
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

author:Male gods and goddesses are deep gossip
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The time for soul torture has arrived.

When have you ever seen, not funny Shen Teng + Jia Ling?

Until then, I can't answer.

Is it the Annual Comedy Contest?

They just took the stage arm in arm, and the audience immediately laughed and leaned forward and backward.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Is it "Hello Lee Huan Ying"?

Shen Teng contributed laughter, and Jia Ling contributed tears.

Laughter and tears intertwined, achieving each other.

One, among the "two billion box office club".

The other topped the list of female directors at the Chinese box office.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Is it Ace vs. Ace?

Shen Teng used to dismantle the stage and create laughter.

Jia Ling laughed at herself and resolved her embarrassment.

They are all good at it, seeing themselves as targets and letting their bows and arrows poke upwards.

The audience is happy to watch, and it does not hurt to show the horse's feet.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Put together, it has a miracle effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

Look at them separately.

Contains a volume, laugh point generator.

Contains Ling, word of mouth vane.

But I didn't expect that Shen Teng + Jia Ling would also have a day of overturning.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

A variety show, ruined the two.

The popularity accumulated over the years disappeared in an instant.

The culprit is the seventh season of "Ace vs. Ace".



The program team is too greedy.

Don't believe it.

In the first period, the program lasted 91 minutes and accounted for 1/10 of the advertisements.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Source: Poison Tongue Editorial Department

The second issue was even more excessive, with as many as 15 oral broadcasts.

What concept?

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Equivalent to watching every 6 minutes of the show, you have to watch 1 advertisement.

And that's not even counting patch ads.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

In the past, watching shows, advertising cracks survived.

Watch the show now, the ads are pervasive.

Dog skin plaster everywhere, drilling straight into the eyeball.

I can't see the sincerity of doing the show, only see the blood basin that wants to circle the money.

Such an inversion of the cart before the horse, it is better to call "advertising to advertising" to get.

Even more embarrassing than that is the implantation method.

The first issue is the theme of the Song Dynasty.

The program team waved a big hand and specially invited a heavy guest- an associate professor of the Department of History of Fudan University.

The professor incarnated as a Koppda and taught the knowledge of the Song Dynasty on the spot.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Just as he was talking, Hua Chenyu suddenly said: "Song Dynasty people like to suck cats." ”

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The conversation took a turn.

Jia Ling continued: "Not only do song dynasty people like to keep cats, I also like it." ”

"What cat do you like?"

"Seven cats!" (Advertising app name)

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Is this implantation serious?

Come on, bring me its competitors!

The camera swept by, and the guests looked different.

Liu Tao smiled and shouldered.

"It's embarrassing, but you still have to smile."

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Li Xiaoran's eyes lifted.

"I'd like to see when I'll finish it."

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Yang Di stared straight at it.

A face of "the expression should be focused, please me next time".

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Look at the two people who advertised.

The lines are not wrong.

Polite, nothing left.

Come on! The professor of popular science is still hanging out by you two.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The second period is even more out of the big spectrum.

The whole show staged "Thief Shouts to Catch thief".

A good anti-fraud theme, crazy implanted online loan advertisements.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Isn't it.

Just picked up the shield and matched it with a spear.

After eating cephalosporin, serve with a bowl of wine.

A huge program group, no one even feels strange?

The game link, this contradiction, play to the extreme.

In the last second, with anti-fraud, he warned the audience to be wary of online loans.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The next second, Shen Teng was on the way to the sound, lit up the advertisement, posted the two-dimensional code.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Lifting a stone and dropping it on your own feet means that.

After watching the show, the anti-fraud police are not embarrassed, I don't know.

My toes digging three rooms and one hall are about to grind out of the cocoon.

On self-smashing signboards, aces this wave, in the atmosphere.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

If it weren't for Ace vs. Ace, it would be hard to see so many artists and get together to "roll their eyes".


There is no smoke, no anger, no argument.

The guests were at peace, looking up at one place— the teleprompter.


It's the ultimate magic weapon of the season.

Soul Scepter.

