
How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

author:History of Kayashu

One night in mid-December 1931, in a lane in Shanghai, Han Huiying coaxed her son to sleep while chatting quietly with her husband.

Her husband, Chen Weiren, was previously arrested and imprisoned, severely tortured, and was hard to save, and the wounds on his body had not yet healed.

The weather was cold, and the child gradually fell asleep in the arms of the mother.

It was in this silent night that there was a sudden knock at the door.

Han Huiying and Chen Weiren were shocked, since Chen Weiren was released from prison, there had only been two people here, one was a doctor who came to see a doctor, and the other was a landlord.

If the landlord comes to collect the rent, the voice has already gone upstairs before the person goes upstairs. Nor could it be a doctor, because the couple did not call the doctor.

Han Huiying and Chen Weiren glanced at each other, there was already speculation in their hearts, she gently opened the door, a thin man with a big beard walked in with a cold breath, Chen Weiren and his wife were surprised: "Hu Gong! ”

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood


"Hu Gong" is Comrade Zhou Enlai.

He suddenly came to visit late at night for only one thing: to entrust Chen Weiren with the task of guarding the "No. 1 secret" of the Party Central Committee.

The so-called "No. 1 Secret" is actually the Central Library.

With the development of the revolutionary situation, the contacts between the Central Committee and party organizations at all levels have become more and more frequent, and the documents accumulated by various organs have naturally become more and more numerous.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Chiang Kai-shek wantonly slaughtered communists and destroyed many strongholds of the Party organization.

In order to avoid confidential documents falling into the hands of the enemy, in 1930, the Party Central Committee issued a directive to all organs to hand over important documents that were not needed for the time being to the document depository, and the central government would keep them in a unified manner.

This is the central library that is regarded as "Secret No. 1".

The first person in charge of keeping the central library was Zhang.

Zhang is the only old man who holds a heavy weight, is a tried and tested party member, and is also the custodian personally selected by Comrade Zhou Enlai.

Zhang, together with two reliable comrades, received documents sent by party organizations in various places while sorting them out, and by the end of 1930, more than 20 boxes had been sorted out.

In these more than 20 boxes, all important materials from the founding of the Communist Party of China are preserved, including the minutes of meetings, the instructions of the Party Central Committee to various localities, the reports of party organizations in various localities to the Central Committee, the instructions of the Communist International, the military documents of the Red Army, and the remains and photographs of revolutionary martyrs such as Qu Qiubai, Peng Peng, and Luo Yinong, which are more precious than gold.

In 1931, after Gu Shunzhang defected to the revolution, he gave the Kuomintang the office location and the address of the leader of the Shanghai Party Central Committee, and many comrades were arrested.

Fortunately, Zhang's only position in the party is not high, and he rarely has contact with outsiders, so he has not been exposed.

After receiving Comrade Zhou Enlai's urgent notice, Zhang Duyi quickly hired two rickshaws and, together with the traffic officers, first transported important documents to his home, which was located in a small independent building in the French Concession, which also became a safe haven for the central library.

The situation was extremely severe, and on the way to the French Concession, Zhang was the only one to be interrogated several times by foreign patrol police and Kuomintang agents, but he cleverly defused them one by one.

After two batches of transshipment, the central library turned the corner.

At the end of the year, Zhang was the only one who was arranged to go to the secretariat of the Shanghai Executive Bureau, and his new job required frequent contact with the outside world, so it was not suitable to continue to keep the central library.

Therefore, before zhou Enlai went to the Jiangxi Soviet district, he decided to find another person to take charge of this task.

The person who was chosen was Chen Weiren.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Chen Isren

Chen Weiren was a veteran party member who joined the party in 1921, carried out revolutionary activities in Hunan, Beijing, Heilongjiang and other places, and also served as the secretary of the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Chen Weiren knew in his heart that the Party Central Committee entrusted such an important task to himself because he had great trust in himself, and he did not hesitate in the slightest and resolutely took over this heavy responsibility.

According to the regulations of the party organization, the central library should appear in the form of "familyization" to the outside world.

Chen Weiren was a native of Hunan, and his wife, Han Huiying, had followed Li Dazhao to participate in revolutionary activities as early as the May Fourth period, and was also an excellent revolutionary.

In order to cover the central library, Chen Weiren opened a Xiang embroidery shop. During the day, he worked as a merchant in the Xiang embroidery shop, and at night, he closed the windows, closed the curtains, and sorted out documents through the dim light.

Yes, "custody" has two meanings, one is protection, the other is management.

