
Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

author:Military sub-plane

"Military Sub-Plane" by Ivan the Great

The Russian-Ukrainian military conflict has begun for 46 days.

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

Yesterday, Russian journalists visited Kammanianka, Topolisik and other places where the fighting took place the other day, and in Kammanianka, war correspondents photographed at least four completely destroyed T-64BV main battle tanks.

Russian war correspondents report on the destroyed Ukrainian T-64BV tank

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

It seems that on the way to the Russian army to break through Kamanianka, the 95th Air Force Brigade of the Ukrainian Army tried to carry out a battalion-level counter-attack on the Russian troops with the strength of a tank platoon or so as the precursor, but the impact was ineffective and was completely defeated by the Russian army, which once again proved that the Combat Effectiveness of the Ukrainian Army in a state of hasty defense was indeed average.

Mariupol Front(2022/04/10)

(Source: Weibo @ Red Robe Firefly IX)

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

In the Mariupol area, the Donetsk militia advanced very quickly in the port area, just seized the southernmost point of the port area on the afternoon of the 8th, and advanced to the northeast of the middle section of the port area in the early morning of the 10th, and rescued some of the international crew members on the coal dock who were taken hostage by the Ukrainian army. The remnants of the Ukrainian army in the northern part of the port area played very steadily, and it is said that they hid on two cargo ships, took the crew hostage, and shot out desperately;

The Russians rescued 47 crew members

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

In the center of the right bank, the Donetsk militia has confirmed that it has advanced to the fishing port dock on the kalimius River, captured a batch of Ukrainian equipment, and collected some Ukrainian corpses, which means that the right bank urban area of Mariupol has been pushed to the head, and only in the southern harbor and the northern Ilyich steel factory, there are still a small number of Ukrainian remnants hiding.

Battlefield of Mariupol, RT report: "The Russian army is taking the whole city, the battle of Macheng is entering the final stage"

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

At present, the eyes of all military fans are focused on the core position of the Ukrainian army in Mariupol: the Azovstahl Steel Plant, according to the confessions of the captured soldiers of the "Azov" detachment, there are about 1,000 die-hard elements of the "Azov" detachment in the steel plant, as well as 200 to 300 foreign mercenaries. The Russian military also confirmed that at least six Chinese words were heard in the electronic surveillance, which was a big gathering of nazis. There is no doubt that the Battle of Azovstad will be a "heroic battle" for the Donetsk militia and the Russian naval infantry.

The train station was attacked by ballistic missiles

Just as Russian and militia forces were fighting in the Donbass region, at noon on April 8, an infuriating incident took place in the city of Kramatorsk in the northern donbass region.

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body
Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

On that day, a large number of people were waiting to leave by train in the railway station area in the west of the city, but unexpectedly, a 9К79-1 "Polka dot-U" ballistic missile that fell from the sky suddenly landed in the middle of the crowd, and under the killing of powerful cluster warheads, the outside of the railway station was suddenly covered with blood and flesh, and it was said that more than 30 people were killed and more than 100 injured on the spot.

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

After the incident, the Ukrainian side suddenly opened fire, pointing out that this was a "bloody massacre" carried out by the Russian army against Ukrainian civilians after the "Bucha Incident", and it was a complete "war crime".

On March 14, the Ukrainian army used the "Dot" missile to attack the citizens of Donetsk

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

Completely forgetting that when the Ukrainian army used the "dot" missile to attack the citizens of Donetsk on March 14, they had the opposite attitude, but instead took out a Sherlock Holmes posture and analyzed that this missile should not be hit by the Ukrainian army, and the Suspicion of the Russian army was very large - in a word, this is a double standard.

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

In the face of the propaganda war on the Ukrainian side, the Russian army also made corresponding explanations at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Defense on the afternoon of April 8. The Russian Ministry of Defense proposed that the Russian army did not carry out military missions in Kramatorsk on the morning of April 8, and the targets were concentrated on Ukrainian military targets in Dnipro, Pavlograd, Bavinkovo and other places.

Ukrainian "Dot-U" ballistic missile (top) and Russian "Iskander" ballistic missile (part 2)

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body
Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

At the same time, the Russian army also proposed that there are no "dot" missiles in the Russian army at present, and the main battle equipment of all the missile brigades of the group army has been transformed into more advanced 9M723 "Iskander" tactical missiles, but seriously, the strength of this rumor is indeed not enough to see: after all, the Russian army itself said that there was no military mission in kramatorsk city on April 8, which is an "unverifiable" and "untruthified" information, no one will really run to the Russian Ministry of Defense to ask, and it is impossible to get an accurate answer;

The Russian military "Dot-U" missile launcher was photographed

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

In fact, as early as last month, someone photographed a suspected "dot" launch vehicle belonging to the northern cluster in Belarus, which seemed to mean that the Russian army unsealed a part of the "dot", so this rumor is really not the same.

The number of the wreckage of the missile

It was not until April 9 that things finally took a turn for the better. On the same day, a Western television station arrived at Kramatorsk, probably to publicize the "brutality" of the Russian army, and the Ukrainian authorities took these people to the railway station where the bloody crime had just occurred, and let them photograph the "Dot" missile body that was still lying on the ground and had not been removed, and on the shell of the missile engine, the engine serial number was impressively printed: "Ш91579".

