
In the middle of the night, the crops burst into fire, and the treasure appeared? National first-class cultural relics western Zhou Niuzun discovery record

In 1966, a "strange thing" happened in a small village in Qishan County, Shaanxi Province. Many people in the village went to the hut in the middle of the night, and they all saw the "multicolored light" coming out of the crop field, and they continued to keep going for three nights in a row...

The elderly old man was not surprised, but said, "Look, we have another treasure underground to appear!"

01, ghost fire in the middle of the night

The small village where "light appears in the middle of the night" is Hejia Village in Jingdang Township, Qishan County. To say that the townspeople of that era were always more superstitious, and the multicolored light in the crops in the middle of the night was either a god or a ghost...

Therefore, in those few days, there were discussions all over the village, and only a few eighty- or ninety-year-old people, after listening to it, looked calm and calm, and only said one sentence: "We are underground, and we are going to produce treasures again..."

A few young people were eager to try, and finally they couldn't stop picking up their hoes and going to the place where the light glowed in the middle of the night to check.

Unexpectedly, this digging really dug out something. The pit was not deep enough, and someone found a big guy with a "golden light" appearing.

In the middle of the night, the crops burst into fire, and the treasure appeared? National first-class cultural relics western Zhou Niuzun discovery record

The big guy fixed his eyes on it, and it was a big guy who looked like a cow.

It is about 30 or 40 centimeters long and more than 20 centimeters high, and is carved with a curved pattern around it. The most bizarre thing is that there is a small tiger standing on the back of this thing, with its ears erect and its tail curled, very realistic!

At first, everyone thought that they had dug up the "golden bull", because in the sun this thing was still glowing with gold. However, on closer inspection, it is not gold, it should be bronze.

A curious man grabbed the little tiger on the back of the cow, lifted it up, and actually opened the lid. Originally, the little tiger was designed as a lid knob, and the entire belly of the copper cow was hollow, the same as the cow's beak.

The old man in the village was not wrong! There's really a baby out of the field!

02, mistakenly do the oil lamp

It turned out that Qishan County in Shaanxi Province was just a small county town, but it was an ancient city that was thousands of years old! As early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in China, Qishan was already the center of the historical stage.

In the "Book of Han and Geographical Records", it is recorded that in the fourth year of the Western Han Dynasty Xuan Emperor Shenjue (58 BC), the Western Zhou bronze heavy weapon "Corpse Chending" was found in the Qishan area...

Therefore, under this land, there are buried the secrets of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and the number is uncountable.

And the elderly people in Hejia Village, when they were young, also saw the strange thing of "emitting multicolored light" in the crop field, and every time this vision appeared, it didn't take long for someone to dig up a large treasure (that is, a bronze... )。

Although I don't understand the reason, the multicolored light has almost evolved into a "mysterious omen" for the birth of an underground treasure.

In the middle of the night, the crops burst into fire, and the treasure appeared? National first-class cultural relics western Zhou Niuzun discovery record

When the people in the village saw such a good thing dug up, they all felt that it was the blessing of the ancestors. As soon as the big guys summed it up, they put this copper cow into the He Family Ancestral Hall.

Because the copper cow's belly was hollow, someone suddenly wanted to pour a few pounds of sesame oil into it, and then rubbed a wick out of the cow's mouth to make an oil lamp.

Such a strange thing was made into an oil lamp in the ancestral hall of the village, and this matter soon spread. Soon, the comrades of the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute (now the Shaanxi Archaeological Research Institute) rushed over.

Experienced archaeologists only need to see at a glance that this "oil lamp" is not ordinary!

03. Western Zhou Niuzun

The shape of the bronze bull is simple, and the patterns on the body are cloud patterns and dragon patterns, which are decorated on the abdomen and back and feet. This ornament is different from the "weird" style of the early Shang Zhou Dynasty, exuding a peaceful and elegant artistic beauty...

Yes, this should be a "bronze statue" from the Western Zhou Dynasty, that is, the vessel used by the ancients to hold wine and pour wine. Such a gorgeous and exquisite bronze statue could only be something that the aristocratic class was entitled to at that time.

In the middle of the night, the crops burst into fire, and the treasure appeared? National first-class cultural relics western Zhou Niuzun discovery record

Moreover, the ancients had a special affection for the animal of the cow, which was often used as a sacrifice to the gods of heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and sheji, that is, the so-called "tai prison", and the use of the tai prison was the highest level of etiquette in the ceremony.

After learning about the discovery process of the Bronze Bull Zun, the archaeologists rushed to the scene to check it out, but found nothing: no large ancient tombs were found, and no other bronze artifacts appeared...

Since you know the preciousness of this cow, it can no longer be lit in the ancestral hall as an oil lamp! One is too aggrieved baby, and the other is not safe, which is easy to attract "hungry wolves".

In the 1960s, people had little concept of cultural relics. Therefore, this is also a good time to publicize the protection of cultural relics.

Therefore, the experts had in-depth communication with the villagers of Hejia Village and took out 13 yuan as a reward for the cultural relics they dug up. This thing is naturally to be handed over to the state...

Today, this bronze vessel, which has been named "Western Zhou Niuzun", has been rated as a national first-class cultural relic and is collected in the Shaanxi Provincial History Museum.

04, the truth is out

Finally, there is a "mystery revealed" session:

The old people of Hejia Village are not wrong, once the multicolored light appears, it is really possible that the underground treasure is about to appear! Of course, this is not a superstitious legend, but a scientific basis!

It turns out that scientific studies have shown that this phenomenon is called the "phosphorus-copper reaction".

In the case of suitable conditions such as climate, temperature, humidity, etc., the phosphorus and bronze underground will react, and this colored bright light will appear, and it will be visible day and night.

That is to say, if the underground bronzes are really not buried deeply, this phenomenon may occur and be discovered...

Well, don't dwell on the 13 yuan thing, enjoy the masterpieces of art of the ancients, it's very good...

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