What Chen weiren had to do was not only to prevent these confidential documents from falling into the hands of the enemy, but also to sort them out.

Prior to this, since there were no special archives management personnel in the Party, the comrades received these documents, simply registered them, and stacked them one by one.

This is obviously not possible.

Whenever the night is quiet, Chen Weiren begins the most important work of his day.

He copied the documents originally written in the newspaper and on thick paper onto thin paper, changed the large characters to smaller ones, and cut off the blank space on all four sides of the paper. As a result, the size of the file is much smaller, and naturally it is easier to keep and transfer.

After countless sleepless nights of cutting and copying, Chen Weiren compressed the original more than 20 boxes of confidential documents into 6 boxes, and later became 4 boxes.

In order to facilitate access, Chen Weiren sorted the documents by region, time, author, etc., and then reboxed them.

At that time, Kuomintang agents were staring at the Communists, the Party's activity strongholds were frequently destroyed, and Chen Weiren and his wife were extremely vigilant, and as soon as they noticed that something was wrong, they immediately moved and transferred documents.

In just a few years, the couple did not know how many times they had moved.

For a time, Chen Renten rented a high-end house in Xiafei Road in the French Concession, the landlord was an old White Russian woman, and her son was patrolling in the French Concession, and he was busy outside every day to arrest Communists and progressives.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

The enemy said nothing, and a huge number of classified documents were hidden in the homes of the policemen of their concession.

No matter where you move, there is always a stove in the room where the central library is hidden, and no matter whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the fire will never be extinguished.

The couple had long thought that once the worst happened, they would burn this place, even if the whole family was killed in the fire, they would never let the party's confidential documents fall into the hands of the enemy.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Han Huiying

According to the regulations, the custodian of the Central Library cannot participate in any meetings, rallies, demonstrations and other activities, and liaison with the Party Central Committee can only be carried out by his wife Han Huiying. The party organization also sent only one leader to contact Han Huiying in a single line, and this leader was Zhang Wei.

In other words: there are only three people who know the whereabouts of the Central Library, one is Chen Weiren, one is Han Huiying, and the other is Zhang Weiyi.

The three of them had already anticipated various possible contingencies in advance and thought out the countermeasures in advance.

In February 1935, because of the betrayal of traitors, the secretariat of the Shanghai Central Bureau was attacked by the enemy, and several underground party members were arrested, and Zhang was one of them.

Suddenly, Zhang did not have time to take off the clothes hanging on the drying rack, which was a warning signal that he and Han Huiying had agreed to.

Two days later, Han Huiying, who was still unaware, went to contact Zhang's only joint according to the original plan, because he did not see the warning signal, Han Huiying was arrested by the agents waiting there.

Every time Before Going Out, Han Huiying would agree with her husband on the return time, and when Chen Weiren found that his wife did not return at the agreed time, he knew that something must have happened.

His first reaction was not to rescue his wife, but to quickly transfer the library.

To store the archives, you must find a single-family house, but such a house is not easy to find, and almost every house requires a guarantor.

Chen Weiren could neither find help from the party comrades nor outsiders, and he tried his best to find a house without collateral, but the rent of this house was very expensive, requiring 30 silver dollars per month.

At that time, Chen Weiren had lost contact with the party organization, and naturally there was no source of funds, but there was no other way, the time was tight, and he could only rent this house desperately and quickly transfer the library to a new place.

His wife was arrested and his funds cut off, and Chen became both a father and a mother, and in addition to shouldering the heavy responsibility of defending the central library, he also had to support three children.

The eldest child in the family is only 6 years old, the youngest daughter is not yet two years old, and the three children are eager to be fed.

Chen Renren's identity is the owner of the boardwalk, and on the surface, he wants to maintain a delicate image, and it is naturally impossible to go out to find a job.

In those years, Chen Weiren and his children, who had no source of income, suffered a lot.

In order to save money, the family can only feed their hunger with sweet potatoes, and even the cheapest sweet potatoes can only eat a little bit per meal.

Once at lunch, the children did not eat enough, saw that there was still a little porridge in the pot, crying and clamoring to eat, Chen Weiren coaxed: "We eat snacks, dim sum, that is, only eat a little, can not eat enough." ”

The children asked their father: Why do we eat snacks every day?

Chen Weiren had to change the subject until he made the children laugh and stopped shouting for porridge.

In fact, that little porridge was what Chen Weiren planned to keep for dinner.

