
Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

author:Ling Mikawa, the mother of children's books

Children's Book Mom Fun Home.

This is the account of the children's book mother Mikawa Ling, the Lively Home, where a group of fun families who do not brush the topic and do not report to class on the weekend before the double reduction, go out to the mountains and rivers to see insects, listen to the wind, camp, read poems, read books, visit museums and watch art exhibitions.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Recently, due to the recurrence of the epidemic, many cities have begun to seal the control, parents in addition to worrying about what to eat three times a day, but also consider how to reasonably arrange the time of energetic babies.

In addition to having an iPad as a babysitter, are there any game options that are both fun and spark your baby's creativity? Is there any play that adults and children love to play, can also be entertaining and educational, and fully mobilize children's enthusiasm?

After reading today's article, I may be able to add a little idea to you. Especially the small long holiday is coming, if you can't go out to play, then we give you some good ideas to play at home, if you are lucky enough to go out to play, then don't forget to pick some stones to go home, after reading the article, you will know what is the use!

Children's Book Mom writes in front:

Speaking of, playing with can be very simple, as long as the parents are focused and fully engaged with the baby, the bond of parent-child emotion is connected, no matter what to play with the child, the child will be very happy, and the parent-child emotion will also heat up.

However, playing with it is not simple, playing is advanced, you can play, stimulate children's expression ability, hands-on ability, imagination, and creativity.

Oscar, a popular philosophy instructor in the philosophy class of children's book mothers, once said: To maintain a good relationship with children and make children willing to communicate with us, there is a very simple way, that is, to play with children and do creative things with children. Creative things are fun, and it's every child's nature to like fun, creative things.

Today we will invite a small teacher, a 9-year-old little girl sprout. She is very good at playing, whether it is with her parents or alone, she can always burst out of new inspiration and change the pattern to play. In the words of Bud Bud's parents, Bud Bud has never reported for an interest class, but in the process of playing, it has improved its expression ability, hands-on ability, drawing ability, creativity...

Let's take a look at what Bud is playing at home.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

No.1 Stone collage

Nature's cold hard stones can be transformed into paintings with temperature with a little magic

If there is a cabinet of stones in Bud's home, would you think it is an exaggeration? The truth is that the Bud Family really had a cabinet of stones, and the stones were sorted into an antique cabinet shipped back from Kyoto.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

The cabinet that has been painstakingly recovered is still cherished by the Bud Family

It was this old cabinet from the early Showa period, which was nearly a hundred years old, that was painstakingly transported back to China, and now it has become a preservation cabinet for the "treasures" of the Bud family, and the cabinet is a small stone, a small shell, and a small glass piece that the family has picked up from the north of the South China Sea. These have also become the best creative materials for Bud when playing with stone painting.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Stones are very common, we can find them casually outdoors, but the stones in the community are a little more ordinary, less varied, and the stones in the park and on the mountains will be more abundant.

Someone asked, "Why do your stones look so good?" "The main reason is that the bud family has accumulated earlier and more." The first collection of stones was when Bud was 3 years old, the chance of travel, Bud picked up two beautiful stones, as a gift to the mother, the mother felt that such an ordinary stone can also be so cute, and Bud Bud Dad Sichuan old home in front of the small river, there is a large piece of gravel, as long as back to the hometown of the day, the small river beach has become bud bud "Taobao paradise", plus travel to other places to bring home the stone, slowly the family collected a lot of stones.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Buds of childhood in the river beach "Taobao"

With the material, you can create, find a space for the creation of an open point, the background is recommended to use black, so that the stone painting is more easily highlighted.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...
Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Over the years the Bud family created stone paintings

It can also be created into a series, from acquaintance to love of the caterpillar family, the cold stone becomes a warm picture.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Caterpillar pregnant mother is not very expressive

The Bud family also created twenty-four solar terms out of stone:

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

The Bud Family's Reminder:

Many people think they can't pick up such a beautiful stone in our house. The trick is not to abandon any stone. There are no ugly stones, each stone is unique and can look good when placed in the right place. So as long as you pick up the stones back home, try more, create more, and constantly burst out of new inspiration! And the entry is zero-based, children of all ages can participate together, anyone can try!

No.2 Clay handicraft

One by one, clay dolls came out of the picture books, and the picture books "came alive"

Families with children are certainly no strangers to light clay. Buds like to do handicrafts, and light clay is of course an essential handmade material. It's just that the buds use light clay not just to do simple handicrafts, but to make them into a series of dramas.

Take this picture book, this is a picture book that Bud likes very much, called "Hamster Diary", even if it moves in the middle, Bud Bud has not given it away, and has always treasured it. Buds don't know how many times they have looked at it, or they will like it very much.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Bud's mother had a clever move: Why not make the animals in the picture book into toys? So you can tell your own story! Bud bud to be the general conductor, found a light clay, responsible for the color selection and collocation of each role, bud mother to create, bud bud also need to accept the inspection, unqualified and then give the shape.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Look, here's the makeup photo of the characters:

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Another big group photo!

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...
Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

The role is completed, the rest of how to play is the work of the bud, the bud is already familiar with the story in the picture book, the bud can be interpreted according to the story of the picture book, and even change the scene, according to its own plot design to interpret, you can have endless changes.

