
How to bask in the sun for newborns?

The baby is too small, can not go directly to the outdoor exposure, can only be indoors, oblique sunlight when the window to the baby bask, 1-2 times a day can be sunburned, the general healthy baby can be in the sun indoors after 2 weeks.

Generally, babies born 3-4 weeks old can be carried to the outdoor sun, and the initial time is short, only a part of the sun such as feet and legs, and then slowly increase the time and range of sun exposure. The head and face are generally not directly exposed, and can be placed in a cool place or a hat in the shade.

How to bask in the sun for newborns?

Sun your back indoors for about 15 minutes at a time

How to bask in the sun for newborns?

Avoid sunburning your face, and don't keep your eyes peeled

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