
Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

author:Tianmu Town

Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting
Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

Recently, Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting. Liu Yongju, secretary of the town party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech, which was presided over by Wang Weizhu, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor of the town, and attended by more than 50 people from other members of the town's party and government leading group, town organs, and secretaries of party organizations in various villages and communities.

Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting
Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting
Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

At the meeting, Ji Lichun, deputy secretary of the town party committee, summed up the development of party history study and education in Tianmu Town, and gave a briefing on the special democratic life meeting of the town leading body on party history study and education. Liu Yongju, secretary of the town party committee, made arrangements for the theme of "welcoming the grand meeting, casting loyalty, strong responsibility, and creating performance" to study, publicize and educate the practice activities, and the key tasks of comprehensively and strictly administering the party in 2022.

Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

The meeting pointed out that since the launch of the party history study and education, Tianmu Town has focused on doing a good job in the two contingents of the "Youth Propaganda Group" and the "Literary and Art Light Cavalry," innovated and carried out a series of themed activities such as "six stresses and six advances" and "ten ones," seriously and conscientiously held special democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings, and done in-depth and down-to-earth practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses," thus promoting the study and education of party history and achieving solid results. It is necessary to conscientiously sum up experience, promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education, and continuously consolidate the achievements of party history study and education.

Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

The meeting stressed that in carrying out the practice of studying, publicizing, and conducting education on the theme of "welcoming grand meetings, forging loyalty, strengthening responsibility, and creating achievements," it is necessary to take greeting the party's twentieth national congress as the main line, integrate the study and education of party history into all work, meticulously carry out the activities of "three stresses and three studies" and "three propaganda and six advances," and educate and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to resolutely defend the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards." It is necessary to make full use of the resources of education and teaching, the resources of the red front, and the resources of practice and training, and educate and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to unswervingly listen to the party's words and follow the party. It is necessary to continue to deepen the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", improve the working mechanisms such as "four walks", popularize the advanced experience of "five permanents and five gifts", and unremittingly do practical things for the masses, come up with new tricks, and solve difficult problems. It is necessary to fully carry forward the great historical initiative spirit, focus on the new goal of building the "five towns" development of the new era of Tianmu, take advantage of the momentum, work hard, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of the whole town.

Meeting requests

Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

01 It is necessary to tighten the compaction of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, improve the implementation of the main responsibility work system at the town and village levels, and promote the continuous development of the management of the party and the party.

02 It is necessary to persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work, strengthen the management of the ideological front, consolidate and strengthen mainstream ideology and public opinion, improve the emergency work mechanism for major public opinion, and continuously improve the scientific and standardized level of ideological work.

03 It is necessary to thoroughly implement the requirements of "party building + standardization", "party building + projectization" and "political three-day" demonstration and display activities, innovate and carry out the activities of "carrying the red flag, setting an example, and striving for pioneers" of organ branches and the "five-star competition" of village party and group service centers, implement the "spotlight" project of community party building, create a "buzzing network" of first "bee" riders, and promote the comprehensive progress of grass-roots party organizations.

04 Efforts should be made to forge a "youth commando team" in urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks such as epidemic prevention and control, urban construction, petitioning and stability maintenance, and creating cultural and creative health, and make every effort to build a cadre team that is "old" and stronger, "middle" mainstay, and "blue" out of blue.

05 It is necessary to continue to maintain a positive and high-pressure situation of eliminating discipline, fighting corruption and punishing evil, increase the intensity of special governance in key areas, create a clear, clear and fresh political ecology, and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 12th Party Congress of the city with excellent results.

Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting
Tianmu Town held the 2022 comprehensive and strict management of the party and "welcome the grand meeting, cast loyalty, strong responsibility, create performance" theme of learning, publicity and education practice activities work deployment meeting

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