If you say that the picture book drama is created by the mother's hand, then the next stage play is the bud as the main creator. Bud is a stylist and costume prop designer, who first carefully draws makeup photos for each character against the dolls, and then designs the costume shape of each character with light clay.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

The creative work is in an intense and orderly manner...

See if each person's look is creative enough? Bud has designed ghost suits, dinosaur suits, witch costumes...

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Finally, you're done and you're ready to start the stage play! The protagonist appears!

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

The Bud Family's Reminder:

Ultra-light clay, everyone is very familiar, but with a little thought, you can change a completely different way of playing, let the children participate in their own creation, enhance their hands-on ability at the same time, but also stimulate imagination, creativity. Think about it, your family may have a fresher way to play!

No.3 Dolls + camera

Make the first "micro-movie" of your child's life

Plush toys, presumably every child has a lot. Bud also has a lot of plush toys, she usually uses these plush toys to play sitcoms, and even when the whole family watches movies together, she will also put the most beloved plush toys next to herself and watch movies with herself. Every beloved toy of the child is also a living individual in the child's heart.

When the plush toy and the camera meet, what kind of magic does the bud conjure up?

Bud budded a micro-film by setting the plot for the doll and then taking pictures.

First of all, the buds should design the characters and structure of the story, and then according to the designed plot, pose for the dolls, pose a series of photos, and import them into the computer, which can become a "micro-movie".

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...
Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

This process is tedious because each episode has to change and position the dolls before taking pictures. Each episode may require several shots, and the buds need to be adjusted back and forth.

Of course, this micro-film can not be played automatically, and while it needs to be played manually, buds will narrate.

Probably buds like to talk to themselves and nag since they were young, so buds have good language expression ability.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

This is a diary that the 9-year-old bud herself is very satisfied with

The Bud Family's Reminder:

There are too many dolls, don't just let them fall dusty in your home, quickly take out your children's dolls and let them think about what more creative ways to play. It is also possible to design a plot like Bud to make a "micro-movie", or directly use a doll to perform a stage play. No matter how they play, children can experience the joy of creating a plot, and at the same time, when they tell you the plot, their language expression ability is also exercised. Many parents will ask us how to exercise our bud's expression ability, in fact, it is trained in her day-to-day "talking"!

No.4 Costume design

The practical practice of real knives and real guns has made future designers

Bud also has a game at home to pass the time, that is, to design clothes for dolls. When bud is small, bud bud's parents have already treated her like an adult, bud curious things, mom and dad will patiently tell her, when there is something, discuss with her. What Bud wants to try, Mom and Dad will also provide her with the opportunity to try it as much as possible while ensuring safety. For example, when the mother sewed the quilt, the bud said that she also wanted to try, the bud mother did not let the bud try because of the dangers of needles and scissors, but prepared the right tool for the bud, explained the safety rules, and let her try.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Gradually, the safety awareness of buds is getting stronger and stronger, and the craftsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated, and now the design of clothing for dolls has become familiar, from design, to cutting, to ironing. Every time she tossed around the room for half a day, she could come up with a surprise for mom and dad. And Bud not only designs clothes for dolls, friends come to play at home, she will also design clothes for friends, Bud's recent ideal is to become a costume designer.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

The "designer" who is immersed in the creation

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Bud design works

The Bud Family's Reminder:

Many parents use danger as an excuse to stifle their children's desire to explore. Of course, the safety factor must not be ignored, and our family's practice may not be applicable to every family. However, it is still recommended that in the case of understanding the characteristics of their children, give the children as many restrictions as possible, let go and support more, and the children may create surprises.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

As long as there is a heart, home is the best "playground" for children

Write at the end

The same is the accompaniment play, some parents are perfunctory, some parents enjoy it, but also play tricks. It seems that playing with children is also an art worth exploring.

How to make children play more creative, from the story of buds, we also summarized a few lessons:

  • Nature is the best source of creation, a stone, a leaf, a branch in nature can stimulate children's creative inspiration, take children to dig into the creation of materials in nature, contact nature at the same time, enhance creativity.
  • Each kind of game play can constantly derive new ways of playing, let the child be the main body of game creation, stimulate the child's creativity, do not judge and suppress the child's ideas at will, and protect their creative instincts.
  • The identity of parents is also very important, not only the best helper, the most competent audience, the most enthusiastic connoisseur, but also a childlike playmate, and the child is integrated together, in order to make the child have a greater sense of achievement.
  • Most importantly, always believe in your child's creativity.

Oh, there's a little episode here, because I want Bud to introduce us to the game she plays, and when communicating with Bud Daddy, Bud Bud Dad said," I was anxious to ask Bud Bud's opinion first, and in the process of waiting for a reply in my heart, I thought that Bud Bud really lived in a respectful and loving family. Of course, in the end Bud agreed, and here, thank you Bud.

The reason why Bud has fun, has a good time and has a creative time is also due to the relaxed, free, respectful and loving family environment provided by Bud Bud's parents.

Do we also introspect ourselves, and do we provide children with enough relaxed and free environment to stimulate creativity in play?

After watching some of the gameplay created by Sprout, did it inspire you?

In your house, do you have any good ideas to play with?

Or the confusion of playing with? Welcome to leave a message to share with us.

Can't go out? A 9-year-old girl playing at home, a way to stimulate children's creativity...

Interviewee: Millet, bud's mother, advocate of the aesthetics of family life.

Li Hua / Editor

Two dogs / duty editors