disciples.

Wang mou committed the crime of organizing and using a cult to sabotage the implementation of the law, illegal business operation, rape, and forced indecency, and was sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment and a fine of 20 million yuan for several crimes, and Lu was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 5 million yuan.

WeChat sends such files, violating the law!

People's Daily WeChat reported the details of the case on February 2, 2021 (click to view)

Police tips

Some lawbreakers have misappropriated, distorted, and desecrated the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism to commit fraud, sexual assault, and other illegal acts to satisfy their own distorted personal selfish desires. The broad masses of the people can search for the "Tibetan Buddhist Living Buddha Inquiry System" set up by the State Administration for Religious Affairs and other official agencies, or call the religious affairs department of the local government to verify the authenticity, and once a suspicious "living Buddha" is found, promptly report it to the religious affairs department and the public security organ.

Case 3| a fraud case involving the fictitious identity of the "Living Buddha"

Since 2012, Wang and Yang have taken advantage of the people's demand for religious beliefs, forged the identities of clergy, and under the guise of spreading legal religion, fabricated that they were "guru's parents" and "Rinpoche (i.e., living Buddhas)", used the "Fairy Mountain Yunhai Temple" to deceive 31 people to practice at the temple, and through illegal missionary work, defrauded believers to "provide" more than 460,000 yuan of money. In 2018, the public security organs filed a case for investigation and criminally detained Wang and Yang.

At present, in accordance with article 266 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs, the people's court sentenced Wang X to 8 years' imprisonment and a fine of 80,000 yuan and Yang X to 7 years' imprisonment and a fine of 70,000 yuan for the crime of fraud in the first instance.

Police tips

The Mainland Constitution stipulates that citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief, but engaging in religious activities must comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the Mainland and the requirements of the Regulations on Religious Affairs. The masses of the people should carefully identify the legal identity of clergy (which can be inquired through the website of the religious department), and carry out religious activities in regular and lawful religious activity sites, so as to enhance their awareness of prevention and prevent being deceived.

Case 4| Typical Case of WeChat Leak

In recent years, the incidence of online social media leaks such as WeChat has shown a high incidence, seriously endangering the security of state secrets and secrets of police work. Due to the convenience of WeChat copying and forwarding information, once leaked, the information dissemination speed is fast and the scope of diffusion is wide, which is very easy to cause bad impact and serious harm.

During the period when Liu Mou, a secret-related personnel participated in the centralized study of the unit, he revealed to his colleague Zou that he was reading a secret-related document, and Zou asked Liu about the content of the document. Although Liu realized that the file was involved in secrets, he was lucky, and used his mobile phone to shoot the content of the file and sent it to Zou through WeChat. Zou immediately forwarded it to friends and WeChat groups, which quickly led to the widespread spread of the file and caused serious leaks. After the incident, Liu was placed on probation for one year, removed from his post, and transferred from his secret-related post; Zou was dismissed.

【Typical behavior】

WeChat and other social media leak violations are mainly manifested in:

(1) Storing, processing, and transmitting state secrets and police work secrets through weChat, WeChat groups, and other online social media.

(2) Scan and process content involving state secrets and police work secrets through WeChat graphic recognition mini programs, etc.

The essence of the WeChat leak violation is to transmit state secrets on the Internet and other public information networks or in wired and wireless communications that have not taken confidentiality measures, which violates article 26 of the Law on Guarding State Secrets and article 18 of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Work Secrets.

【Precautionary Measures】

(1) When using WeChat, functions such as location display and "shake" should be turned off, and information related to posts and work should not be released in the circle of friends at will, work should not be discussed on WeChat, and it is strictly forbidden to pass confidential and sensitive information.

(2) WeChat group management. Adhere to the principle of "non-essential non-establishment", strictly control the number of work groups, and implement work such as approving and approving the establishment of groups, standardizing group names, and filing for future reference.

Adhere to the principle of "who builds the group is responsible, who manages who is responsible", clarify the confidentiality requirements within the group, verify the identity of members, and remind and supervise the release of information in the group.

Adhere to the principle of full-process control, regularly check the management of WeChat work groups, and promptly disband zombie groups, temporary groups, and special work groups.