
Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Wen 丨 Zhou Gonghua

Wei Huailiang, who was born in Hebei Province, not only has the pride and chivalry of the north, but also has the spirit and gentleness of the south, perhaps because of the "entering The Xiang" and following the customs. The land of his hometown nourished his youthful disposition, the military life in his youth forged his tenacious will, and taking root in the land of Huxiang gave birth to his humanistic feelings. His special talent and personality and life experience have made Wei Huailiang's artistic career rich and thin, making him a unique and unique contemporary painter.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Huxiang Gate Yuelu Academy 172cmx92cm

Wei Huailiang belongs to the kind of thought-led painter, from his "Scenery on the Road", "Urban State", "Urban Space", "Looking for Habitat", "Huxiang Gate" series of works can clearly see his care for reality and the expression of inner feelings, with obvious self-reflection of the thought.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Huxiang Gate Huang Xing Former Residence 172cmx92cm

"Scenery on the Road" is one of his most representative series of works. In a sense, these series of works became a symbolic symbol of Wei Huailiang's contemporary Chinese painting art as soon as they were published, becoming a heavy note of the times. He appropriates and splices the space of classical Chinese traditional landscape painting and modern public transportation road scene space across time and space on the screen, which not only gives people a sense of visual reality, but also makes people feel as if they are in a strange time and space context, which seems absurd but also seems particularly intimate, this inexplicable artistic experience makes the viewer have a lingering and unforgettable aesthetic feeling.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Urban Space No. 9 70cm×70cm Ink on Paper, 2010

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

One of the urban states 180cm-96cm color on paper

The seamless connection between tradition and modernity, the aesthetic fusion of cultural modernity and cultural subjectivity, and the spiritual cruise of pluralistic juxtaposition and time and space dislocation have become the most complex spiritual landscapes in this era. Therefore, "Scenery on the Road" is not only a kind of postmodern picture, but also an artistic expression of the most authentic humanistic reality of contemporary Chinese society.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Gangnam Good 69cm×69cm Ink on Paper 2021

From "Urban State" to "Urban Space", Wei Huailiang's two series of works are to express this kind of worry and anxiety about the spatial environment in which human and even animal life exist. "Urban State" does not depict the external appearance of the city, but in a metaphorical way to select several symbolic symbols for creative expression, around the brick wall formed by the dark red tone, the leakage of strange stones has become the protagonist of the picture, the fire pipe hints at the depletion of water resources, the branches are also dried up, the natural mountains and rivers become a curly picture, the change of light and shadow only adds a little bit of mystery and horror, and the thousand paper cranes have become the symbol of the life shell that witnesses the "sea wither" and "stone rot".

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Autumn Rhyme No.2 48cmx45m

In the series of works "Urban Space", a lonely bird is almost a lonely hero, in a seemingly open but extremely depressed space, losing the joy and tranquility of freedom, but more full of panic, doubt, anxiety, depression and even a little helplessness and contemplation. This group of works not only has the position of animal protection, but also expresses the same situation of human beings themselves by observing the current urban society through the living space and living conditions of birds, this artistic attitude is somewhat similar to the Bada Shanren", and the spirit of traditional Chinese literati painting is revived again in Wei Huailiang, but it is presented in another new way.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Habitat Search Ii 123cmx120cm 2011 Color on paper

The "Finding Habitat" series runs through the eternal topic of "man and nature". From the development of agricultural civilization and industrial civilization to modern civilization, especially the intensification of the process of urbanization, the contradiction between man and nature has become more and more prominent and more acute. Bears looking for habitat in the cracks of tall buildings, ring-tailed lemurs climbing up sewer pipes, lynx searching back and forth on fences for targets, giraffes searching for living space in windows, koalas climbing scaffolding construction sites, ostriches poking their heads out of sewer wells to find a way out, chameleons climbing up signs to find a way out... Wei Huailiang said that when he created this group of works, his mood was very depressed, and his brushstrokes were particularly solemn. He believes that green, environmental protection, low carbon, biodiversity and sustainable development are not just slogans, but closely related to the common well-being of all mankind.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Habitat Search No. 3 123cm-120cm 2010 Color on paper

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Habitat Search No. 9 123cm-120cm 2011 Color on paper

The rupture between tradition and modernity, the opposition between rationalized urban space and the ontology of life, the contradiction between the humanistic landscape and the natural ecology, etc., these problems that should belong to the thinking category of humanistic scholars are like a thousand heavy burdens, deeply buried in wei Huailiang's heart, and have become the fundamental propositions of his artistic performance. Wei Huailiang once said, "To be a bird with only thoughts", perhaps not only because this "bird that can think" has a vast sky that soars freely, but more importantly, it can achieve creative transcendence in the process of understanding ancient and modern times and penetrating China and the West.

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Purple Qi East Come Four 48cmx45cm

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Purple Qi Dong lai eight 48cmx45cm

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Purple Qi Dong lai eight 68cmx68cm

It is precisely because of this that Wei Huailiang's Chinese painting art has a strong imprint of the spirit of the times, making him an enlightened person and a bearer of the times.

【Introduction to Wei Huailiang's Art】

Art Review 丨Zhou Gonghua: Spiritual Wind and Bone and Pen and Ink Spirit Rhyme - Wei Huailiang's Chinese Painting Art

Wei Huailiang, director of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Hunan Artists Association, chairman of Hunan Flower and Bird Painters Association, first director of Hunan Art Museum, national first-class artist.

His works have participated in many large-scale art exhibitions sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the China Artists Association, and the National Academy of Painting of China and won awards. Among them, "Leapfrog" won the Excellent Work Award of the 10th National Art Exhibition, "Dialogue" won the Excellent Work Award of the 2005 National Chinese Painting Exhibition, and in August 2012, it won the First Hunan Provincial Literature and Art Award. The "Finding Habitat" series was named "2012 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting of the Year" by China Painting and Calligraphy. In February 2013, "Scenery on the Road · Wei Huailiang Chinese Painting Art Exhibition" was held in May 2016. Wei Huailiang Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition", some of his works are collected by art institutions and individuals at home and abroad.

He has published "Wei Huailiang Chenghuai Enlightenment", "Wei Huailiang Painting Collection", "Wei Huailiang Painting Collection, Flower and Bird Scrolls", "Scenery on the Road: Wei Huailiang Chinese Painting Art Exhibition Special Edition" and other painting collections. "Fine Arts", "Art Observation", "Painting Circle", "China Art News", "China Art Collection" and other professional publications and media special introductions such as CCTV, Hunan Satellite TV, Shandong Satellite TV, Artron Art Network and so on.

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