
【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

author:Pioneer Week Old Mouth

In today's rural areas, most of the young and middle-aged people go out to work, and only the old women and children stay in the villages, who will nourish the rural style? And why moisturize the countryside? This is a more realistic question. This is also the proposition that the party committee and government of Zhoulaozui Town have been thinking about: give play to the role of the villagers, carry forward the culture of the villagers, use the experience, knowledge, expertise, skills, wealth and cultural accomplishment of the villagers to help the revitalization of the Zhoulao villages, and use the cultural and moral power emitted by the villagers to educate the villagers, warm the homeland, unite people's hearts, and promote harmony.

  Xiangxian Pavilion Phase II: Zhou Weimin

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

Renren Video CEO Zhou Weimin

"With the inner driving force, he can actually make a renren subtitle group, a renren american drama, you don't know what kind of energy he still contains." Jiang Shun, a partner of Yingdong Capital and head of cross-border funds, once commented on Zhou Weimin in 2013.

At that time, Renren Video, who was not optimistic about capital, obtained the A round of investment of Yingdong Capital under the impetus of Jiang Shun. Nowadays, Renren Video, as the fifth largest online video platform in China, has a total of 300 million users, an average monthly active volume of users of 50 million+, nearly 300 million domestic fans in the new media matrix of platforms such as Douyin, and is also the enterprise with the largest number of contracted overseas MCN institutions in China, covering more than 160 million fans abroad, and is the preferred App for all young people who love overseas content in China.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

2019 Yabuli Youth Forum 5th Annual Conference on Innovation (Hong Kong) Zhou Weimin attended and delivered a speech

"There are a lot of people like me in China who want to understand the outside world, but unfortunately they don't understand the language." Zhou Weimin has always buried a seed of curiosity in his heart: What is the outside world like? How do they live?

Born and raised in the countryside after 90, very early into the city to contact the Internet, from personal webmaster to content entrepreneurship, all the way to work, Zhou Weimin has accumulated a lot of operational knowledge, has its own understanding of traffic and market, the early years buried in the heart of the curious seed began to sprout again.

In October 2014, Zhou Weimin started from the American drama community to create Renren American Drama, and at the same time received angel round financing from the Innovation Factory, which became the first financing in his life.

"If you want to understand overseas, it is not enough to rely on American dramas, there are many other fun and fresh things overseas, and many high-quality content has not been introduced."

At that time, Renren American Drama had formed a strong brand influence and could spontaneously attract a large amount of traffic every day, but Zhou Weimin did not want to be limited to this.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

"The name Renren American Drama is more friendly to American drama users and attracts a large number of users every day. Why do you want to change to a human video, is to reverse everyone's perception of our brand. ”

"With the rise of the Internet, people's lives have become more fragmented, and their lifestyles have also undergone great changes, which used to be mainly pictures and texts, and now they are basically based on short videos."

Seeing this general trend, and coinciding with the decline in domestic traffic tariffs, watching short videos anytime and anywhere became possible, at the end of 2015, Zhou Weimin made up his mind to transform from an American drama community to an overseas short video community.

In February 2016, Renren American Drama officially changed its name to Renren Video, testing the waters of short videos and introducing bullet screen functions, and user activity increased by nearly five times.

In the capital market, Renren Video has also ushered in Xiaomi, Baidu, Saifu and other famous capital into the market, Baidu's continuous investment in the B round and B+ round, has become a capital darling, revenue growth is also rising, Renren Video will take 30% of the profit income as a long-term innovation investment every year, including software and hardware equipment, the introduction of core talents, new business direction development, and product diversification.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

In this process, renren video's product content has covered eight foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese, Thai and other foreign languages, and has continuously expanded multilingual video content.

In 2017, Renren Video also joined hands with the Wuhan Municipal Government and formed a professional team of nearly 100 people to accelerate the production of PGC video content and establish an overseas content production base.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

Signing ceremony of strategic cooperation in Qingshan District

"In addition to improving and controlling the quality of content, we are also trying to expand more university resources." According to Zhou Weimin, Renren Video has reached a series of cooperation with more than 40 universities in Shanghai, Wuhan, Chengdu and other places, such as the introduction of subtitle team members and the establishment of foreign language clubs on campus.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

"Setting up a foreign language club can help students improve their English and help them generate some income."

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

Group Japan Cruise Line

In 2020, Renren Video signed a contract to settle in Chongqing, according to the development plan, Renren Video will build a national headquarters base in the South Bank District and Chongqing Economic Development Zone, and transfer the overall business operation to the South Bank District and the Economic Development Zone, and at the same time use Chongqing local companies as the main body to be listed at home and abroad.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

Zhou Weimin said that in the future, Renren Video will expand the production and operation of the original film and television content, expand the scale of the new media matrix, use the advantages of the platform to cooperate with foreign MCN institutions in depth, promote and disseminate Chinese culture in foreign mainstream social platforms in the form of video, use the settlement of the ABP, drive the rapid incubation of the net red base through platform resources, increase the production of online TV series and online movies with the help of platform creation advantages, drive the agglomeration of upstream and downstream industrial chains, create a digital content industrial park with international influence, and help the South Bank District, In 3 to 5 years, chongqing economic development zone has created a highland plan for the digital content field with an output value of 5 billion yuan, thereby accelerating the rapid development of Chongqing's digital content industry, enriching the new formats and models of the digital economy, and helping the construction of "smart towns and smart cities".

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

The growth of "Everyone Video" has always been in the fast lane.

In China, it has reached content distribution cooperation with strategic platforms such as People's Daily, People's Daily, Baidu, Good Looking Video, Xiaomi Video, etc.; internationally, it has cooperated with the world's largest MCN BBTV, Europe's largest MCN Mediacube, Australia's largest MCN Totem and other world-renowned MCN institutions, and the company's overseas MCN channels have expanded rapidly and overseas influence has increased day by day.

Nowadays, Renren Video continues to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with overseas content parties (TV stations, MCNs, artists, celebrities), to open up the Chinese market for them, to provide overseas services for domestic high-quality content, and to let characters, cultures, cities and stories with Chinese characteristics go to the world.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

Now Renren Video has become the No.1 in the vertical segment of domestic and overseas video, a high-tech enterprise integrating subtitle translation, video playback, content community, game intermodal transportation, new media MCN, film and television production and other businesses, with 500+ offline employees, 2000+ online translation team personnel, and offices in Shanghai and Chongqing. Chongqing is the headquarters and overseas content translation base, film and television content production and operation & film and television MCN organization.

However, Zhou Weimin said that the achievements made before can only represent the past, and only by constantly innovating and strengthening the construction of their core competitiveness will they move forward in the wave of the Internet.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin

While realizing the commercial value of the enterprise, Zhou Weimin does not forget to give back to the society, feed back to his hometown, has been actively participating in social welfare undertakings, assuming social responsibility with practical actions, and realizing the two-way development of corporate value and social value.

During the epidemic prevention and control period in 2020, he took the initiative to contact and donated 200,000 yuan to zhoulaozui Town, Jianli City, his hometown, and 1 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Jiang'an District of Wuhan to help prevent and control the epidemic.

On the occasion of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games, Renren Video donated 1 million yuan of love funds to the Chongqing Special Education Center, showing the responsibility of entrepreneurs.

【Xiangxian Pavilion】Founder and CEO of Renren Video: Zhou Weimin