Everyone's eyes are inseparable from it.

Sha Yi, actor.

In the martial arts section, as a guest, he appears with specific lines.

"In the whole world, only the old man is the real strong, and I am the sand bully who has been dominating for a while."

In just 24 words, the eyes look up the whole time, and they don't read a word.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Actors don't have to memorize words now?

I am also your sand daddy, busy filming, and I can't take care of so many words.

But Shen Tao, as the host, what is going on?

Holding the teleprompter in his hand, his eyes aimed at the teleprompter.




It's all up to two additional skills.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

There is no business ability left, and even stumbling reading. After reading it, I wanted to grab the teleprompter and read it for him.

At this level of teleprompter, the whole army was destroyed.

Jia Ling, after taking over the advertising task, her eyes followed closely.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Liu Tao, from time to time, randomly aimed.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Brilliance, cue to see.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The whole audience of artists, as if they have been given instructions, once the eyes leave the teleprompter, will trigger the outlaw mechanism.

But this is not a squid game.

Paddling is so blatant that kayak after kayak passes through the screen.

Look at their identities again: full-time drama masters, comedians, and traffic singers.

Recite a word, nichijin doujin.

The whole crew paddled, and the audience suffered.

The ace defection was all to be expected.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

However, seven years and seven seasons, there is no reflection.

Still fooling the audience.

Gameplay session.

Jia Ling made a joke and ripped off the fig leaf of "Ace".

In this issue, Shen Teng received an arrangement: to play the bad guy in the dark.

In order to hide his identity, he used whitewashing to cover up.

Shen Teng said bluntly: "Do you think the director is a fool?" Let me and my brother shi, be the same role in three consecutive periods? ”

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The decent Jia Ling, not willing to show weakness.

Open the bar, open your mouth and come.

"Whether the director is a fool or not, we have yet to study."

"I ask you, how many seasons has this game of light microphones been?"

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The speaker may not have a heart, but the listener is really intentional.

Yeah, the game that appeared in the second season.

The seventh season is over, and it's still playing again.

Not just the microphone, you are better than I guessed, singing and laughing, snatching songs... Every season, it's repeated.

There is not a single innovation to speak of.

The game link that the show is proud of has the suspicion of plagiarism.

In 1995, there was a show in Hong Kong called "Super Invincible Award Gateman".

Look at the similarities between the two —


Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

You guessed better than I did.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Grab the song game.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

So similar, consistent.

There is no point of "blood relations", I do not believe.

The biggest failure of "Ace" is not here.

Instead, it borrows the game, hard concave people.

Knowledge quiz session, the solo show of Xueba Guan Xiaotong.

In one issue, Guan Xiaotong and Yang Di played Flying Flower Order.

In the shadow of the sword and light, the two of you and I are on par.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The amount of poetry is staggering, and the audience is constantly crying.

The next second, Yang Di began to release water and became Guan Xiaotong's defeated general.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

This level, getting the "Poetry Conference", is the standard for the champion and runner-up.

Taeya Taeya.

It's just that this depends on the teleprompter's eyes, whether it can converge on the point.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The director stated afterwards that there was no teleprompter and that the two guests were prepared in advance.

Is this considered evidence of a disguised selling of people?

The camera turns again, singing the link.

This time, it was the turn of the musicians to set up.

Hua Chenyu is a pop singer.

Mao Weitao, a master of Yue opera.

The two sang a song called "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold".

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Opera and popularity are not without success.

But this song "Fireworks Is Easy to Cold", the interlude twist is blunt, it has nothing to do with it, and each sings its own.

Hard to boast, exaggerated can not be exported.

This season, only the "lending relationship" was introduced:

Shen Tengjia Ling Yang Di, owes money to the program team.

Guan Xiaotong Hua Chenyu, the program team owes them money.

The former, to waste life.

The latter, raised to the sky.

It's not that I owe money, so much, why?

The Seven Deadly Sins of Variety Shows ——

Traffic comes first

Greed is unbridled

Respect is absent

Inspiration dried up

Clips are insane

Indulgence in slacking off


This season of "Aces vs. Aces", all in the middle.

