
Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie
Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

In 2003, xiamen carried out the first case of lethal injection, and journalist Xu Yigua was assigned to the front line to cover the scene. Before the execution was cleared, she saw Li Luyan, who had been sentenced to death for intentional homicide, lying on a metal bed.

Xu Yigua approached Li Luyan's ear and asked her softly, "Are there any last words?" ”

Li Luyan read, "I want to go home." ”

At this time, the criminal prison personnel saw it and shouted: "Unrelated personnel leave the scene immediately!" ”

Su Yigua was immediately frightened and retreated, and it was not long before he heard the news that the poison had failed and Li Luyan had been temporarily shot.

This experience was written into the novel "Sunspot" by Su Yigua, and finally the novel was adapted into the movie "Burning Heart of the Sun" in 2013.

In the movie, Deng Chao began to spasm with intravenous injection of his body. After this long 3 minutes and 50 seconds long shot ended, the director hugged him and cried bitterly: "Chao, I really thought you were dead." ”

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

That day, Su Yigua accidentally flipped to her old USB stick, which showed that she had written the title of "Sunspot" in 2006. But it wasn't until 2010 that she actually decided to finish the novel.

After writing it, she had only one request, that is, the novel could only be sold to the best investors. After Blue Star Pictures learned about it, it negotiated with full sincerity.

However, a work is finally presented through a series of links, even if the copyright is bought, the large-scale elements involved in this work, such as same-sex groups and police crimes, make it possible to face the dilemma of no release date.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Later, when Cao Baoping and editor Sun Qing had dinner, they offered to write the script of the film.

"This movie is not time-sensitive, and it is not out of date to watch it at any time."

After several months of deliberation, the script was finally completed, during which Cao Baoping once wrote about "split personality".

After writing the script, he immediately found Duan Yihong and asked Duan Yihong to pick the role.

Duan Yihong chose "Xin Xiaofeng" without even thinking about it, and prepared for it from June 2012 to February of the following year.

But not long after, Cao Baoping sat in front of him again and told him that the role of "Xin Xiaofeng" had been played by others, and he could only play "Yi Gu Chun".

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Compared with the former, the role "Yi Gu Chun" has less space to play, and at present, Duan Yihong and the team are hesitant. But looking at Cao Baoping's scratching head and burning appearance, Duan Yihong still made a compromise.

"I love this work so much, I said okay, I'll play this role."

In 2013, near the Spring Festival, in order to better present the state of the police, Duan Yihong went to the Jialian police station to experience life. Everyone knew he was a star and greeted him warmly, but he always calmly watched everything around him.

I remember once, he followed the police to deal with a case of migrant workers begging for wages. When he reached the top of the building, the police were trying to persuade the jumpers, and he looked at the four migrant workers standing on the eighth floor and ready to jump down, and suddenly burst into tears.

He lit a cigarette and paced back and forth, pondering this special emotion.

I thought, "I can't do this, I should be more restrained." ”

So in the movie, every time he looks at "Xin Xiaofeng", he tries not to let his emotions overflow, and only uses his eyes to ponder the actions of others.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

In the end, the "Xin Xiaofeng" that Duan Yihong had in mind fell into Deng Chao's hands.

At the Italian restaurant in Women's Street, Cao Baoping told Deng Chao that he was going to make such a story and let Deng Chao go back to read the original.

As a result, after Deng Chao watched "Sunspot", the whole person couldn't hold back his excitement, and he was very determined that he liked the role of "Xin Xiaofeng".

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

A suspect who fled for seven years became an assistant police officer and, in order to complete his self-redemption, adopted a child named "Tail". The life of this character cannot be copied, and Deng Chao believes that such opportunities are rare.

"I've never acted in a play so depressing, and that's what I've been looking for."

A movie that makes two leading actors crazy is even more precious for the director.

During that time, Cao Baoping was very anxious every day, and what he often hung on his lips was: "What should I do if it rains today, and can the progress catch up?" ”

Once on set, Cao Baoping stood in the protagonist's home, pulled open the drawer of the table, and accidentally found that it was either completely empty or the staff had stuffed something to cope with the matter. For this, he was furious on the set.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

For the staff, this is just a small thing, but he feels that he does not care about the details, and he cannot talk about sincerity.

"If the protagonist opens this drawer when filming, and it is empty, how do you let me shoot?"

This is true for the staff, and the requirements for the actors are not low.

Bai Liushi, the actor who played the violated girl in "The Burning Heart of the Sun", took three days to try on the light. Cao Baoping felt that the skirt was too fancy for a while, and felt vulgar for a while, and finally even personally matched the costume.

Later, a scene of eating chicken legs was not good because of the bad color of the chicken legs, Cao Baoping directly shouted to stop filming, until the chicken legs were re-roasted to produce a golden crisp texture.

"This chicken leg doesn't look good, how do you let the actor act?"

In fact, Bai Liuxi's scenes are not much, adding up to only 20 scenes, but Cao Baoping will shoot back and forth 17 times for an innocent look back.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

He always called the actors over to watch the replays, personally told her the problems that the story would encounter until now, and helped them to substitute into the role.