In order not to let outsiders perceive that his life is difficult and suspicious, Chen Weiren has to cover the rice with a piece of dried fish every time he goes upstairs after making sweet potato rice.

This dried fish is made of appearance, and when it is almost upstairs, Chen Weiren still has to hide the fish fillets, afraid that the children will see it and make a fuss about eating it.

Fillets are a "prop" that will be used the next day, and if they are eaten, they will not be.

In this way, the dried fish fillet was used for a month.

Really forced, Chen Weiren had to write a letter to his wife's sister Han Huiru, saying that Han Huiying was seriously ill and asked her to come to Shanghai quickly.

Han Huiru was working as a teacher at a primary school in Hebei at the time, and after receiving a letter from her brother-in-law, Han Huiru hurried to Shanghai.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Group photo of Han Huiying (right) and her sister Han Huiru

After arriving, Han Huiru was deeply stung by the scene in front of him:

The brother-in-law's eyes are sunken, his face is colored, only skin and bones are left on his body, except for what he wears, other clothes have been sold, and the children are wearing torn vests with cotton thread...

Only then did Han Huiru know that her sister had been taken away, and she also knew what kind of "business" her brother-in-law had been doing.

Although Han Huiru was not a member of the Communist Party, under the influence of her sister, she had long been interested in revolution, so Han Huiru almost did not hesitate and immediately took over the heavy responsibility of taking care of the children and covering the central library.

Life can be saved by thousands of provinces, but the rent can not be broken, which is related to the safety of the central library.

Han Huiru took out the 300 silver dollars she had accumulated for many years and asked her brother-in-law to pay the rent.

However, the money was only a drop in the bucket, and in order to make a living, Chen Weiren had to save money to sell furniture.

In the end, except for the "superficial article" of a timber shop owner who still maintained on the first floor, the furniture upstairs was almost sold out, and even the canned and other miscellaneous items were sold out.

Chen Weiren's lung disease is getting worse and worse every day, he has no money to treat it, and when he really can't stand it, he can only buy two turnips to moisten his lungs.

On the other hand, after Han Huiying was arrested, she pretended to be a rural woman who had never seen the world, claiming that she had been introduced to Shanghai as a maid, because she had lost the piece of paper with the address written on it, walked through the wrong door, and knew nothing else.

Although the Kuomintang agents did not believe Han Huiying's words, after being detained for a year, they did not find any flaws, and coupled with the active rescue of the party organization, Han Huiying was finally released.

Zhang was the only one who was tortured in prison, did not reveal half of the party's secrets, and he was imprisoned until the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party before being rescued from prison by the organization.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Zhang unique

After Han Huiying was released from prison, it took a lot of trouble to find Chen Weiren and the children, and the family was finally reunited.

In order to support the family, the sisters went out to teach together to make a living.

Coincidentally, when Han Huiying was a teacher at Peiming Girls' High School, she was keenly aware that Luo Shuzhang, the director of the school, was an underground Communist Party member.

She expected it well.

With the help of Luo Shuzhang, Han Huiying finally got in touch with the party organization.

One day in the autumn of 1936, Chen Weiren walked into a restaurant wearing a top hat and a gray robe.

Waiting upstairs was Xu Qiang, head of the Central Special Branch.

After the two of them exchanged the joint code, Xu Qiang carefully looked at Chen Weiren, only to see that he was pale, his body was extremely thin, and he vomited blood as soon as he coughed.

Because he has been shouldering the burden of underground work for many years, Chen Weiren's spirit has always been in a state of high tension.

He and Xu Qiang could have met at home, but Chen Wasren was very vigilant, and Xu Qiang asked for his address several times, but he did not dare to tell.

However, after returning home from the small hotel in the joint, Chen Weiren was obviously much more relaxed, and got in touch with the party organization, so that Chen Weiren finally let go of the burden on his heart.

Considering Chen Weiren's physical condition and the safety of the library, Xu Qiang decided to transfer the documents immediately.

On that day, Han Huiru dressed up and got into a rickshaw with two large boxes, as if she were going to go out.

Chen Weiren dressed up as a send-off, followed by two large boxes.

Rickshaws are parked at predetermined joint locations.

They were greeted by a young Mrs. Kuo, who was actually Xu Qiang's lover Li Yun.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Li Yun

Chen Aikun, the eldest son of Chen Weiren, also came with him, and the child did not know the purpose of his father and aunt coming here, and thought that he had really come to visit relatives.

Years later, when she remembered this day, Chen Aikun still remembered it very clearly: that Aunt Li loved him very much, hugged and kissed him, and gave him two silver dollars.