Lying thick old ben, one bite after another.

Nibble away a layer of word of mouth, a layer of trust.

Only an empty shell remained, a dead bone.

And all this is inseparable from the behind-the-scenes trader - Wu Tong.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Wu Tong, who is it?

Zhejiang Satellite TV variety show leader.

"Ace to Ace", "I Am an Actor", "Youth Tour", the general director behind it, are all him.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

But on his part, he always carries the controversy of plagiarism.

"Spring Journey 2" benchmarks "New Journey to the West";

"Cute Detective" benchmarks "Star Detective";

The setting of various details in the show can find shadows in other variety shows.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

What others are red, he learns.

But in the end, it is Dong Shi Gong.

He was still very arrogant.

The program directed by Wu Tong has a common problem: editing chaos.

Recording inside and outside the studio is a disaster.

When the problem was pointed out, he responded: "I can't satisfy everyone." ”

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

The implication is that at this level, love to look at it or not.

The degree of arrogance is evident.

In the face of plagiarism, he also has his own set of sayings, "although the game is copied, it is carefully planned."

How ridiculous.

But this is not to blame Wu Tong.

Wu Tong's mind has long ceased to be on content.

Many programs have a life cycle: successfully out of the circle, gradually mature, and fall into a bottleneck.

Ace is no exception.

At the beginning of the broadcast, the heat climbed, and the ratings were red, which was the norm.

By eating old books, the show lasted three seasons in the same way.

When ratings landslide, Wu Tong used the "way of the big blood exchange" to save it.

He invited Jia Ling and Shen Teng, two national comedians.

Strong combination, output king fried. Bring "Ace to Ace" to life.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Clear-eyed people know that the ratings have warmed up and the reputation has risen, thanks to Jia Ling and Shen Teng.

Wu Tong mistakenly believed that his reforms had worked.

Began to increase marketing, focus on sensationalism, expand social circles.

It also regards the resources of artists as a basis for boasting.

"We should now have the largest number of artist resources in the Chinese TV team."

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Innovating content? inexistent. Even started self-marketing.

Show, a road to black.

Wu Tong, desperately on the hot search.

Shouting that he does not want to be red, he has been settled in the hot search for many years.

In the words of Kong Yiji, people in the entertainment circle, on the hot search, can they be called want to be red?

That's called home cooking.

Take Ma Jiaqi to steak today.

Tomorrow accompany Zhang Ziyi to write a kill.

The day after tomorrow, the sun took a group photo to show off the social circle.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Busy socializing in life.

Busy appearing on camera while recording.

Other directors are afraid that they will not be able to control the progress of the program and stay behind the scenes.

On the other hand, Wu Tong, obsessed with how to appear on camera, walked to the front of the stage.

His face was full of words "It's my turn to be red."

Rubbing left and right is not addictive, simply play directly to participate in the game.

If you want to be red, why should you be a director disgusting audience?

In summary.

The program does not do well.

Word of mouth can not be saved.

The seventh season of "Ace to Ace" has only 4.3 points.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

Seven years and seven seasons, rotten through the center of the earth.

Wronged? I don't think so.

It is not that there are no good variety shows in China.

Yan Min, the former general director of "Extreme Challenge", later the general director of "Rap New Generation" and "Drama New Life".

Take the least budget and do the most sincere program.

There is no overwhelming hot search, in exchange for a good reputation of more than 9 points.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned
Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

In the interview, Yan Min did not sell miserably and did not boast.

Just one thing to say: the money is spent on the show.

Wu Tong, you see.

No tearing, no plagiarism, no bad cuts, no resident hot search. Isn't it the same to make a good variety show?

With the dividend of traffic, riding on the east wind of the times, hitchhiking, a trick to eat all over the world. That's good.

However, until the dividend dissipates, the east wind is no longer there. All that remains is absurdity.

The decline of this season of "Ace to Ace" is the best proof.

The audience's eyes are sparkling.

You can be irresponsible, and of course I can change the station.

Jia Ling and Shen Teng, overturned

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