
A principal pushed the door to listen to the class, was pushed aside by the teacher, and ate a closed door soup, what to do?

author:Explore education

A principal pushed the door to listen to the class, was pushed aside by the teacher, and ate a closed door soup, what to do?

A principal pushed the door to listen to the class, and was actually put aside by the teacher who listened to the class, the teacher saw the principal enter the classroom, simply did not lecture, directly put the textbook on the lectern, sat on the stool of the lectern, the principal was very embarrassed, stayed up half a lesson, the principal left halfway.

A principal pushed the door to listen to the class, was pushed aside by the teacher, and ate a closed door soup, what to do?

Push the door to listen to the lesson

There is also a teacher, when the principal pushes the door to listen to the class, directly send two test papers to the students, let the students do the test papers, and let you push the door to listen to the class? Eat a closed-door soup.

Why did the principal push the door to the class?

First, the principal has a very important task, which is also a task assigned to the principal by the superior leader. It's about listening to lectures. How many lessons does the principal have to complete each semester? Therefore, the principal began to listen to the lessons, pushing the door to listen to the lessons is one of the contents of the principal's lecture tasks, of course, but also to listen to the observation class, demonstration class and so on. Sometimes, in order to cope with the inspection of the superior, the principal also makes some lecture records, called fake lectures. The principal was also forced to be helpless!

Second, the principal should understand the class situation of the teachers in the school and find out the bottom. How to get the bottom? Pushing the door to listen to lectures is a good way. In the case that the teacher is not prepared in advance, the teacher can hear the original class of the teacher by pushing the door to listen to the class, and it is necessary to find out what is the class level of the teachers in the school? At this time, the principal needs to understand the lesson, rather than sitting in the classroom and acting as a puppet, it is necessary to use his brain, understand the basic routine of the class, and clarify what is a good class and what is a bad class! Some principals do a good job and talk about the teacher's lessons, such as counting the family treasures; some principals are just a bastard, don't understand anything, and only pretend.

Third, the principal feels that pushing the door to listen to the class is a means of getting close to the teacher. why? Usually there is less contact with the teacher, in addition to being able to talk to the teacher during the meeting, what time is there to get close to the teacher? Listen to the lesson mainly by pushing the door and approach the teacher. The principal's intention was to bring himself closer to the teacher.

Why do teachers object to the principal pushing the door to listen to the lesson?

One is that the teacher has self-esteem and is particularly sensitive. Many teachers think that the principal pushes the door to listen to the class, in fact, he is not at ease with himself, this is to supervise and inspect, random inspection of teachers. And do not say hello before listening to the class, and suddenly attack. Conflicting with the teacher's ideas naturally creates a confrontation with the principal listening to the class, and if the confrontation is serious, the principal will not be able to continue when he pushes the door to listen to the class.

Second, the level of individual teachers is low. Without even preparing for the lesson and not being familiar with the lesson process, I gave the students a lesson. So, lead the door to listen to the lesson. After entering the classroom without greeting, the teacher was afraid of leaking his own foundation, and was exposed by the principal, so naturally he resisted the principal to listen to them, which is called short protection! Of course, there are very few such teachers, and most of them are well prepared for class.

Third, the relationship between the teacher and the principal is smooth, pimples, mutual suspicion, and even contradictions. The teacher thinks: When the principal listens to my lessons, he is specially looking for stubble and wearing small shoes for me. If the relationship between the principal and the teacher is better, there is no such suspicion, maybe the teacher is still willing to let the principal listen to his own lessons, so if the teacher meets a principal who will listen to the lessons, maybe the principal will recommend the teacher's class and participate in the class activities, and the teacher may become a teaching expert.

A principal pushed the door to listen to the class, was pushed aside by the teacher, and ate a closed door soup, what to do?

Teaching experts

Netizens said:

Netizen 1: I can accept pushing the door to listen to the class. But you should have arrived at the classroom early, sat down before the class, instead of having been in class for several minutes, carrying a stool, not finishing class, and leaving again... Every time there is movement, the students' attention is all behind!

Netizen two: Pushing the door to listen to the lecture put an end to lecture acting. Many teachers who are good at cheating talk about lectures and talk in a vacuum when they don't listen to lectures.

Netizen three: The principal is to show his authority, all kinds of pickiness to elevate himself! I was deeply touched that the leader coldly gave the teacher a dismount, and the teacher felt that he was useless.

What to do?

First, schools should formulate a system of pushing doors to listen to lessons, teachers vote in favor of it, and the teacher congress will pass. When you encounter pushing the door to listen to the lessons, the teachers will not be so strongly opposed, there is no such system requirements, the principal will engage in a surprise attack, let the teacher be blindfolded, and everyone will naturally resist!

Second, the principal must arrive at the classroom in advance, not enter the classroom in the middle of the way, or leave the classroom in advance... Push the door to listen to the class, can not disturb the teacher's normal class, let alone interrupt the class! Quietly push the door to listen to the lesson, the teachers will not be so strongly opposed.

Third, no matter how busy and tired teachers are, they must carefully prepare lessons. As long as you take the class, you must first prepare the class! You must not fight a battle without preparation. Adequate lesson preparation is not the same as inadequate lesson preparation, and the procedures, proficiency, and effects of lectures are absolutely different. I understand that people can hear it as soon as they listen, so in order to make the door pushing the door and listening to the class successful, the teacher himself must have confidence and not be weak-minded.

A principal pushed the door to listen to the class, was pushed aside by the teacher, and ate a closed door soup, what to do?

Teaching has confidence

In short, the principal pushes the door to the teacher to listen to the class, the two should understand each other, support each other; the main purpose of the principal pushing the door to listen to the class is to promote the progress of the teacher; the teacher is willing to push the door to listen to the class, is to improve their own class level! In this way, if the heart thinks in one place and works hard to make it, the quality of education and teaching will naturally improve, and the level of running the school will gradually stand out!

This is called: entering a virtuous circle state; if you do not understand each other, or even antagonize each other, it will enter a vicious circle state, how to improve the quality of teaching?

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