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

According to the information they retrieved, the several batches of missiles with engine number Ш915XX were almost all used by the Ukrainian army, including Ш91565, Ш91566, which had been shot out in 2015, and even the "dots" launched by the Ukrainian army in recent times, the engine batch was still Ш915, such as the Ш915611 that the Ukrainian army attacked the port of Berdyansk on March 19. Fight Melitopol's Ш915516 and so on.

The "91579" of the attack on the railway station is very close to the "91566" number fired by the Ukrainian army to the Donbass region before!

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body
Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

At the same time, as a corresponding, the engine serial number beginning with "Ш915" has never appeared in the Russian army, the Belarusian army, the Russian army seems to have appeared "Ш89", the Belarusian army seems to have appeared "Ш90", so it is obvious that this "dot" was hit in the crowded area of Kramatorsk railway station, and from the serial number, it is obvious that it belongs to the Ukrainian rocket artillery unit.

In 2015, the Ukrainian army launched the polka dot missile number "91565"

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

After Russian netizens put the evidence on the Internet, the Propaganda on the Ukrainian side was obviously a little insufficient, until April 10, Ivan the Great could not see that Ukraine was still publicizing the "Kramatorsk Massacre", many Western media also lowered the key accordingly, and many big Vs in China seemed to forget about this matter at the speed of light, except for a few people who thought that "the serial number of the missile may be more confusing", "Ш915 may also be a Russian missile", and not many people have mentioned this matter again.

"Dot-U" ballistic missile number statistics

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

However, Ivan the Great believes that the ideas of this part of the people cannot be said to be all wrong, after all, the same batch of missiles is entirely likely to be sent to the Kiev Military District of the Soviet Army or the Moscow Military District, resulting in the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the "dots" inherited by Russia and Ukraine have the serial number "Ш915". However, everything has a probability. Compared with the belief that Ш91566 is in the Ukrainian army, while the 13th missile Ш91579 behind it is in the Russian army, Ivan the Great believes that it is obvious that these two "Dot" tactical missiles are in the Ukrainian army after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and both are equipped with the 19th Ukrainian missile brigade.

The Ukrainian army's mysterious tactical missile brigade

All in all, Ivan the Great believes that this "dot" missile, which inexplicably fell to Kramatorsk, once again illustrates several problems: First, from a military point of view, the only missile 19th brigade of the Ukrainian army has become the most dangerous and troublesome opponent that the Russian army needs to face at present.

The Ukrainian army's use of the "Dot-U" ballistic missile to attack the Landing Ship of the Russian Army moored in the port of Berdyansk is the first case in human history in which a ballistic missile successfully attacks a ship.

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

From the outbreak of the conflict to the present, the brigade has caused too much trouble for the Russian army on the one hand, such as the attack on the port of Berdyansk, the attack on Kherson, etc., which shows the strong battlefield survivability of the tactical missile brigade. Think of the Time of the Gulf War, the US military used a large number of troops to try to search for Saddam's "Scud" launcher in the desert, but the result was that the last car was not found, and the current Russian troops are also facing this more embarrassing situation;

Donetsk, the ground was left with bullet marks after the explosion of cluster munitions

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

On the other hand, the Missile 19th Brigade is in debt, especially the attack on the people of Donetsk and the current attack on the people of Kramatorsk, both of which were deliberately used as a highly lethal weapon such as ballistic missiles to strike at peaceful populations completely outside the war under completely unnecessary circumstances. This shows that the brigade has really committed war and crimes against humanity, but in the end, there are not many Ukrainian troops without blood debts at present.

The extremes of populism are bound to regurgitate themselves

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

Second, from a political point of view, the current Ukrainian army, I am afraid, has fallen into a crazy situation, if at the time of the first start of Mariupol, the Ukrainian army only had a "Azov" detachment to give people the feeling that these people are a bit devilish, then now with the continuation of the conflict, the Ukrainian army from top to bottom, there are more and more devils.

A wounded Ukrainian soldier

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

This is "beneficial" from the fact that along with the mobilization of the Ukrainian army, a large number of far-right neo-Nazis are being absorbed into the Ukrainian army, and at present, the Russian army has killed more and more Ukrainian neo-Nazi "celebrities" with names and surnames on the battlefield;

It is also "beneficial" that the Ukrainian army does not have an advantage in the battlefield, so it frequently vents its anger on the prisoners of war and the people, and at present there has been a situation of abuse, massacre, and abuse of Russian prisoners of war by the Ukrainian army, and the severity of some acts is even worse than THATIS, not to mention the phenomenon that the Ukrainian army in the Donbass region generally regards the common people as a "human shield", and now it has risen to the point of slaughtering the people in their own control areas and using them for political propaganda.

A photo of a Ukrainian network party partying for this: a Russian soldier chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle. After being tortured, he was burned alive. (Source: Weibo @ Earth Lens A)

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

Seriously, the Nazi Germans of that year had to bow to the wind when they saw it. The most helpless thing is that because the Ukrainian military conflict in Russia and Ukraine has made "great achievements" in Ukraine, in the future, this part of the neo-Nazis will not only not be liquidated, it is estimated that they will also get an unprecedented status, and the western region of Ukraine will most likely complete ultra-nationalization with unprecedented speed and unstoppable momentum. Is there a future for Ukraine as a country?

Flesh and blood on the spot! The Dot-U missile attacked civilians with Ш91579 printed on the body

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