
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Zhang Lina

SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves

Growth doesn't happen overnight, every process is the best experience. The "SEL Social Emotions" curriculum allows children to become better versions of themselves.

"Life" themed classroom

During the brainstorming session in the classroom, the teacher invited the students to share their understanding of life. Some people say that "life is a beautiful process", some people say that "life is the foundation of all life", some people say "life is the hope of generation after generation"... The participants' understanding is diverse, and the open sharing allows everyone to think about their own answers while also thinking about other people's points of view.

Subsequently, through the three activities of "the growth process of a seed", "life note" and "origin of life", everyone further experienced and felt the characteristics of life, each child thought and actively shared, and everyone summarized the following characteristics of life -

Every life is lucky to come into the world;

Every life is hard-won;

Every life is unique;

Our lives are finite and cannot grow indefinitely;

Life is irreversible and cannot be repeated;

Life is short and fragile;


It is because of these characteristics that we unanimously conclude that we must cherish life.

In the process of sharing "The Origin of Life", the students relived their appearance and feelings in their mother's belly, further understood the magic of life growth and the greatness of their mother, and realized that life is very precious. The experience of "Notes of Life" made the trainees realize that life is limited and time is incomparably precious. Participants discussed the value and meaning of life in groups.

Born different, live differently, what kind of generation we have no way to choose, but what kind of life is what we can decide for ourselves, do not know when you become the light and hope in the lives of others, experience the good and can be for the people around you and the needs of the world, bring good to others will make our lives more colorful. Life cognition is a big topic in life, not through a lesson can be ended, today is just to open a door, life education is lifelong, let us slowly explore together.

SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves

"I can do it" theme class

By revisiting the class convention and division of labor, let the students make responsible choices and develop good habits in continuous persistence. Through "folding newspapers", guide students to brainstorm, work together as a team, and try to solve difficulties with team wisdom. The "I Can Do It" course shares the impact of both positive and negative psychological cues, guiding students to see the shining points in themselves and be sure to believe in themselves.

I brought the story of Nick Hu zhe. "SEAL Man" Nick Hu zhe, although he was not born perfect, but through his own efforts learned to write, play football, surf, swim... Through incredible courage, intelligent mind, firm faith in life, and a funny sense of humor, he will pass on the story of overcoming difficulties to everyone, and eventually become a motivational speaker. After meeting Nick Hu Zhe, the students felt very encouraged, and the things he can do believe that we can do through hard work!

All experiences are precious assets of life, and we want our lives to be full of confidence and full of hope for our dreams. Now it doesn't matter if there is something bad to do, we are not born perfect, we must continue to work hard to make ourselves better and happier, our own attitude towards life determines the course of our lives, life is more brilliant because of our own calmness and self-confidence, and life is wonderful because of ourselves!

The students shared their goals and aspirations. We invite students to write down their energy cards, describe the goals and wishes they feel can be achieved, store energy values for themselves, and cheer for themselves in the future!

SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves

"Regulating Emotions" theme classroom

During the warm-up activity, the teacher selected several pieces of music and let the students dance their limbs to the fullest. Fully engaged, just a few minutes of "release" allows students to get physical and mental release.

In the theme learning session, the trainees learned about the emotional brain and understood that emotions are not good or bad. After figuring out "why people lose their tempers", the trainees seemed to understand that it was not easy for parents. Subsequently, we further explored the effects of negative emotions, which may hurt objects, hurt themselves, hurt others... The spread of negative emotions can also cause a series of adverse effects, so we must learn to regulate our emotions well.

Emotional management itself is a lifelong course, and this theme course is just a stepping stone to let students know that when they are unhappy, they need to regulate rather than blindly suppress. Students learned to make "making mood selection wheels", showing in the form of paintings what they thought was the most effective way to relieve their emotions. I look forward to this "emotional selection wheel" that can be used in the lives of students, and also look forward to each family to explore and make an "emotional selection wheel" suitable for their own family, and be the master of emotions together.

SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves

SEL Social-Emotional Project

SEL social-emotional learning is defined as a process through which people acquire and effectively apply knowledge, attitudes, and skills to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and demonstrate empathy for others, build and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

The project is designed according to the core elements of the CASEL Association for Social-Emotional Learning in the United States, and includes five interrelated core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness. The project design experiential learning, through role play, game interaction, brainstorming, on-site drills and other rich and diverse teaching forms, so that children learn empathy in the experience, improve social communication skills, and become qualified citizens with inherent strength and social feelings.

SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves
SEL Social Emotions of the "School Children's Palace": Let children become better selves

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