After the safe transfer of the Central Library, Chen Weiren's body, which he had been holding strongly, also reached its limit, and as soon as he returned home, he fainted and fell to the ground.

The party organization immediately arranged for Chen Weiren to be admitted to Guangci Hospital, which was the best hospital in Shanghai at that time, and the organization instructed Han Huiying: As long as he can be cured, it does not matter how much money it costs.

However, before staying for a few days, Chen Weiren told his wife that there seemed to be several people in the hospital talking about him, and that staying any longer might cause trouble and he had to be discharged from the hospital quickly.

Later, the party organization sent Chen Weiren to another hospital, but not long after, he insisted on returning home, for fear of arousing suspicion.

In fact, this is not the real reason.

The real reason is known only to Xu Qiang and Li Yun.

When he first met Chen Weiren, Xu Qiang had already found that his condition was extremely serious.

Xu Qiang persuaded Chen Weiren to receive treatment, but no matter how much he persuaded, Chen Weiren did not listen, he said: "I can no longer work like this, how can I continue to spend the organization's funds?" ”

There was really no way, Xu Qiang had to arrange for the doctors in the party to go to his home to treat him, but how could the treatment effect at home be comparable to that of the hospital?

On the night of March 13, 1937, Chen Weiren's body could no longer hold up, he spat out blood in a big mouth, and when he died, he forced a smile and comforted his wife and sister who were with him in a voice that was too light to be light: "I will not die, I still have to work." ”

That same night, Chen Weiren passed away at the age of 38.

Han Huiru couldn't help but cry bitterly, but Han Huiying covered her sister's mouth:

You can't cry, as soon as you cry, the neighbors know that there are dead people in our family, they will definitely come to see, and when the time comes, when they see this shabby look of our family, they will definitely be suspicious.

It was a time when even grief could not be vented.

With tears in their eyes, the two sisters endured grief and quietly buried Chen Weiren.

Chen Weiren guarded the Central Library for a total of four years, and during these four years, he exhausted all his efforts and energy, and even paid for it with his precious life.

Next, the burden of guarding the central library continued to be passed on in the hands of others.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood


Chen Weiren was replaced by Xu Qiang and Li Yun in managing the central library.

However, Xu Qiang is the head of the central special branch Shanghai intelligence system, and needs to communicate with the outside world frequently, and it is certainly not safe for the library to be hidden in their home.

Therefore, Xu Qiang entrusted the task of keeping the library to Zhou Tianbao.

Zhou Tianbao's uncle is a senior member of the China Merchants Bureau, and he is also a big man with a head and a face in Shanghai Beach, and in a lane in the French Concession alone, there are more than 20 buildings that are his private property.

Zhou Tianbao "used his uncle's power" to hide the CCP's "No. 1 Secret" in an upscale residential area.

At that time, the mansion where the gang leaders of Shanghai, Jin Jinrong, Du Yuesheng and others lived, and the hiding place of the Central Library were close at hand, but none of them knew this secret.

After Japan launched an all-out war of aggression against China, it did not take long to occupy Shanghai, but even after the fall of Shanghai, these upper-class figures in the concession were not greatly affected.

The Central Bunko was safely hidden in Shanghai under Japanese rule.

However, two years later, the house rented by Aunt Zhou Tianbao's family to store film in the film factory suddenly caught fire and burned down a corner of the building, which happened too suddenly, and in order to avoid the documents being found by the concession police, Zhou Tianbao urgently transferred them to other places.

In the following years, the central library was frequently repositioned.

The direct custodian of the document and the head of the underground party organization have always been a one-line contact, and among these people, as long as one person's work changes, the central library must be immediately transferred, and the custodian must also cut off contact with the previous contact.

In that era of great noise, the central library could not withstand the slightest omission.

In 1939, Xu Qiang was transferred to Yan'an, and subsequently, the head of the Central Library became Wu Chengfang, and the direct custodian was Miao Gunei, an old underground party worker.

Like Chen Weiren, Miao Gu minoru also suffered from lung disease and was not in good physical condition.

Nevertheless, he still insisted on keeping the documents as carefully as Chen Weiren, and whenever the weather was good, he would turn these documents over and dry them in bundles to avoid mildew and insects.

Before the custody of the Central Library, Miao Gu and Wu Chengfang were secret comrades-in-arms who had been lurking in Shanghai for many years, but since taking over the Central Library, because Wu Chengfang had more intelligence relations, in order not to lead the danger to the Central Library, Wu Chengfang no longer had direct contact with Miao Gu, and the two relied on a traffic officer named Zheng Wendao to communicate.

