
Will the Lakers coach be out of class? Thick eyebrows have a hint, and Vogel talks about James's injury being robbed

On April 11, Beijing time, the NBA ushered in the last game day of the regular season, and all 30 teams, including the Lakers, ushered in the final battle of the regular season on this game day. Lakers star James did not go with the team to the Denver Nuggets due to a previous ankle injury.

According to the lakers' official news, team doctor Chris Jones received James's application for appointment treatment, and the Lakers have approved James's sick leave.

Will the Lakers coach be out of class? Thick eyebrows have a hint, and Vogel talks about James's injury being robbed

Also missing the game is another core of the Lakers, Anthony Davis. However, compared to James, Davis' injury is more optimistic. Speaking to the media, he said, "I feel like my sprained foot has recovered and I don't need any further treatment, but I may have to have another MRI in the coming weeks to finally confirm my recovery." ”

Indeed, Davis' repeated injuries this season have affected the Lakers' season goals. Since the playoffs are hopeless, he really needs to put his health first and sail the Ship of Ten Thousand Years carefully.

Will the Lakers coach be out of class? Thick eyebrows have a hint, and Vogel talks about James's injury being robbed

However, being eliminated from the playoffs early, Davis must have a lot of reluctance and unwillingness in his heart. He believes that injuries account for a large factor. As the lakers' head coach, Vogel is also very aggrieved, because he did not get enough opportunities to coach a complete and healthy Lakers.

Davis said that of all the coaches he has ever had, Vogel has been one of his favorites. Because he knows what he's doing and will fight for his players. Vogel didn't get enough of a chance to coach a whole and healthy team.

Will the Lakers coach be out of class? Thick eyebrows have a hint, and Vogel talks about James's injury being robbed

Although, Davis's words seem like a good reason for the team's loss. However, this sentence seems to be like summarizing Vogel's Lakers coaching career, making people unconsciously think, will this be a precursor to Vogel's departure?

Coincidentally, in yesterday's post-training interview, Vogel also expressed his honor to coach James: "In my opinion, he is the greatest player in history, and it is a great honor and pride for me to have the honor of being a part of his career." Obviously, everyone wants to see him win one or more championship trophies at the end of these seasons, after all, that's the most important thing. ”

Will the Lakers coach be out of class? Thick eyebrows have a hint, and Vogel talks about James's injury being robbed

Another interesting detail is that before the final game between the Lakers and the Nuggets began, a reporter asked about James' recovery. Vogel replied that James had undergone an ankle MRI in Los Angeles and did not come with the team to the away.

But when the reporter asked again what the result of James's inspection was, another spokesman for the Lakers rushed to give an answer: There is no result yet.

While it is not yet known why the spokesman did this, there is no doubt that the countdown to Vogel's departure may have begun!

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