
Solved! Zhou Peng fell heavily to the ground, who noticed the Liao Basket, why did Zhao Jiwei come forward to care about greetings?

When Erfei, Laiduo, and Zhou Peng left the court with injuries one after another, you can see the determination of the Guangdong men's basketball team to stand to the end, but the gap in strength between the two sides is bare, and any effort is insignificant. The Guangdong team once took advantage of the other party's mistakes in the last quarter to overtake the score, but when Yang Ming called a timeout and replaced it with the ultimate lineup of Guo Allen, Zhao Jiwei and Moland, the Guangdong team's attack came to a standstill. The blocking and dismantling cooperation launched by the defender line could not effectively punish Morland, and the outside line could not get the opportunity to open the position for a long time, and under the airtight defense of the Liaoning basket, Du Feng had to surrender his weapons.

Solved! Zhou Peng fell heavily to the ground, who noticed the Liao Basket, why did Zhao Jiwei come forward to care about greetings?

It is worth mentioning that there was also a small episode in this game, Zhou Peng collided with foreign assistant Morland during a layup, due to unstable center of gravity, resulting in a neck injury when landing, and then left the field with the support of the staff. Zhou Peng tried to overcome the injury with a tenacious will and return to the game, but the load on his body made it impossible for him to stand up. At this time, Zhao Jiwei on the side stepped forward to greet Zhou Peng's injury, which made many people feel inexplicable, obviously he was an opponent on the field, why did Zhao Jiwei do this? I think there are many reasons for this.

Solved! Zhou Peng fell heavily to the ground, who noticed the Liao Basket, why did Zhao Jiwei come forward to care about greetings?

On the one hand, the UAE League, Allen, Zhou Peng, and Ji Wei are all old teammates of the national team, and the personal relationship between them is good, and when the Changsha Asian Championships, the Chinese men's basketball team was able to return to the peak, which was achieved around this lineup, of course, there is also a Zhou Qi. On the other hand, Zhou Peng himself is a Liaoning native, still has deep feelings for his hometown, after the Liaoning men's basketball team defeated Guangsha in the finals in 18 years to win the championship, Zhou Peng is the only Guangdong team to send blessings on the social platform, he is both the captain of the Guangdong team and a native of Liaoning, which will never change.

Solved! Zhou Peng fell heavily to the ground, who noticed the Liao Basket, why did Zhao Jiwei come forward to care about greetings?

Now that the score of the series has reached 0:2, the Guangdong men's basketball team is undoubtedly standing on the edge of the cliff, and with Zhou Peng's injury, the situation of promotion has become more and more uncertain. When Du Feng still loses after playing all the cards in his hand, he is doomed to the fate of the Guangdong men's basketball team being swept. I hope that Guangdong can make plans for the future of the team in the off-season, and also wish that the Liaoning men's basketball team can be crowned again.

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