The danger occurred one night in the summer of 1942.

At that time, due to Miao Gu's increasingly serious illness, Wu Chengfang had decided to find another comrade to replace him.

On that day, Wu Chengfang rushed to Miao Gu's house in a hurry at night and told him the bad news: Zheng Wendao, a traffic officer, had been captured by the Japanese.

Why Xiao Zheng was arrested, they are not clear for the time being, but Xiao Zheng not only knows Miao Gu Minoru, but also has the choice and contact information to succeed Miao Gu.

Once Xiao Zheng can't withstand the torture and leaks secrets, the central library will be in great danger!

Therefore, Wu Chengfang rushed to inform Miao Gu minoru overnight and asked him to quickly transfer.

Just as Minoru was hurrying to carry out the transfer, a new news came: the danger was lifted.

However, this is not good news.

Zheng Wendao was escorted on the way, taking advantage of the enemy's lack of preparation, one jumped out of the carriage, seriously injured, and immediately unconscious.

During his recuperation in the hospital, the Japanese agents did not forget to torture him and interrogate him, Zheng Wendao refused to let go, and the Japanese agents had to escort him back from the interrogation room back to the ward.

On the way, Zheng Wendao offered to go to the toilet, and when the enemy was not ready, he jumped from the window of the ward on the fourth floor.

In this way, in order not to divulge party secrets, Zheng Wendao ended his life at the age of 28 in an extremely tragic way.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Zheng Wendao

In July of that year, Miao Gu minoru's illness worsened and he was bedridden, and the person who succeeded him in keeping the central library was named Chen Laisheng.

Miao Gu supported the sick body, and with the assistance of his family and the party organization, he rearranged and packaged 7 large boxes of documents and smoothly transferred them to chen Laisheng's wife and brother's home.

After unloading the burden on his shoulders, Miao Gu made the same choice as Chen Weiren.

He decided to abandon treatment and leave Shanghai with his family, but Wu Chengfang disagreed: "Your illness can only be cured in Shanghai, and you can only wait for death when you return to your hometown." ”

Miao Gu didn't know about this, but every time he received money from Wu Chengfang for medical treatment, his heart would burst with regret, he could no longer continue to work for the party, how could he continue to use the funds of the party organization?

Miao Gu beat his spirits and returned to his hometown in Jiangyin with his wife and children.

He didn't last long.

On the occasion of his death, Miao Gu said to his wife: "My greatest regret is that I did not see the Japanese devils surrender, did not see the establishment of our world, did not see the central library handed over to the Party Central Committee... I'm sure you and your kids will see this day. ”

That night, the exhausted Miao Gu Minoru passed away forever with hope for the future.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Minoru Mizuki

Chen Laisheng, who took over the central library from Miao Gu Minoru, was the last custodian.

Among the previous custodians, Chen Laisheng was the youngest and the one who had kept the library for the longest time.

When he took over the Central Library, it was the harshest period of Japanese invaders' rule in Shanghai.

At that time, the Pacific War broke out, the Japanese army stepped up its plundering of China even more frantically, and in Shanghai, Japanese and pseudo-gendarmes, secret agents, and patrol police set up layers of sentries in the streets and alleys to frantically suppress the anti-Japanese elements.

It is reasonable to say that the safest place is in the concession, but Chen Laisheng has long been a worker and a small craftsman, and his circle of life is outside the concession, so he can only live outside the concession with his documents.

At first, Chen Laisheng's family lived in a lane, Chen Laisheng set up a fried stall at the entrance of the lane, and at night, the two younger brothers slept in the attic, inseparable from the bunko.

Later, the party organization believed that there were too many idle people in the alley and the risk was greater, so Chen Laisheng had to find a new place to live.

He borrowed a large sum of money from his father-in-law and rented a house with a noodle shop at the bottom, which was the attic that Chen Laisheng personally transformed.

Chen Laisheng neatly stacked the archives along the wall, from the floor to the ceiling, and then nailed a layer of wooden planks and pasted newspapers on the outside, so that there was no trace of any changes.

The inside of this sandwich wall is so tightly stuffed that even if you knock it with your hand, you can't hear it as a hollow.

At that time, during the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, when Wu Chengfang entrusted the task to Chen Laisheng, he made it clear to him: Now it is also difficult organizationally, and the funds must rely on their own methods.