Sometimes two shots are shot in a day, and the final presentation is only two seconds, but the whole crew has to follow the sun for four or five hours, so that later Duan Yihong commented on Cao Baoping: "He is a madman!" ”

On the set, several leading actors and directors quarreled, and the more familiar they became, the more fierce the quarrel.

Every time it was Cao Baoping who asked Duan Yihong to do this, Duan Yihong was partially unwilling, and over time Cao Baoping became impatient, and did not wait for Duan Yihong to return his mouth, he shouted: "Roll! No way! ”

About a month and a half after filming, Duan Yihong was arguing with Cao Baoping in a dream one night, and the depression in creation was all reflected in the dream.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Joining "Burning Heart in the Sun", Deng Chao also felt pain and happiness. Although he was often harassed by the director, he felt the charm of the performance in the process.

The character of "Xin Xiaofeng" has a dark side, and he is precisely in the public security organs, so he always dares not look at people in life.

In order to find this feeling of depression, Deng Chao did not communicate with the rest of the crew, and went back and forth between the set and the gym on weekdays, so that many staff members asked the director privately: "Is Super Brother unhappy?" How it's like changing a person. ”

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Deng Chao's change has achieved a realm of no distinction between people and dramas, and the luggage he brought with him when he entered the crew was very simple, a police uniform, a black jacket, and then worn on his body every day.

Usually, he and Duan Yihong wore police uniforms in and out of the hotel, so realistic that everyone thought that there was an accident in the hotel.

In order to fit the role, Deng Chao also deliberately went to the roadside stall and bought a few dollars of underwear, just to accurately grasp the character's living state.

Later, xiamen's friends invited him to dinner and were rejected, because Deng Chao felt that "Xin Xiaofeng" would not go in and out of these good restaurants, he did not have such spending power, and enjoying would only take away his acting feeling.

Because of entering the role, he often can't sleep in the middle of the night and rolls over in bed, as if he is the "Xin Xiaofeng" who has escaped all the way. Deng Chao also suffered from claustrophobia because of this, and began to panic as soon as he entered the crew.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

It didn't take long for his emotions to break down. After filming a scene, he and Cao Baoping cried on the phone together, saying: "Xin Xiaofeng is so pitiful. ”

Under the double test of body and mind, he always said that he would try to complete Xin Xiaofeng while saving his life, but in the process he almost lost his life.

Deng Chao's water nature was not good, and an underwater scene made him hesitate for a long time, and each time he tentatively approached and weakly retreated to the shore.

In the end, the director had to force him to finish.

The sewers were dirty and smelly, and there was a layer of burnt yellow suspended solids floating in the water. Every time the shooting goes for a day, Duan Yihong sees it and reminds him to protect his body, because a little inattention may cause skin ulceration.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Because he couldn't sink, the crew even thought about letting Deng Chao straddle the iron and go into the water, under the water at a depth of three meters, several times he felt that he was hovering in the line of life and death.

"I can't swim, I can't take a ventilator, I feel suffocated when I dive!"

And what really suffocated the audience with "Xin Xiaofeng" was the scene of the injection of death, which undoubtedly became the highlight of Deng Chao's acting skills, allowing him to change the image of hippie mischief in the past and present the most vivid emotions at the end of his life.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

At that time, Deng Chao strongly requested real injections, and the crew invited a forensic doctor, but the doctors had no experience, and the needles could not be pierced several times.

Although he was injected with glucose, the real environment created was enough to make him feel suffocated.

That cold feeling stretched from his arm to his heart, and he had never felt the world so quiet, as if he could hear a needle falling.

He lay on the bed and thought, "Pushing so fast, is there really no accident?" ”

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

After this long 3 minutes and 50 seconds long shot, there were already people crying around. Deng Chao walked to the machine to look at the replay and found that his mouth was crooked.

That's not acting, that's how he really feels right now.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Near the end of the film, Xin Xiaofeng told Yi Guchun: "The other shoe has finally landed. ”

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

Over the years, although they hid in the dark place, they were surrounded by the hot sun, and every gaze around them could burn them.

In exchange for inner forgiveness, this road of redemption, they walked for a full 7 years.

The movie "Burning Heart" greatly changed the ending of the original book, let the real murderer lie down, and ended the ending.

In the end, once the film was released, it received rave reviews and won three film emperors at the Shanghai International Film Festival.

Deng Chao was killed, Duan Yihong scolded the director, "Burning Heart" why did it achieve the three major film emperors?

But soon, director Guan Hu stood up to question the gold content of the three yellow eggs, and bluntly said that they should not be applauded, and the performance of Duan Yihong in the two actors was more accurate.

Even if the praise is mixed, this play still has great significance for Deng Chao. After the killing, he suddenly understood that Zhou Xun was crying on the overpass because he could not play.

"Xin Xiaofeng" seemed to live in a room in his heart forever and had become a part of him.

Sitting on the departing car, Deng Chao finally eased up. He sent a circle of friends: "I know the world is very bitter, but I hope you are happy." Goodbye, I'm Xiaofeng, I'm Chao. ”


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