
Qingwei | the mountain

author:Qilu one point
That mountain ◎ Liu Xueguang

There is a mountain not far from the residence, and I originally liked the mountain, so I chose to settle here. More than ten years, too familiar with this mountain. Every tree and every stone on the mountain has a mark in the mind.

I remember when I first came to live, the first time, I flew to visit the mountain. The mountain is neither tall nor short, and it takes half an hour to climb to the top of the mountain. The path up the hill is steep and there will be plenty to gain by climbing in the rough terrain. Not only the scenery that looks out makes you excited. And the rocks at your feet will also fascinate you, not to mention the dense trees, delicate flowers, and noisy birdsong. Reaching the top of the mountain is the goal I have to achieve every time. This may have something to do with my personality because I don't like to fall behind. "Will be the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains and small", that is the realm I want. Standing at the highest point of the mountain, looking down at the distance, you can see the grandeur of the sea, a few low buildings, the red tiles of the bungalows, the sparse traffic.

At that time, the mother sat in the bedroom north of my house, holding her son to teach children's songs, pointing to the green of the mountains outside the window and saying, "Neighboring with the mountains, knowing the heights and heights." Looking at the mountains every day will remind you. "Mother is talking about being a human being. She spoke to herself to her ignorant son, and I kept it in mind.

Qingwei | the mountain

In spring, there are magnolia flowers, wisteria flowers, spring flowers, forsythia flowers, peach blossoms, locust tree flowers on the mountain... When in full bloom, it is beautiful, purple and red, colorful and enchanting. In the early days, there was a small square at the root of the mountain, next to a verdant bamboo forest, where I sometimes punched, exercised, and looked at the green trees and red flowers on the mountain. The air is particularly refreshing, a breeze, the bamboo is rattling, I will sing a few high-pitched songs to the bamboo, bamboo as if it can understand the song, slowly calm down, stand up, silently listen. I got tired of singing, said goodbye to the bamboo, and started walking down the hill to my home.

A few years ago, the entire mountain was transformed into a second phase, and a quality park was presented in front of the eyes. I often bathe in the morning light and go climbing the mountain. At the side of the mountain road, there is a sign of this mountain legend, and I will stop and taste it carefully. Learn some historical knowledge and allusions from it. The gardener design is unique, a boulder that "walks the mountain path", the atmosphere has charm. On a flat ground, very lively, tai chi, sword dancing, dancing, methodical, dazzling to see. From time to time, the shouting of the mountain trumpet echoes in the ears of the mountains. Halfway up the mountainside, a "mid-mountain pavilion", heavy eaves octagonal, imitation wood structure, standing in the distance, extremely eye-catching four fields, refreshing, suddenly cheerful. Facing the morning sun, full of light, full of strength. The trench wooden boardwalk is winding and winding, and the plant landscape such as iris slope, gardenia belt, honeysuckle slope, lilac slope, wildflower slope, white flower axle grass and other plant landscapes are integrated with the natural mountain forest, highlighting the harmony and magnificence. The pavilion at the top of the hill is majestic, four stories high, and has temperament. Climbing the pavilion overlooking, the blue sea and the waves, the high-rise buildings, the Oubao Red Square, the traffic flow, a drunken city oil painting, painted in the eyes.

Qingwei | the mountain

When I have time, I will sit on a wooden chair in the middle of the mountain with a book and read. It is a very pleasant thing to be with the mountain, to be with the mountain, to be friendly with the mountain, and to whisper with the mountain. When you are tired, just lie down on a wooden chair and take a nap. Waking up, looking at the trees, listening to the birdsong, feeling the life, it is really a lot of fun. Sometimes, looking at the tall pavilion on the top of the mountain, he will casually recite the classic sentences in Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Louji", "Do not be happy with things, do not be sad with yourself", "Worry about the worries of the world before the world, and enjoy the happiness of the world after the world", and suddenly, the body is full of fiery passion. Get up, look around the mountain, and admire how it has become a big park, both in terms of design and layout. There are pavilions, winding boardwalks, exotic flowers and grasses, birds singing, flowers and trees fragrant, isn't it a fairyland reconstruction? I am glad that there is such a beautiful place in the city.

There was a tree, which I will not forget, right in the middle of the walking boardwalk halfway up the hill, standing in the center, with a thick bowl mouth and a crooked angle. It may be that the gardener was touched by its strength, and Dafa was kind enough to preserve its life, or perhaps it was touched by its dying struggle. Anyway, when I see it, I give it a long gaze salute. I felt like it was a tough, strong-willed man. It has upward branches, tenacious standing, and a canopy of trees, which is a rare scenery that deserves to be respected. In the setting sun, it is even more exuberant, the dark green leaves, dyed with golden light, beautiful and full of leaves. Walking away, looking back at it, it was like a dragon that stood still in the clouds, so tall, so magnificent.

Qingwei | the mountain

I had a dream the other day, and I went to the mountains again, and then to the big park of quality, as if I had heard the cries of the mountains from afar. The thick and tall trees in the mountain hollow were gone, bare and in a mess, highlighting the vicissitudes. I saw a lot of cranes, the sound of machines rumbling, and buildings under construction. I stood under the fiery red five-pointed maple tree, glaring in the direction of the tower crane shaking, the cries of the mountains in my ears, and the needles vibrating in the flesh.

I haven't walked into that mountain again for a long time, because in my dreams I am often awakened by the cries of the mountains. Alas, this is a dream that is unfounded!

After a lightning and thunderous rain, I walked into the red and green mountain, the water of the mountain stream roared, the air was sweet and silky, and the leaves were brushed turquoise. Through the rainbow in the gap between the trees after the rain, the eyes are golden, the colorful splendid embroidery, the mountains are full of gold, and the green water waterfalls fly. I was drunk and beautiful in the mountains and admired: what a green mountain.

This article was published in the supplement of Yantai Daily on May 23, 2019, with changes.

(The picture of this article is from the network)

Qingwei | the mountain
About the Author Liu Xueguang, male, from Yantai City. Since 1995, he has published many works in Yantai Daily, Yantai Evening News, 6 o'clock this morning, Qilu Evening News, Lianhe Daily, Northern Literature, Contemporary Prose, Mass Culture and Leisure, Yantai Prose, Jiaodong Literature, Deyang Prose, Beihai Literature, Peninsula Metropolis Daily, Yantai Propaganda, and Yearbook of Young Chinese Writers. He has planned and organized several essay contests and served as judges. "The Garden in the Heart" was selected as 30 articles read by the whole people in the 2019 World Book Day activity in Yantai City. He is currently a member of the China Prose Literature Association, a member of the Shandong Provincial Prose Literature Association, the vice president of the Yantai Prose Literature Association, the director of the Creation And Creation Department, the executive director of the Zhifu District Writers Association, the member of the Yantai Writers Association, and the executive editor of Yantai Prose Micro-Journal.

One point number Yantai prose