However, Chen Laisheng was old and young, and his family had long been destitute, so where did he go to collect funds?

There is really no way but to run a single gang.

Running a single gang is actually what we now call "upside down":

The Japanese engaged in economic blockade and did not allow the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas, so the people in the cities tried every means to bring salt, cigarettes, matches, etc. to the countryside, and then brought some rice noodles, vegetables, oil, and other items from the countryside, so that they could not only earn some differences, but also let the family have food.

That's what Chen Laisheng did.

Running a single gang is very risky, and once caught by the Japanese, you have to lose your head.

However, in order to feed the family, Chen Laisheng had to take this risk.

In February 1942, when Yan'an began a rectification campaign, Chen Laisheng received orders to retrieve the original records of some "historical problems."

He carefully opened the sandwich wall that held the central library, which was in the middle of summer, there were no windows in the attic, and the door had to be locked, and Chen Laisheng was bored and checked little by little in the archives that had piled up a whole wall.

Because there were too many materials, Chen Laisheng spent more than ten days to find out the dozens of archives needed by the central government, copy out the copies, and send them to Yan'an by the underground traffic officer.

These documents played a great role in the rectification of Yan'an. Through these documents, the party summed up historical experience, drew conclusions on several important issues in the history of the party, and through the Yan'an rectification, the whole party achieved unprecedented unity.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

On the eve of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wu Chengfang was arrested, and Chen Laisheng immediately transferred to the Central Library.

He borrowed fake police uniforms, let his brothers put them on, carried documents again and again, and moved the central library to safety under the eyes of the enemy.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Premier Zhou led a central delegation to Nanjing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek.

In those years, Premier Zhou had been worried about the central library that had been trapped in Shanghai for many years, and during the negotiations, he specially sent Liu Shaowen, a member of the delegation, to Shanghai personally.

As a negotiator for the Chinese Communist Party, Liu Shaowen could fly between Xi'an, Chongqing, and Nanjing on a Kuomintang plane.

Therefore, the party organization decided to take this opportunity to transfer the central library to Yan'an.

After receiving the order, Chen Laisheng once again opened the sandwich wall, and Liu Shaowen filled two aviation suitcases and took away more than 5,000 files.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Chen Laisheng

Soon, however, negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communists broke down, a large-scale civil war began, and the transfer plan of the central library could only be temporarily suspended.

Chen Laisheng resealed the remaining central library into the sandwich wall according to the original appearance.

This letter was sealed to the liberation of Shanghai.

In September 1949, Chen Laisheng personally escorted all the archives in the drizzle and sent them safely to the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. In the acceptance certificate issued to him by the organization, it is clearly written: ... It has not been damaged by mildew, insect moths, rat bites and so on.

Chen Laisheng took over the documents in the summer of 1942 and handed them over to the party organization in 1949, which lasted for seven years.

In the same month that Chen Laisheng handed over the documents, Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai, and Zhu De personally approved and issued a telegram, demanding that special rewards be given to those who had made meritorious contributions to the preservation of the documents.

In the telegram, originally a "comrade with meritorious service," Chairman Mao changed two words to "meritorious personnel."

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

Chairman Mao believes that the central library has been able to survive unharmed, not only to the credit of the comrades in the Party, but also to their families and friends.

Therefore, it is not only Chen Laisheng who should be commended, but also their family and friends...

Today, this batch of confidential archives containing the painstaking efforts of generations of custodians has been stored intact in the Central Archives, known as the treasures of the town hall.

How hard is it to guard the No. 1 secret of the Party Central Committee? After completing the task, the custodian died of exhaustion of oil and vomiting blood

History is the best textbook and the best sobering agent.

Only by summing up experience and understanding the law from history can we promote the development of the cause.

The Central Library is a non-renewable and valuable resource and a first-hand material for the study of Party history and military history.

In order to keep the central library, more than a dozen underground party members relayed to protect the inheritance, even at the cost of their lives, their discipline concept and iron bones are admirable!

Remember the martyrs and spur yourself on!


Ji Liqun. Guardian of the Central Library in the White Terror[J]. Publication Reference:New Reading, 2008(10):2.

Li Wenqian. Chen Sacrificed His Life to Defend the Central Library[J]. Party History and Literature Collection, 2002(7):3.

Xu Jing. Central Library: The Former "No. 1 Secret"[J]. Confidential Work, 2012, 000(001):58-62.

WANG Gang. Zhou Enlai and the Central Library[J]. Centennial Tide, 2016(12):1.

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